GCSE Geography

  1. city challenge was a big initative of the 
  2. city challenge had a new approach to 
    inner city regeneration 
  3. city challenge city involved
    city councils , private companies and the locak community working together , right from the very start 
  4. in Manchester , the Hulme City Challenge Partnership of 
    1992-1997 aimed to improve hulme 
  5. why was the local community involved right from the start of the City Challenge Scheme
    because high-rise crescent buildings of flats built in the 1960's as replacement for old terraced flats won awards at the time bu they were unpopular with the local community that actually had to live there , the regeneration was a failiure . In the 1990's city challenge these flats had to be demolished 
  6. where is Hulme
    it is in the inner city of Manchester in North West of England 
  7. why was change needed in Hulme
    • so the area would be upgraded for the 2002 commonwealth games 
    • because there was evidence that the local authority had used the area to dump some of its more unfortunate residents 
    • the area had a low level of families with children , and adisproportionate number of single person households
  8. many changes were made to Hulme for example .... new homes for rent were built
  9. many changes were made to Hulme for example a new ..... ...... was constructed 
    community centre
  10. many changes were made to Hulme for example the main shopping area 
    has been totally refurbished including the addition of an ASDA supermarket 
  11. many changes were made to Hulme for example plans were drawn up to build ..... new homes with new .... ...... , ..... and ......
    • 3000
    • shopping areas
    • roads 
    • community facilities
  12. describe the layout of the new homes replacing the crescents that were built in the 1960's and demolished as part of this Hulme city challenge
    there was a return to the origional layout - Stretford road (at the end of which is Hulme arch) was rebuilt after demolition  of crescents (origional course was through the middle of these) . Some old buildings were retained . The traditional development design included : streets , sqaures , two storey houses and low rise flats
  13. many changes were made to Hulme for example the new homes were now designed to
    conserve water , snd be energy efficient and pleasant
  14. many changes were made to Hulme for example Moss Side sports centre has been 
    upgraded , the centre now has a gym and other sporting facilities 
  15. many changes were made to Hulme for example more than ..... homes have been improved and refurbished 
  16. many changes were made to Hulme for example ...... ..... and a new .... have been built
    • local schools
    • park
  17. many changes were made to Hulme for example an old chruch was 
    redevloped to provide facilities for dance and music (zion Arts centre)
  18. many changes were made to Hulme for example Brierly fields , a green area , has been partly 
    developed for a series of office blocks , and partly retianed as urban parkland 
  19. many changes were made to Hulme for example Hulme Park now has 
    well-equipped play and sports areas as well as open space to give relief from the high urban densities 
  20. many changes were made to Hulme for example Hulme now provides varied
    accomodation for large and small families , single parents and first time buyers 
  21. many changes were made to Hulme for example Hulme now was friendly , welcoming
    architecture with different dwelling types , structures , colours of brick and building materials 
  22. despite the Hulme City challenge Hulme remains a
    relatively poor area
  23. despite the Hulme City challenge there are larger than expected numbers of 
    transient households living in Hulme temorarily
  24. unemployment has fallen in Hulme but remains 
    "sticky" compared to the city as a whole were unemployment has fallen faster 
  25. despite the Hulme City challenge local deprivation is still high in national terms . It is particuarly marked high relative to other areas of Manchester in the :
    inter-related areas of employment ; education and child poverty . The concerns of residents with the needed to improve education and reduce crime if they are to remain committed to stay in the area are backed up by statistical evidence which shows that Hulme compares badly with more successful areas of the city on these issues 
  26. Hulme City Challenge has been a success the statistical level of deprivation
    in Hulme has imoproved relative to other areas of Manchester 
  27. Hulme City Challenge has been a success new improved housing in the area , whether rented from social landlords , owner-occupied , or privately rented , has proven
    very popular and is in great demand
  28. Hulme City Challenge has been a success new housing association homes remain
    as affordble as council housing and the price of private homes has risen far faster than in the city as a whole . Hulme has therefor become a much more attractive area to live
  29. Hulme City Challenge has been a success , Hulme's estimated population has grown by 
    3.3% since 1992 , compared to a 0.2% increase in the city
  30. Hulme City Challenge has been a success the office development at Brierly fields has 
    attracted big companies such as Michelin , Laing O'Rouke and the University of Manchester data centre
  31. The hulme city challenge has been a sucess in many ways. These successes include :
    the devlopment of new , popular workspaces ; some major job-creating commercial projects ; the "placement" of substantial numbers of local people into jobs in Hulme and the attractiveness of the area of to high technology industries that value a location near Manchester's higher education and medical complexes 
  32. Hulme City Challenge has been a success crime in the area 
    has greatly reduced and there is more of a social mixof people living in the area
  33. Hulme City Challenge has been a success students of the University of Manchester also
    live in many of the student focused residential developments in the area
  34. Hulme City Challenge has been a success the appearance of Hulme has
    altered radiacally
  35. Why has the Hulme city challenge been successful
    it had a holistic approach to regeneration where local authorities and the local community worked together from the start meaning the Hulme city challenge was successful 
  36. through city challenge Hulme recieved £...... . This funding has supported projects focusing upon
    • 37.5m
    • local economic development , physical and enviornmental improvements , enhancements in the local quality of life and community capacity building
  37. through city challenge Hulme recieved £37.5m .This funding has supported projects focusing upon local economic development , physical and enviornmental improvements , enhancements in the local quality of life and community capacity building . These in turn have generated substaintial outputs in terms of 
    new jobs , access to training , business development , community safety , land development , infrastructure improvements , community development and new commercial and social facilities 
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GCSE Geography