management 2

  1. strategies
    what managers do to develop an organization's startegies
  2. strategies
    plans for how an organization will do what it's in business to do, ho it will compete successfully, and how it will attract an satisfy its costumers in order to achieve its goals
  3. business model
    a design for how a company os going to make money
  4. strategic management process
    a 6 step process that encompasses startegic planning, implementation, and evaluation
  5. strategic management steps 1-6
    • 1. identify current mission, goals, and strategies
    • 2. do external analysis
    • 3. do internal analysis
    • 4.formulate strategies
    • 5. implement strategies
    • 6. evaluate resuls
  6. mission
    a statement of the purpose of the organization
  7. oppportunities
    positive trends in external enviornmental factors
  8. threats
    negative trends in external enviornmental factors
  9. resources
    an organizations assets that are used to develop, manufacture, and deliver products to its costumers
  10. capabilities
    an organizations skills and abilties in doing the work activities needed in its business
  11. core competencies
    the organizations major value creating capabilities that determine its competitive weapons
  12. strengths
    any activities an organization does well or any unique resources that it has
  13. weaknesses
    any activities an organization does not do well or resources it needs but it does not posses
  14. SWOT analysis
    An analysis of an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
  15. corporate strategy
    an organizational strategy that specifies what businesses a company is in and what it whant to do with thosebusinesses
  16. growth startegy
    a corporate strategy that is used when an organization whants to expand the numbers of markets served or products offered, either throug it current business or though new business
  17. stability strategy
    a corporate strategy in which an organization continues to do what it is currently doing
  18. renewal strategy
    a corporate strategy designed to address declining perfomance
  19. BCG matrix (boston consulting group)
    a strategy tool that guides resource allocation decisions on the basis of market share and growth rate of SBU's
  20. competitive strategy
    an organizational strategy for how an organization will compete in its business
  21. strategic business units SBUs
    the single businesses of an organization that are independent and formulate their own competitive strategy
  22. competitive advantage
    the factor that sets an organization apart; its distinctive edge
  23. functional strategies
    the strategies used by an organiations various functional departments to support organizations competitive strategy
  24. strategic flexibility
    the ability to recognize major external changes, to quickly commit resources, and to recognize when a stratwgic desicion was a mistake
  25. first mover
    an organization that is first to bring a product innovation to market or to use a new process innovation
  26. group
    two or more interactive or independan individuals who come together to achieve specific goals
  27. forming stage
    the 1st stage of group develop ment, in which people join the group and then define the groups purpose, structure, and leadership
  28. storming stage
    the 2nd stage of group development, which is characterized by intragroup conflic
  29. norming stage
    3rd stage of group development, which is characterized as close relationships and cohesiveness
  30. perfoming stage
    4th stage of group development, when the group is functional and works on the groups task
  31. adjouring stage
    5th/ final stage of group development for temporary groups, during which group members are concerned with wrapping up activities rather that task perfomance
  32. role
    behavioral patterns expected of someone occupying a give position in a social unit
  33. norms
    Standards or expectations that are accepted and shared by a group's members
  34. groupthink
    a phenomenon in which a group exerts extensive preassure on an individual to align his opinion with others opinions
  35. status
    a prestige grading position, or rank with in a group
  36. social loafing
    the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually
  37. group coheseveness
    the degree to which group memebers are attracted to one an other and share the group's goals
  38. conflic
    percived incompatible, differences that result in interference or opposition
  39. traditional view of conflict
    the view that all conflict is bad and must be avoided
  40. human relations view of conflict
    the view that conflict is natural and inevitable outcome in any group
  41. interactions viw of conflic
    the view that some conflict is necessary for a group to perform effectively
  42. functional conflicts
    conflicts that support a group's goals and improve its performance
  43. dysfunctional conflicts
    conflicts that prevent a group from acheiving its goals
  44. task conflic
    conflic over content and goals of work
  45. relationship conflict
    conflic based on interpersonal relationships
  46. process conflic
    conflic over how work gets done
  47. work teams
    groups whose memenbers work intensly on a specific common goal, using their positive synergy, individual and mutual compatability, and complementary skills
  48. problem solving team
    a team from the same depeartment or functional area that's involved in efforts to improve work activities or to solve specific problems
  49. self managed work teams
    a type of work team that operates with out a manager and is reposible for a comple work process or segment
  50. cross functional team
    a work team composed of individuals from various specialities
  51. virtual team
    a type of work team that uses technoligy to link physically dispersed memebers in order to achieve a goal
  52. social network structure
    the paterns of informal connections among individuals within a group
  53. leader
    a person who can influence others and who has managerial authority
  54. leadership
    a process of influencing a group to achieve goals
  55. behavioral theory
    leadership theory that idnetifies behaviors that differentiate effective leaders from ineffective leaders
  56. autocratic style
    a leader who dictates work methods, makes unilateral desicions, and limits employee participation
  57. demecratic style
    a leader who involves emplyees in decision making, delegates authority, and uses feedback as an opportunity for coaching employees
  58. laissez-faire style
    a leader who lets the group make decisions and complete the work in whatever way it sees it fit
  59. initiating structure
    the extenct to which a leader defines his role and the roles of the group memebers in attaining goals
  60. consideration
    the extent to which a leader has work realitonships characterized by mutual trust and respect for group memeber's ideas and feelings
  61. high-high leader
    a leadier high in both initiating structure and consideration behaviors
  62. managerial grid
    a teo demensional grid for appaising leadership styles
  63. Fiedler contingency model
    a leadership theory whic proposed the effective group performance dependant on the proper match between a leader's styler and the degree to which the situation allowed the leader to control the influence
  64. least prefered coworker questionnaire
    a questionnaire that measured wheather a leader was task or relationship oriented
  65. leader memeber relations
    on of Fiedlers situational contingencies that described the degree of confidence, trut, and respect employees had for their leader
  66. task structure
    one of Fiedler's situational contingencies that described the degree to which job assignment were formalized and structured
  67. position power
    one of Fiedler's situational contingencies that described the degree of influence a leader had over activities such as hiring, fiering, promotion, and salary increase
  68. situational leadership theory
    a leadership contingency theory that focuses on followers readiness
  69. readiness
    the extenct to which people have the ability ann willingness to accomplish a specific task
  70. path goal theory
    a leadership theory that says the leader's job is to assists followers into attaining their goals and to privide direction or support needed to ensure that their goals are compatibles with the goals of the group or organization
  71. transactional leader
    leaders who lead primarily by using social exchanges
  72. transformational leaders
    leaders who stimulate and inspier followers to achive extraordinary outcomes
  73. charismatic leaders
    enthusiastic, self-confident leaders whos personalitites and actions influence people to behave in certain ways
  74. visionary leadership
    the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible and attractive vision of the future that improves on the present situation
  75. legitamate power
    the power a leader has as a result of his position in the organization
  76. coercive power
    the power a leader has to punish or control
  77. reward power
    the power a leade has to give positive rewards
  78. expert power
    the power thats based on experties, special skills, or knowledge
  79. referent power
    power that arises because of a persons desirable resources or personal traits
  80. credibility
    the degree to which followers percive someone as hones, competent, and able to inspire
  81. trust
    the beliefe in the integrity, character and ability of a leader
  82. empowerment
    the act of increasing the decision-making discretion of workers
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management 2
Management 2