Language Development

  1. Hassles:
    Annoying minor events of everyday life that cumulatively can affect psychological well-being.
  2. Overload:
    When you are asked to do too much in too short a time.
  3. Underload:
    Being asked to do too little;causes boredom.
  4. Job control:
    The ability to influence decisions about how and when one's job is performed.
  5. Role Conflict:
    Being the target of conflicting demands or expectations from different groups of people.
  6. Immune System:
    The mechanism through which our bodies recognize and destroy potentially harmful substances.
  7. Lymphocytes:
    White blood cells that fight infections and disease.
  8. Cortisol:
    A hormone that suppresses part of our immune systems.
  9. Health Belief Model:
    Our willingness to seek medical help depends of: 1) The extent to which we pereceive a threat to our health and 2) The extent to whcih we believe that a particular behavior will effectively reduce that threat.
  10. Cancer:
    A group in whcih abnormal cells are formed that are able to proliferate, invade, and overwhelm normal tissues and to spread to distant sites in the body.
  11. Risk Factors:
    Aspects of our environment or behavior that influence our changes of devloping or contracting a particluar disease (within the limits established through our genetic structure).
  12. Carcinogens:
    Cancer-producing agents in our environment.
  13. Smoking:
    • 440,000 deaths a year in the U.S
    • 46 millions Amercian smoke
    • consequences of smoking
  14. Nicotine:
    Norepinephrine and Acetycholine
  15. LDL:
    "Bad" cholesterol=low
  16. HDL:
    "Good" cholesterol=High
  17. Trans-fatty acids:
    dangerous to health

    * 64% of Amecian adults are overweight.
  18. Self-determination theory:
    Asserts that long-term maintenance of weight loss depends on whether the motivation for doing so is perceived by the dieter as autonomous or controlled.
  19. Language:
    A systme of symbols, plus rules for combining them, used to communicate information.
  20. Crying:
    In response to anger, pain, and hunger
  21. 2 months:
    "cooing"- vowel sounds
  22. 4-6 months:
    "Babbling"- adding consonants to vowels.
  23. 12 Months:
    Linguistic stage- the child begins to undrstand that sounds is ralted to meaning.
  24. Overextenstion:
    Using words to include objects that don't fit the words meaning.
  25. 2 Years:
    Telegraphic speech: 2 or 3 words sentences that contain only the necessary words.
  26. Overgeneralization:
    • Overusing the rules of grammer-like with past tense and plurals.
    • *by age 5-2000 words. e.g cuted my finger, hurted my toe.
  27. Language Acquistion Device (LAD):(nature)-(chomsky):
    • theory asserts that our brains are "prewired" to learn language.
    • *also learn language via imitation and reward (nurture).
  28. Schemas:
    Mental frameworks that help us process and store new information.
  29. Assimilation:
    Taking in new infomation that easily fits into an existing schema (breast feeding).
  30. Accomodation:
    Modifications in existing knowledge structures (schemas) as a result of exposure to new information or experiences (from a bottle to a spoon).
  31. Moral Development:
    Changes in the the capacity to reason about the rightness or wrongness of various actions that occur with age.
  32. Social Development:
    Changes in social behavior and social relations occuring over the life span.
  33. Temperamant:
    Stable individual differences in attention, arousal, mood, and reactivity to new sistuations at, or shorlty after birth.
Card Set
Language Development
Language: The communication of Information A. the Development of Language