photography Final

  1. what is the pne part of a photo that is 100 percent in sharp focus called?
    critical plane
  2. what is the acceptably sharp portion of a photo from front to back?
    depth of feild
  3. list thee F stops from F1.4 to F22:
    • 1.4
    • 2
    • 2.8
    • 4
    • 5.6
    • 8
    • 11
    • 16
    • 22
  4. list the shutter speeds from 1/1000 to 1/2:
    • 1/1000
    • 1/500
    • 1/250
    • 1/125
    • 1/60
    • 1/30
    • 1/15
    • 1/8
    • 1/4
    • 1/2
  5. what are f3.5,f6.5, and f9.5 called?
    Half stops
  6. the closer the camera is to the subject, the_________ the depth of feild will be.
  7. the farther away the camera is to the subject, the _____________ the depth of feild will be
  8. what type of shutter can be used at any flash synch?
  9. Define Panning:
    a type of freeze photo that is taken while the camera is moving in the same direction as the subject
  10. what type of shutter is built into a lens?
  11. what is the easiest way to stop motion in a photo?
    fast shutter speed
  12. what is the hardest motion to stop in a photo?
    side to side of the camera
  13. a lense set at f2.8 lets in ____________ as much light as one set at f4
    twice as much
  14. what is the maximum shutter speed of a focal plane curtain shutter?
  15. what is the slowest ISO setting?
  16. what is the fastest ISO setting?
  17. Film that automatically sets the ISO on certain cameras is called what?
    DX coding
  18. what controls the amount of light that reaches the film?
    aperture and shutter speed
  19. what type of camera has a line of sight through the viewfinder, through a prism, via a mirror and out through the lens?
    SLR (single lens refractor)
  20. what type of camera has two lenses and puts one image on a film?
    twin lens
  21. A lense that can be used anywhere between two focal lengths is called a ____ lens
  22. which lens has the widest angle of view?
  23. when you change the focal length of a lens, you change both the __________ and the ___________.
    magnification and angle of veiw
  24. what are the three design elements?
    line, shape, form
  25. what type of composition is used to keep the main subject out of the center?
    rule of thirds
  26. what kind of composition makes the veiwers eyes follow something to to, or away from the min subject?
    leading lines
  27. what type of line suggests gracefulness?
  28. what type of lighting should be used to enhance texture?
  29. the lower the ISO, the _____ the grain.
  30. what should unexposed or undeveloped film NOT be exposed to?
    • Moisture
    • heat
    • radiation
  31. a photo with a tree directly behind a persons head is called what?
    a merger
  32. what characteristic of light shows where shadows will fall?
  33. Direct light causes what type of shadows?
  34. the light that already exists in the scene is called what?
    available or natural
  35. inside light can be what?
    flat or contrasty.
  36. when shooting with a flash attachment, you can turn the flash away from the subject and shoot into an _______ for a soft wrap around light.
  37. true or false: the same properties exist for outside light as for inside light.
  38. what is the most common of all light?
    the sun (natural light)
  39. what are the main types of flash attachments?
    dedicated and non-dedicated
  40. if you're using two or more flash meters what do you need to get the correct exposure?
    flash meter
  41. what object fires an auxiliary flash without wiring?
    slave unit
  42. translucent objects maybe most successfully lit from which direction?
    from the back
  43. to photograph a very shiny object, the use of what lighting is suggested?
    tent lighting
  44. what filter permits both infrared and available spectrum waves to go through?
    Red #25
  45. what filter permits only infrared waves to go through?
  46. a photo that has equal parts top to bottom or side to side is said to have what composition?
  47. what is the first light that should be placed in a portrait setting?
  48. what is the simplist portraight lighting set-ups?
    main light and reflector.
  49. when the main light is placed on the side of the face away from the camera, it creates what kind of lighting?
  50. what are three filters that can be used to darken a blue sky with black and white film?
    • Yellow
    • Orange
    • Red
  51. what filter reduces glare when taking pictures through glass or water?
  52. colour negative film is usable in which two spectrums?
    ultraviolet and infrared
  53. the type of camera light meter that divides the scene into areas that are metered individually, then evaluated by a camera is ________.
  54. the camera shooting mode that adjusts both aperture and shutter speed is _______.
  55. A______ meter is aimed from the subject toward the camera for a meter reading.
    Incident meter
  56. what type of meter is built into a camera?
  57. all light meters are calibrated to read what colour of what?
    a grey card
  58. which camera mode allows you to set the aperture and the camera to set the shutter speed?
    aperture priority
  59. the camera provides you with a correct light meter reading, which you may or may not use. what mode is this?
  60. what meter only reads only a very small area of the image?
    Spot meter
  61. what meter favors the light in the center of the viewfinder?
    center-weighted meter
  62. if you are using more than one flash unit, what should you use for a more accurate exposure?
    flash meter
  63. on exposures longer than one second, what may cause the image to be underexposed?
  64. what may sometimes cause an unexplained shift in colour in film?
  65. on the photographic colour wheel, what is opposite red?
  66. what degree kelvin are house hold bulbs?
  67. if you select the shutter speed, and the camera selects the aperture, what mode are you using?
    shutter speed priority.
  68. what lense should you use for a head and shoulders portrait?
    Medium long focal length lens (100-135mm)
  69. what is the most inexpensive way to take macro photos?
    close-up lens sets
  70. what is the best way to take a macro photo?
    Macro lenses
  71. what macrophotography metho requires extra exposure?
    extension tube set.
  72. what are the two best cameras for macro photography?
    SLR and view
  73. what was the first photograph called?
    a heliograph
  74. what was the exposure time of the first photograph?
    8 hours
  75. Jacques Daguerre invented what photographic process from which he produced a photo?
    the Daguerre type
  76. what was the first camera made for public use?
  77. who invented the Kodac camera?
    george eastman
  78. which war was the first extensively photographed war?
  79. who was responsible for the majority of american civil war photos?
    mathew B Brady
  80. which photographer mainly photographed early 1900s paris?
    Eugene atget
  81. pre world war II germany was photographed by who?
    August Sanders
  82. one of the best great depression photographers was who?
    Dorothea Lange
  83. who took the photograph for the first cover of Life Magazine?
    Margaret Borke-White
  84. which photographer was responsible for changes in several child labor laws?
    Lewis Hine
  85. what process permits photos and type to be printed together on a page?
    half tone
  86. which organization was responsible for the documentation in photos of the great depression?
    the FSA
  87. what are some of Edward Westons primary photo subjects?
    • vegetables
    • fruit
    • plants
    • sea shells
  88. what is a series of photographs with accompanying text in numerous magazines?
    photo essays
  89. who created the photo essay 'spanish village"?
    Walker Evans
  90. who was in charge of hiring photographers to photograph the great depression?
    Roy Striker.
Card Set
photography Final
study cards for photography final, from tests 1,2,3,and 4