Fit Final

  1. 6 classified essential nutrients
    • proteins-4
    • carbs-4
    • fats-9
    • vitamins, minerals and water ( micro don't need alot)
    • (others are macro)
  2. Proteins

    Form key parts of the body's main structural components - muscles and bones & of blood, enzymes, cell membranes, and some hormones.
  3. The building block of protein...
    amino acids
  4. Types of Protein
    • Complete- meat sources
    • Incomplete- plant sources
  5. Average daily protein intake for adults
    .8% of body weight
  6. *
    20 common amino acids, 9 are essential
  7. Fats
    also known as lipids, supply energy, insulate the body, support and cushion organs, absorbs fats-soluble vitamins, add flavor and texture to food.
  8. Types of Fats
    • Saturated
    • Unsaturated
    • - Monosaturated
    • - Polyunsaturated
  9. Trans Fats
    is an unsaturated fatty acid produced during the process of hydrogenation.
  10. Hydrogenation
    is a process which hydrogen is added to unsaturated fats, turning liquid fats into solids.
  11. *
    In large amounts, trans fats can lowed HDL (good cholesterol) levels and promote the risk of heart disease.
  12. Carbohydrates
    The primary function of dietary carbohydrate is to supply energy to body cells.
  13. Carbs broken down...
    carbs are broken down into glucose, it's simplest form.
  14. Whole Grains
    have higher nutritional values compared to refined carbohydrates by: fiber, vitamins, minerals.

    take longer to chew and digest, enter the bloodstream slower and reduce the possibility of overeating.
  15. Glycemic Index
    is a measure of how the ingestion of a particular food affects blood glucose levels.
  16. Fiber
    fiber passes through the intestinal tract and provides bulk for feces.
  17. dietary fiber
    are indigestable carbohydrates that are infact in plant sources
  18. Types of Fiber
    • soluble fiber- slows the bodys absorption of glucose binding cholesterol containing compounds in the intestines
    • insoluble fiber- binds with water, allowing fecal matter to become bulkier and softer.
  19. Vitamins
    are organic substances needed in small amounts to help promoted and regulate chemical reactions and processes in body cells.
  20. Types of Vitamins
    • fat soluble
    • water soluble
  21. Sources of Vitamins
    Are abundant in fruits and veggies and grains they are also added to some processed foods
  22. Minerals
    inorganic, needed in small amounts for regulation, growth and maintenance of body tissues and functions
  23. Major Minerals
    Needed daily, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium
  24. Water
    the human body is composed of about 60%; you can live only a few days without water.
  25. Antioxidants
    are substances that protects against the breakdown of body constituents by free radicals; binding oxygen, donating electrons
  26. free radicals
    are chemically unstable, electron-seeking compounds that can damage cell membranes and mutate genes in its search for electrons.
  27. Sources of Antioxidants
    Fruits and veggies
  28. Vegan
    no animal products (hardest)
  29. Lacto
    includes milk and cheese products
  30. Lacto Ovo
    vegetarian includes milk, cheese and eggs
  31. Partial veg,semi veg
    includes eggs, dairy products, small amounts of poultry and seafood in their diet
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Fit Final
FIt Final