NS71: The Cortex

  1. What are the two kinds of cortex?
    • Allocortex
    • Neocortex (also called Isocortex)
  2. What are the two divisions of the allocortex?
    • Paleocortex: olfactory tubule, piriform complex
    • Archicortex: hippocampus, amygdala
  3. What are the three layers of the hippocampus?
    • dendrites
    • pyramidal cell somas
    • axons
  4. How many layers of the neocortex are there?
    six layers
  5. What is Layer 1 of the neocortex called and what comprises it?
    • Molecular Layer
    • Axons and Dendrites
  6. What is Layer 2 of the neocortex called and what types of cells exist there?
    • External granule layer
    • small round cells
  7. What is Layer III of the Neocortex called and what type of cells does it contain?
    • External Pyramidal Layer
    • small pyramidal cells
  8. What is Layer IV of the Neocortex called and what does it do?
    • Internal Granule Cells
    • small round cells that do lots of interconnecting
  9. What does Layer is layer V of the neocortex called and what type of cells are in it?
    • Internal Pyramidal Layer
    • Large Pyramidal Cells
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NS71: The Cortex
Neuroscience Week 7