EDSP 102 CH 1

  1. Communication
    process of sharing ideas involving a sender encoding and a receiver who deodes
  2. Code
    systematic, orderly nature of language that allows speakers and listeners to express and comprehend meanings
  3. systematic
    regularities exhibited by speakers of a language that make occurances in the language predictable
  4. Conventional
    notion that language must be based on shared, customary, or implicitly agreed-on patterns of behavior
  5. Arbitrary
    capricious connection between words and their meanings
  6. Linguistic aspects
    dimensions of grammar, semantics and pragmatics relating to the structure, meaning and use of language
  7. Extralinguistic aspects
    nonlinguistic elements of communication (gestures, intonation, etc) that supplement or alter the message expressed by the words and phrases
  8. Paralinguistic codes
    productions aspects such as prosody, intonation, rate, rhythm and stress that accompany the spoken message the express attitude or emotion
  9. Prosody
    Production features of speech, such as intonation, stress, rate, and rhythm that provide its melodic character
  10. Suprasegmental devices
    Speech production effects, including intonation, stress, rhythm, superimposed across the linguistic segments (i.e, words and phrases) to modify their meaning
  11. Proxemics
    the study of personal space in social interactions, including interpersonal communication
  12. vocal tract
    cavities and structures above the vocal folds capable of modifying the vocal tone and airflow into distinctive speech sounds
  13. articulation
    modification of the vocal tone and airstream into distinctive sounds through movement of oral structures
  14. voice
    the tone produced by vibration of the vocal folds and modified by the resonating cavities of the vocal tract
  15. phonation
    production of vocal tone in the physiological process of setting the approximated vocal folds into vibration with exhaled air
  16. resonation
    modification of the vocal tone produced through changing the shape and size of the the spaces in the vocal tract
  17. fluency
    flow of speech that is free of abnormal interruptions or disfluencies
  18. phonology
    study of the speech sounds of languages
  19. International Phonetic Alphabet
    provides universal symbols to represent all the known speech sounds used in human languages
  20. phone
    individual instance of a speech sound production notated within brackets
  21. phoneme
    conceptual family of sounds whose accoustic features are similar enough to be heard as the same speech sound, notated within slashes
Card Set
EDSP 102 CH 1
Side Vocab