Japanese Seafood Vocab

  1. Spanish mackerel, horse mackerel.
    • あじ
  2. minced Spanish mackerel
    • 鯵の叩き
    • あじのたたき
  3. Red clam
    • 赤貝
    • あかがい
  4. Lean tuna, cut from the back of the fish.
    • 赤身
    • あかみ
  5. Sweet shrimp, usually served raw.
    • 甘海老
    • あまえび
  6. Monkfish liver.
    • あん肝
    • あんきも
  7. Monkfish stew.
    • 鮟鱇鍋
    • あんこなべ
  8. Conger eel (saltwater).
    • 海鰻
    • あんなご
  9. Yellow clam, meat of trough shell
    • 青柳
    • あおやぎ
  10. Abalone, ear shell
    • あわび
  11. Sweetfish, a medium sized river fish, salmon
    • あゆ
  12. Small water snails.
    • ばい貝
    • ばいがい
  13. Osaka-style pressed and molded mackerel sushi.
  14. tube shaped, hollow browned fish cake.
    • 竹輪
    • ちくわ
  15. Medium fatty tuna, from the upper belly.
    • 中トロ
    • ちゅとろ
  16. Japanese soup stock prepared in a variety of ways including with fish parts, soy sauce, kelp, and mushrooms.
    • 出汁
    • だし
  17. cooked shrimp or prawn.
    • 海老
    • えび
  18. meat at the end of Halibut fin, or the orangy meat that surrounds a scallop.
    • 縁側
    • えんがわ
  19. blowfish, requires a licence for preparation as it is poisonous if prepared incorrectly!
    • 河豚
    • ふぐ
  20. Blowfish soup; fish, tofu, vegetables, boiled together and served with ponzu dipping sauce
    • 河豚ちり
    • ふぐちり
  21. Adult Japanese yellowtail
    • 魬・鰤
    • はまち・ぶり
  22. pike conger
    • はも
  23. Sailfin Sandfish.
    • 鰰・燭魚・燭魚・雷魚
    • はたはた
  24. a variety of black seaweed in tiny threads seaweed
    • 鹿尾菜・羊栖菜
    • ひじき
  25. fish sliced for serving with the silver fish skin left on.
    • 光物
    • ひかりもの
  26. flounder or Halibut
    • 平目
    • ひらめ
  27. surf clam.
    • 北寄貝
    • ほっきがい
  28. scallops
    • 帆立貝
    • ほたてがい
  29. small octopus
    • 飯蛸
    • いいだこ
  30. Squid
  31. Squid's tentacles.
    • 下足
    • げそ
  32. a mainstay in Hokkaido, includes salmon, various vegetables and tofu boiled in a 'miso' (bean paste) broth
    • いしかり鍋
    • いしかりなべ
  33. salmon roe.
  34. innards
    • きも
  35. Char (type of fish)
    • 岩魚
    • いわな
  36. Sardine
    • いわし
  37. a prefix meaning locally made or caught.
  38. grilled eel on skewers, dipped and broiled in soy-based sauce
    • 蒲焼
    • かばやき
  39. a generic term for shellfish.
    • かい
  40. marine products, sea- (prefix)
    • 海産
    • かいさん
  41. seafood
    • 海鮮
    • かいせん
  42. Swordfish, marlin
    • 梶木
    • かじき
  43. fish cakes; processed white fish sold in small "loaves" or tubes (similar to cookie dough tubes in the U.S.)
    • 蒲鉾
    • かまぼこ
  44. grilled collar of a Pacific yellowtail
    • 魬かま
    • かまちかま
  45. crab meat.
    • かに
  46. fake crab meat.
    • 蟹蒲鉾
    • かにかまぼこ
  47. Green contents of a crab's intestinal area
    • 蟹味噌
    • かにみそ
  48. a very young yellowtail.
    • 環八
    • かんぱち
  49. gelatin derived from seaweed.
    • 寒天
    • かんてん
  50. flounder or flatfish.
    • かれい
  51. bonito fish.
    • kたすお
  52. dried bonito fish used to make dashi; Fish shavings (from tuna) which are used to flavor various Japanese dishes.
    • 鰹節
    • かつおぶし
  53. gizzard shad, type of fish
  54. koi - Saltwater carp.
    • こい
  55. Tangle or dried kelp, a species of seaweed used in many dishes as a seasoning but an especially basic ingredient for making Dashi.
    • 昆布
    • こんぶ・コンブ
  56. Black snapper.
    • 黒鯛
    • くろだい
  57. tuna
    • まぐろ
  58. Trout
    • ます
  59. blue Marlin.
    • 眼梶木
    • めかじき・メカジキ
  60. Marinated pollock roe (fish eggs)
    • 明太
    • めんたい
  61. Long neck clam.
    • 海松貝
    • みるがい
  62. A slice of fish or other topping atop vinegared rice.
    • 握り寿司
    • にぎりずし
  63. Rainbow trout.
    • 虹鱒
    • にじます
  64. ``Dancing shrimp,'' ama ebi served living.
    • 踊り海老
    • おどりえび
  65. Fattest tuna; high quality tuna
    • 大とろ
    • おおとろ
  66. Very light Korean scallion pancake.
  67. mackerel
    • さば
  68. salmon
    • さけ・しゃけ
  69. seasoned shredded cod fish (pink powder)
    • 桜田麩
    • さくらでんぶ
  70. Pacific maury; Japanese mackerel.
    • 秋刀魚
    • さんま
  71. raw Seafood, usually slices or slabs of raw seafood, such as tuna and octopus, served on a platter with thinly sliced ginger, finely shredded radish, and wasabi
    • 刺身
    • さしみ
  72. Small crabs.
    • 沢蟹
    • さわがに
  73. young sea bass; young Japanese sea perch
    • せいご
  74. mantis shrimp.
    • 蝦蛄
    • しゃこ
  75. codfish eggs
    • 白子
    • しらこ
  76. whitebait, icefish or salangid.
    • 白魚
    • しらうお
  77. Albacore tuna.
    • 白鮪
    • しろまぐろ
  78. Sushi/sashimi fish which are relatively white in color.
    • 白身の魚
    • しろみのさかな
  79. Bits of fish scraped from the bones, used in rolls.
    • 剥身
    • すきみ
  80. Japanese sea perch, striped bass or rockfish.
    • すずき
  81. sea bream, porgy or snapper.
    • たい
  82. razor-shell clam.
    • 平ら買い
    • たいらがい
  83. a fish-shaped sweet made of pancake-like batter usually made with a filling of anko or custard
    • 鯛焼き
    • たいやき
  84. octopus.
  85. octopus dumplings / balls
    • タコ焼き
    • タコやき
  86. sliced tuna roll
    • 鉄火巻き
    • てっかまき
  87. Rice topped with Deep-fried Prawns & Fishes
    • 天丼
    • てんどん
  88. flying fish roe
    • 飛び子
    • とびこ
  89. egg cockle clam
    • 鳥貝
    • とりがい
  90. more expensive fat tuna
  91. Rice topped with Glaze-grilled Eel
    • 鰻丼
    • うなどん・うなぎどんぶり
  92. freshwater eel. grilled or smoked eel
    • うなぎ
  93. eel roll.
    • 鰻巻き
    • うなぎまき
  94. eel innards.
    • 鰻の肝
    • うなぎのきも
  95. sea urchin.
    • 海栗
    • うに
  96. lobe-leaf seaweed, possibly dried, in strands.
    • 稚海藻・若布
    • わかめ
  97. toasted seaweed.
    • 焼き海苔
    • やきのり
  98. pot of chicken or seafood, and vegetables in a dashi broth, usu. cooked at the table (traditionally a winter meal)
    • 寄せ鍋
    • よせなべ
Card Set
Japanese Seafood Vocab
Japanese Seafood vocabulary