
  1. logrolling
    The trading of favors, quid pro quo. Trading influense or votes to gain passages of certain projects.
  2. Pork Barrel
    A government project or appropriation that yields jobs or other benefits to a spefic locale and patronage opportunties to it's political represenative.
  3. Original Jurisdiction
    First time we hear a case. Innocence V. Guilt
  4. Appellate Jurisdiction
    • Was the trial conducted correctly?
    • Was the LAW applied correctly?
    • (No jury, witness, etc.)
  5. Precedent
    Authority is a legal case establishing a principle or rule that a court or other judicial body utilizes when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts.
  6. De Facto Discrimination
    • Biast and personal
    • Cultural bias
  7. De Jure Discrimination
    discrminiation based on law
  8. Brown V. Board of Education
    Court ruled that seperate but equal was constitutional
  9. Miranda V. Arizona
    • 5th Amendment
    • Must be read rights
    • Freedom from self-incrimination
  10. Gideon V. Wainwright
    • 6th amendment
    • Right to legal counsel must extend to all those charged with felony.
  11. Marbury V. Madison
    • Was the first time the supreme court delcared something "uncontitutional" and established the concept of "Judical Review"
    • Helped define "checks and balances"
  12. Griswold V Connecticut
    State laws criminalizing use and procurement and distribution of birthcontrol by married by married women.

    "Right to Privacy"
  13. Roe V. Wade
    Pro-Life V. Pro-Choice
  14. Mapp V. Ohio
    • 4th Amendment
    • Serch/Seizure
    • Evidence obtained and entered into court muct be gotten by way of warrent based on probable cause
    • Legit arrest and conviction
  15. Political Socialization
    Is a concept concerning the "study of the developmental process by which children and adsolants aquire political cognition, attitudes, and behavior.
  16. Primary Election
    • First Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
    • 270 electoral votes to win.
  17. Requirements for House
    • 25 years old
    • A citizen for 25 years
    • Be a resident of the state from which they are elected from
  18. Constitutional requirements for Senate
    • 30 years old
    • Citizen for 9 years
    • Resident form the state elected
  19. Constitutional requirements for Presidency
    • 35 years old
    • Citizen for 14 years
    • Natural born citizen
    • Term-4 years
    • Max-2 terms or 10 years
  20. Federalism
    Power to govern between National and State
  21. Unitary System
    • A gov system in which the national gov alone has umtimate (sovereign) authority
    • Enumerated powers(17)
    • Implied - "Necessary and Proper" Clause
  22. Confederation
    • Power at the state level
    • Reserved powers- Health, safety, welfare, morality
  23. Seperation of Powers
    The state is divided into branches (3), each with seperate and independent powers and ares of responsibility.
  24. Checks and Balances
    • No branch becomes to powerful
    • Each branch has authority over the other
  25. Judical Review
    Examination by the courts of the actions in the legislative, executive and administrative branches of government to ensure that those actions conform to the provisions of the constitution.
  26. 1st Anemdment
    Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition
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