CPLP_Module_Chapter 1

  1. A WLP Professional is tailoring instructional materials to the leadership training needs of her executives.  This is an example of:
    The application of adult learning theory in designing instruction
  2. When a WLP professional focuses identifying observable and measurable outcomes for this training on ethics and business conduct, which theory of learning and instruction is being applied?
  3. Which of the following best describes why Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is important in relation to adult learning?
    Five levels of needs indicate that a person only can achieve a higher level of need after lower levels are satisfied, which suggests people are motivated by different factors--factors that may be unknown or difficult to discern.
  4.  In the field of workplace learning and performance, what is Malcolm Knowles Key contirbution to adult learning?
  5. Which of the following is not an adult learning characteristic based on the androgogy model?
    As people mature, their readiness to learn is directly related to age level and curriculum.

    Response C is correct because age level and curriculum are not two of the five key principles of andragogy
  6. Adult development theories are concerned with
    How adults change as they age and the effect on learning.

    Adult development theories relate to how adults change as they age focusing on how the broad themes of learning and development are intertwined from three major perspectives; physical, psychological, and sociocultural.
  7. A new sales training program focused on improving the motivation of the sales force is most likely to focus on which of the following Bloom categories of learning?

    Attitude is one of the thre types of learning - Knolwedge, Skills, and attitude, typically referred to as KSA that are part of Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy of learning and refers to how people deal with things emotinally, such as feelings, motivation, and enthusiasm.
  8. Which of the following guidelines did Carl Rogers describe as a criitcal element to remember in adult learning situations?
    Facilitators establish the intial mood or climate of the class experience and clarify the prupose of te indivudals in the class as well as more general purposes of the group. 

    Carl rogers roposed several theories of personality and behavior and applied them to education.  This process led him to the concept of learner-centred teaching.  Establishing the intial mood or climate of the class experience and clarifying the prupose of the indivduals int he class as well as more gneral purposes of the group are two of eight guidelines based on Rogers work that help to faciliate learning.
  9. Which of the following theries of learning focuses on matching indivudal needs to appropriate instructional expericnes and is particularly useful for helping employees adapt to changes in their work lives?

    Opportunity-centered learning is a developmentalism-based theory of instruction that focuses on matching indivdual needs with appropriate instructional experiences.
  10. Cognitivism is an approach based on the principle that
    Learning occurs primarly thorugh exposure to logically peresented information and is interested in the organization of memory and thinking.

    Cognitivism concerns itself with the organization of memory and thinking based on a model of the mind as an information procesing system.
  11. Which learning thory seeks to involve the right and left hemispheres of the brain and the cortex and the limbic systems of the brain in learning-- and by involving the different functions makes learning more natural?
    Accelerated learning

    Is a method of learning that involves all systems of the brain and thereby makes learning more natutural. Principles involved in accelerated learning are affectve state, beliefs toward learning, information networks, nonconcsious learning, learning cycles, multisensory input, and learning readiness state.
  12. According to the VAK model, when designing learning for kinesthetic learns, which of the following should be included based on their preferred mode of learning?
    Hands on activities

    are an example of intake by doing and touching, which is the kinesthetic preference out of the three types of learner preferences categorized by VAK model
  13. Which of the following theories and models is associated with Howard Gardner?
    • Multiple intelligences
    • Howard Gardner suggested that intelligence is more multifaceted than previously though and that traditional inteligence measures are not capable of measuring all its facets
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CPLP_Module_Chapter 1
Chapter one questions of Module 1