Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist

  1. What would describe a segment that is part of the whole?
  2. A lesion with a sessile base is described as:
    flat and broad
  3. Which is not diagnosed through clinical diagnosis?
    a. Mandibular tori
    b. Fordyce granules
    c. Black Hairy Tongue
    d. Compound odontoma
    Compound odontoma
  4. Another name for geographic tongue is:
    benign migratory glossitis
  5. This bony hard radiopaque structure in the midline of the hard palate is genetic and autosomal dominant. The diagnosis is made through clinical diagnosis. You suspect:
    Torus palatinus
  6. This gray-white opalescent film seen on the buccal mucosa of 85% of black adults is a variant of normal that requires no treatment. On the basis of this description, you suspect that this is a:
  7. Which one of the following conditions would most likely respond to therapeutic diagnosis?
    A. Angular cheilitis
    B. Amelogenesis imperfecta
    C. Paget disease
    D. Stafne bone cyst
    Angular cheilitis
  8. The gingival enlargement in this patient was cause by a calcium channel blocker. Which one of the following would likely be the cause?
    A. Dilantin
    B. Cyclosporine
    C. Procardia
    D. Clozapine
  9. Radiographic features, including the cotton wool effect and hypercementosis, are especially helpful to the diagnosis of:
    Paget disease
  10. In internal resorption the radiolucency seen radiographically is usually:
  11. Which one of the following is diagnosed through clinical diagnosis?
    A. Fordyce granules
    B. Unerupted mesiodens
    C. Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia
    D. Traumatic bone cyst
    Fordyce granules
  12. Retrocuspid papillae are located on the:
    Gingiva of the lingual aspect of mandibular canines
  13. Which one of the following is not considered a variant of normal?
    A. Fordyce granules
    B. Leukoedema
    C. Linea edema
    D. Pyogenic granuloma
    Pyogenic granuloma
  14. When antifungal therapy is used to treat angular cheilitis, which diagnostic process is being applied?
  15. A lesion with a stemlike base is described as:
  16. A small circumscribed lesion usually less than 1 cm in diameter that is elevated or protrudes above the surface of normal surrounding tissue is a:
  17. Which one of the following is considered a genetic/inherited disorder?
    A. Linea alba
    B. Amelogenesis imperfecta
    C. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
    D. Internal resorption
    Amelogenesis imperfecta
  18. Ectopic geographic tongue can be found:
    On mucosal surfaces other than the tongue
  19. A Stafne bone cyst contains:
    Salivary gland tissue
  20. Which papillae are elongated in the condition called black hairy tongue?
  21. Diagnostic of anemia is best accomplished through:
    Laboratory tests
  22. A radiolucency that "scallops around the roots of teeth" is often used to describe a:
    Traumatic bone cyst
  23. When geographic tongue occurs on the dorsal tongue, the erythematous areas may be appropriately described as:
  24. It has been suggested that Candida albicans is associated with which one of the following?
    A. Median rhomboid glossitis
    B. Linea alba
    C. Leukoedema
    D. Retrocuspid papillae
    Median rhomboid glossitis
  25. Which term is used to describe a lesion with borders that are specifically defined and in which one can see the exact margins and extent of the lesion?
    Well circumscribed
  26. Fordyce granules:
    Are ectopic sebaceous glands.
  27. The base of this lesion would be described as:
  28. This torus palatinus would be described as:
  29. Another name for amalgram tattoo is:
    Focal argyrosis
  30. Which one of the following is not apparent in leukoedema?
    A. Intracellular edema in the spinous cells.
    B. Acanthosis of hte epithelium.
    C. Generalized opalescence of the buccal mucosa.
    D. A white diffuse material on the buccal mucosa that can be wiped off.
    A white diffuse material on the buccal mucosa that can be wiped off.
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Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist
Chapter 1 Intro to Preliminary Diagnosis of Oral Lesions