Connective tissue

  1. common muscle probs in DM and PM
    • PROXIMAL muscle weakness
    • dysphonia
    • SOB
    • dysphagia
  2. Skin signs in dermatomyositis
    • purple heliotrope rash on eyelids
    • gottron's papules - rough patch on elbows and knuckles
    • mechanics hands - painful, cracked palm skin
  3. describe colour changes in raynauds and explain why happen
    • white - ischaemia
    • blue - venous congestion, cyanosis
    • red - reactive hyperaemia
    • COLD WEATHER and emotional precipitant
  4. give 3 features that distinguish diffuse from limited systemic sclerosis and which antibody
    • lung fibrosis (not pulm HTN)
    • renal disease
    • cardiac disease
    • anti topo isomerase Ab and anti RNA polymerase
  5. features of limited systemic sclerosis and which Ab
    • CREST
    • calcinosis
    • raynauds
    • oesophageal dysmotility
    • sclerodactyly
    • telangiectasia

    • pulm HTN
    • anti centromere Ab
  6. 2 first line Inv for diffuse sys sc and one treatment
    • U&E - for renal disease
    • CXR - pulm fibrosis
    • Rx: cyclophosphamide iv (SE haemorrhagic cystitis)
  7. What are mechanics hands and which disease assoc
    dry cracked palms in dermatomyositis
  8. What are Gottren's papules and which disease assoc?
    Red elbow and knuckle rash, dermatomyositis
  9. What is heliotrope rash and which disease assoc?
    purple rash on eyelids, Dermatomyositis
  10. first investigation and treatment for dermatomyositis
    • inv: CK
    • Treatment: oral prednisolone
  11. Why do you get dental caries and parotid swelling in Sjogren's?
    • dental caries due to xerostoma
    • parotid swelling as salivary glands are sclerosed, to compensate the parotids hypertrophy
  12. Give 2 examples of large vessel vasculitis
    • Giant cell arteritis
    • Takayasu's arteritis - aortic arch syndrome. get brain, eye, upper limb and systemic symptoms. get aneurysm due to inflammation of artery
  13. 2 examples of medium size vasculitis
    • PAN polyarteritis nodosa
    • Kawasaki disease
  14. Small vessel vasculitis
    • Wegener's granulomatosis
    • Churg Strauss
    • Henoch Schonlein Purpura
    • Goodpasture's syndrome
    • Microscopic polyangitis
Card Set
Connective tissue
connective tissue disorders