Unit 1 (Professional Roles & Behaviors)

  1. Crisis Intervention (as a type of health care)
    an approach in which the patient or client seeks help only when unable to manage alone, then resuming normal lifestyle once emergency has passed.
  2. Health maintenance/prevention health care
    an approach that attempts to promote well-being and avoid the need for medical attention; check-ups and routine tests/procedures
  3. fee-for-service insurance
    insurance companies reimburse patients for the costs of their health care within the limits of the police and the patient is responsible for any costs not covered.
  4. Medicare
    a federal health insurance program that covers a portion of the medical care costs for those over the age of 65, and also some disabled patients.
  5. Medicaid
    primarily run by the state government, it is meant more for people who can't afford insurance coverage or people who fall within a certain low tax income bracket.
  6. Medicare's 4 parts
    • A: hospitalization coverage
    • B: medical insurance
    • C: advantage plans
    • D: prescription plan

    (Supplements are usually needed)
  7. HMO
    Health Maintenance Organization. HMOs were formed in an effort to deliver more affordable care. They control costs by promoting good health and by providing care in only specified facilities.
  8. HMO advantages
    besides the monthly premium, the only fee paid is a small co-pay fee at the time of service
  9. HMO disadvantages
    • You can only receive care within your HMO network
    • High premium rates
    • HMOs try to dictate what treatments the doctors can order
  10. Public Health Care Facilities
    public hospitals and health care facilities are operated by federal or local governments, and they are usually free services. Example: military hospitals and facilities for veterans
  11. Private Health Care Facilites
    These facilities are usually open to only certain patients, or they can be noticeably more expensive. Both not-for-profit and proprietary facilities can fall in this category.
  12. Not-for-Profit Health Care Facilities
    These are usually run by the county, or sometimes by religious or charitable groups. These facilities are open to all, but they are not free services.
  13. Proprietary Health Care Facilities
    These facilities are run by businesses and they are run with the goal of making money and turning a profit.
  14. Mission Statement
    a one or two paragraph declaration of the institution's basic philosophy and primary goals
  15. least training to most training: fellow, specialist, resident, intern
    • intern
    • resident
    • fellow
    • specialist
  16. What are the four main organizational levels in a hospital's hierarchy? From highest up, moving down the chain?
    • board of trustees (goals, financial plans, etc.)
    • hospital administrator (day-to-day aspects of hospital)
    • assistant administrators (over several smaller areas)
    • department managers (educated in the field they supervise)
  17. What is the modality that is an exception to our function as a diagnostic service?
    radiation therapy (a therapeutic service that helps treat, not diagnose)
  18. Name some general services (4)
    • admitting
    • emergency
    • nursing
    • social services (ex. counseling)
  19. Name some support services (4) - do not provide direct patient care
    • laundry
    • housekeeping
    • personnel
    • purchasing
  20. What is the difference in a radiation technician and a radiation technologist?
    a technologist is a professional, while a technician is often a healthcare worker (like a nurse) that has been trained on the job in a basic safety course
  21. What is the most prominent national professional voice for radiologic technologists?
    ASRT (American Society of Radiologic Technologists)
  22. What is the institute that awards us our credentials (after earning them through school and testing)?
    ARRT (American Registry of Radiologic Technologists)
  23. Name seven modalities that the ARRT will certify you in after on-job cross-training, with no extra schooling.
    • BD - Bone Densitometry
    • M - Mammography
    • CT - Computed Tomography
    • MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    • QM - Quality Management
    • VI - Vascular-Interventional Technology
    • CI - Cardiac-interventional Technology
  24. Name three modalities that require an additional year of school to become certified in.
    • T - Radiation Therapy
    • N - Nuclear Medicine
    • S - Sonography
  25. What modality requires at least five years of on job experience before being qualified to apply for certification school (2 years worth)?
    RRA - Registered Radiologist Assistant
  26. How much and when do you pay dues to remain a member of ARRT?
    $50 for a two year renewal
  27. How much continuing education is required to maintain registration status with ARRT?
    24 hours during previous 2 years (12 hours of CE per year)
  28. What is Licensure?
    • permission from a government agency to practice your profession
    • example: state licensure (MS licensure)
  29. What modality deals with the injection of iodinated contrast media for diagnosing diseases of the heart and blood vessels?
    Cardio-Interventional Technology
  30. What modality deals with the examination of the breast, mostly used in early detection of breast disease?
  31. What modality is a radiologic examination of a predetermined plane in the body and is processed by a computer for display?
    Computed Tomography (CT)
  32. What modality usually involves imaging of a patient's organs, like the liver, heart, or brain after introducing a radiopharmaceutical?
    Nuclear Medicine
  33. What modality deals with the use of high energy ionizing radiation to treat primarily malignant tumors?
    Radiation Therapy
  34. What modality deals with visualization of the body structures by recording the reflections of pulses of high-frequency sound waves directed into the tissue?
    Diagnostic Medical Sonography
  35. What modality deals with determining how much radiation will be delivered to a tumor site?
    Medical Dosimetrists
  36. What modality used a strong magnetic field and radio waves and computer to generate sectional images of patient anatomy?
    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
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Unit 1 (Professional Roles & Behaviors)
Unit 1: Professional Roles & Behaviors. Do not rely solely on these cards. last revised fall2011.