
  1. Sternocleidomastoid
    • Origin: Sternal Head - Top of manubrium; Clavicular Head - Medial 1/3 of clavicle
    • Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal bone, lateral superior nuchal line of occiput
    • Innervation: Spinal Accessory n.
    • Actions: Laterally flexes head to same side, rotates head to opposite side, flexes neck, assists in inhalation
  2. Anterior Scalene
    • Origin: TP of 3rd-6th cervical vertebrae, ant. tubercles
    • Insertion: 1st rib
    • Innervation: Cervical Plexus
    • Actions: Elevate ribs during inhalation, flex neck, laterally flex neck top same side (ribs fixed), rotate head and neck to opposite side
  3. Middle Scalene
    • Origin: TP of 2nd-7th Cervical Vertebrae (post. tubercles)
    • Insertion: 1st Rib
    • Innervation: Cervical Plexus
    • Actions: Elevate ribs during inhalation, laterally flex neck to same side (ribs fixed), rotate head and neck to opposite sides
  4. Posterior Scalene
    • Origin: TP of 5th-6th Cervical Vertebrae, post. tubercles
    • Insertion: 2nd Rib
    • Innervation: Cervical Plexus
    • Actions: Elevate ribs during inhalation, laterally flex neck to same side (ribs fixed), rotate head and neck to opposite sides
  5. Masseter
    • Origin: Zygomatic arch
    • Insertion: Angle and ramus of Mandible
    • Innervation: Masseteric n. (Mandibular)
    • Actions: Elevates mandible at TMJ joint
  6. Temporalis
    • Origin: TEmporal fossa and fascia
    • Insertion: Coronoid process of mandible
    • Innervation: Deep Temoral nn. (Mandibular)
    • Actions: Elevates mandible (TMJ), Retracts mandible
  7. Geniohyoid
    • Origin: Underside of Mandible
    • Insertion: Hyoid bone
    • Innervation: Hypoglossal n.
    • Actions: Elevate hyoid and tongue, depress mandible
  8. Mylohyoid
    • Origin: Underside of mandible
    • Insertion: Hyoid bone
    • Innervation: Mylohyoid n.
    • Actions: Elevate hyoid and tongue, depress mandible (TMJ)
  9. Stylohyoid
    • Origin: Styloid process
    • Insertion: Hyoid bone
    • Innervation: Facial n.
    • Actions: Elevate hyoid and tongue, depress mandible (TMJ)
  10. Digastric
    • Origin: Mastoid process, deep to SCM and Splenius Capitis
    • Insertion: Inferior border of mandible
    • Innervation: Mylohyoid, Facial nn.
    • Actions: Hyoid fixed - depresses mandible (TMJ); Mandible fixed - retracts elevates hyoid; also retracts mandible (TMJ)
  11. Omohyoid
    • Origin: Superior border of scapula
    • Insertion: Hyoid bone
    • Innervation: Upper cervical nn.
    • Actions: Depress hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage
  12. Sternohyoid
    • Origin: Manubrium
    • Insertion: Thyroid Cartilage
    • Innervation: Upper cervical nn.
    • Actions: Depress hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage
  13. Sternothyroid
    • Origin: Manubrium
    • Insertion: Thyroid cartilage
    • Innervation: Upper cervical nn.
    • Actions: Depress hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage
  14. Platysma
    • Origin: Fascia covering superior part of pectoralis major
    • Insertion: Edge of mandible, skin of lower part of face
    • Innervation: Facial n.
    • Actions: Assists in depressing mandible (TMJ), tightens fascia of neck
  15. Occipitofrontalis
    • Origin: Galea aponeurotica
    • Insertion: Frontalis - Skin over eyebrows; Occipitalis - Superior nuchal line of occiput
    • Innervation: Facial n.
    • Actions: Frontalis - raises eyebrows and wrinkles forehead; Occipitalis - anchors and retracts galea posteriorly
  16. Medial Pterygoid
    • Proximal Attachment: 2 heads to 1)Medial surface ofr lateral pterygoid plate and pyramidal process of palatine bone, 2) tuberosity of maxilla
    • Distal Attachment: Medial surface of ramus of mandible, inf. to foramen
    • Innervation: N. to Medial Pterygoid (from Mandibular)
    • Actions: Elevate mandible, contributes to protrusion
  17. Lateral Pterygoid
    • Proximal Attachment: 2 heads to 1) Infratemporal surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid, 2) Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
    • Distal Attachment: Joint capsule and disk of TMJ, pterygoid fovea of mandible
    • Innervation: N. to Lateral Pterygoid (from Mandibular)
    • Actions: Protracts mandible, depresses chin, swings jaw to opposite side, lateral chewing movements
  18. Longus Colli
    • Origin: Ant. tubercle of C1, bodies of C1-C3, TP of C3-C6
    • Insertion: Bodies of C5-T3, TP of C3-C5
    • Innervation: Anterior rami of C2-6 spinal nn.
    • Actions: Flexes neck with rotation to opposite side
  19. Longus Capitis
    • Origin: Basilar part of occipital bone
    • Insertion: Anterior tubercles of C3-C6 TP
    • Innervation: Anterior rami of C1-C3 spinal nn.
    • Action: Flexes head
Card Set
I,A,O,N of the Muscles of the Head and Neck