Gross motor milestones
- Sit alone (7 months)
- creep/crawl (10 months)
- pull to stand (12 months)
- Walk alone (15 months
Gross Motor Development
- Prone, lift head: 0-1 1/2
- prone, chest up, use arms for support: 2-4
- roll over: 2- 4 1/2
- support some weight with legs: 3-6
- sit without support: 4 1/2 - 7 1/2
- stand without support: 5-10
- pull self to stand: 6-10
- walk using support: 7-12 1/2
- stand alone easily: 9 1/2 - 14
- walk alone easily: 11-14
Social milestones
- 2m: Recognizes parent, social smile
- 4m: Looks around, laughs
- 6m: Stranger anxiety
- 10m: Waves byebye, plays patacake
- 1 yr: Imitates actions
- 15m: Temper tantrums
- 18m: Copies parent in tasks (sweeping)
- 2 yr: Follows 2-step commands, removes clothes
- 3y: Brushes teeth with help, can wash hands
- 4y: Cooperative play
What are social, fine motor, gross motor and language milestones at 1, 2, 3 and 4 years?
1 yr: imitation, pincer grasp, walking, mama/dada
2yr: imitation, page turning, jumping, 2 word phrases
3yr: parallel play, reproduce simple shapes, tricycle, simple sentences
4yr: cooperative play/poop, dresses self, running, complex sentences
7 months
Roll both ways, sit without support, transfer objects between hands and babble two syllables
12 months
Show casting, able to pick up small objects with a neat pincer grasp and have developed concept of object permanence.
2 years
Walk up and down stairs, build a tower of six bricks, scribble with a pencil, put words together
3 years
Able to balance on one leg, ride a tricycle, know simple colours and copy a circle.
5 years
Able to skip, draw a triangle from copy, name the heavier of two weights, count up to ten and ask questions about meaning of words.
2 years
- Build tower of 5
- Scribbles spontaneously
16 months
- Throw (complete by 15-18 months)
- Say no and shake head
- Sing
10 months
- Have pincer grasp
- Pull to stand
- Be able to crawl
- Have a parachute reaction
- Localise sound.