Medical Terminology

  1. Origins of Modern Day Medical Terminology
    • 1st century B.C. (during Hipocrates and Aristotle)
    • Most derived from Greek or Latin
    • Eponyms
    • Acronyms
  2. Greek root words
    • Generally describe:
    • a disease,
    • a condition,                    Ex: stomat/itis - inflammation
    • a treatment, or                       of the mouth
    • a diagnosis
    • (older language than Latin)
  3. Latin root words
    Describe: anatomical structures

    Ex:  or/al - pertaining to the mouth
    • words named after a person
    • (Parkinson's Disease, after Dr. Parkinson)
    lengthy statements shortened by using first letter of each word

    LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
  6. Medical Word Elements
    • Word roots
    • Combining forms
    • Suffixes
    • Prefixes
  7. Word Roots
    • the foundation of a medical term and contains its primary meaning.
    • MOST derived from Greek or Latin
  8. Combining Forms
    • is created when a word root is combined with a vowel
    • usually an o, sometimes an i
    • enables two word elements to connect
    • Ex: gastr/o, erythr/o, immun/o
  9. Suffixes
    • a word element placed at the end of a word that changes the meaning of the word
    • usually describes a pathology (disease or abnormality), symptom, surgical or diagnostic procedure, or part of speech
    • Ex: tonsill/itis (inflammation), tonsill/ectomy (excision, removal)
  10. Prefixes
    • a word element attached to the beginning of a word or word root
    • not all med terms have a prefix
    • adding/changing prefix changes meaning of a word
    • usually indicates a number, time, position, direction or negation
    • Ex:  an/esthes/ia, hyper/therm/ia, intra/muscul/ar
  11. Basic Guidelines
    • Defining medical words
    • Building medical words
  12. Defining Medical Words
    (3 step)
    • Ex: gastroenteritis
    • 1. Define suffix: itis - means inflammation (of)
    • 2. Define first part of word (may be word root, combining form, or prefix): gastr/o - means stomach (&)
    • 3. Define middle parts of word: enter - means intestine
  13. Building Medical Words
    (3 rules)
    • Rule #1: a root word links a suffix that begins w/ a vowel
    • Rule #2: a combining form (root + o) links a suffix that begins with a consonant
    • Rule #3: a combining form links a root to another root & forms compound word. 
    •               : rule holds true even if next root begins with vowel-osteoarthritis
    •               **rules for linking multiple roots to ea. other slightly differ from rules for linking roots & combining forms to suffixes.
  14. Name the 4 elements used to form words
    • Word roots
    • Combining Forms
    • Suffixes
    • Prefixes
  15. A root is the main part or foundation of a word.  In the words arthritis, arthroma, and arthroscope, the root is...
  16. T or F
    A combining vowel is usually an e
    False - usually begins with an o
  17. T or F
    A word root links a suffix that begins with a consonant
    False - begins with a vowel
  18. T or F
    A combining form links multiple roots to each other
  19. T or F
    A combining form links a suffix that begins with a consonant.
  20. T or F
    To define a medical word, first define the prefix.
    False - define the suffix, then first part of word, then middle of word
  21. T or F
    In the term intramuscular, intra is the prefix.
    True - intra-prefix;

    muscul-word root; ar-suffix
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Medical Terminology
Chapter I: Basic Elements of a Medical Word