
  1. What are 4 techniques that apply to all rhythmic aerobics?
    • 1. Maintain good posture
    • 2. Breath!
    • 3.Keep feet and knees goin in the same direction
    • 4. Good neutral spine and back alignment
    • 5. Limited repetiion
    • 6. Control arm movements
    • 7. Do not wear ankle weights during aerobics portion
    • 8. Handheld and wrist weights are general not recommended
    • 9. Use an intensity that is high enough to create an overload but low enough to allow oxygen delivery and aerobic metabolism dominate
    • 10. Elevate orblower intensity by increasing or decreasing rangebof motion, movemet, amount or height.
  2. What is a sufficiently recovered heart rate so that you can lie down on the floor to stretch or tone?
    120 bpm
  3. What is the main thing to remember when selecting a step for a class?
    Choose a height thag results in knee flextion of 30-60 degrees
  4. How much lower should water-based heart rates be reduced to make sure you are getting the workout you need?
    10-20 bpm
  5. What is circuit training?
    The use of a series of exercise stations through which an individual progresses in a specified order.
  6. What is interval training?
    Consists of a series of short bouts of high-intensity alternated with rest intervals or lower-intensity activity.
  7. What is cross training and why should you do it?
    To use two or more types of exercises to train

    Because each activity will use your muscles differently, you will get a more complete workout
  8. What are the 2 jobs of muscle toning?
    To shape, define, and firm muscles while building muscular strength and endurance
  9. Name 4 benefits of resistance training.
    • -Increases your muscular strength and endurance
    • -enables you to do more work with less fatige
    • -helps increase or maintain bone density
    • -provides the muscular energy for recreational activities in addition to normal life demands
    • -improves your ability to perform physical skills such as sport skills
    • -reduces your risk of injury, esp to the lower back
    • -improves posture and trunk stability
    • -can create a more aethetic body build
  10. Know what the FITT principle is and how you could apply it to resistance training
    • F-frequency-at least 2 or 3 times a weekbon alternate days
    • I-intensity-the more resistance the greater force you will need. Good rule is 8-12 with dificulty by end of the set
    • T-time-20mins to hour of aerobics. Time needed for a good workout with reps
  11. Name 4 good techniques you need to remember when performing resistance training.
    • -warm up
    • -do multi joint and large muscle before single joint and small muscle
    • -isolate the muscle you want to work
    • -maintain good body alignment
    • -go at a moderate pace
    • -use fluid controlled movements
    • -Use full range of motion
    • -breath
  12. Name two advatages of resistance training with free weights.
    Allows you to recruit more muscle fibers than machines

    More versatile allow for motion in more directions

    Prevent one body part from lifting for another
  13. What is psychoneuroimmunology?
    The study of how our psyche (mind) influences our immune system
  14. How do you know if you are lifting the appropriate amount of weight?
    an appropriate weight is one you can move through a desired number of repetitions with the last few repetitions being difficult.
  15. What are two distinct advantages to water exercises over land exercises?
    Resisitance is applied in both directions of an exercise

    People of all abilities can exercise together because its simple to adjust
  16. Name 3 of the 6 original pilates principles.
    • Concentration
    • Control
    • Centering
    • Flowing movement
    • Precision
    • Breathing
  17. What are the 6 essential nutrients?
    • Carbohydrates
    • Protein
    • Fat
    • Water
    • Vitamins
    • Minerals
  18. How many calories per gram are in a carbohydrate?
    4 calories per g
  19. How many calories per gram are in a fat?
    9 calories per g
  20. How many calories per gram are in a protein?
    4 calories per g
  21. What is the bodys main source of energy?
  22. What is glucose?
    Simple sugar
  23. What happens to glucose that is not used right away?
    • glucose is stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen
    • when limits of glycogen are reached, additional glucose is converted into fat and storedas adipose tissue.
  24. What are 2 types of carbohydrates?
    Simple and complex
  25. List 2 examples of simple carbohydrates.
    Natural sugars: fruits and milk and refined sugars
  26. List 2 examples of complex carbohydrates
    Whole-grain cereals, vegetables
  27. What are 2 functions of protein?
    To Build and repair body tissues

    To make hemoglobin

    To form antibodies

    To produce Enzymes and hormones
  28. How much protein should women intake each day?
    0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day
  29. List 2 functions of fat
    Source of concentrated energy

    Acts as insulation from the cold

    Carries fat soluble vitamins
  30. What % of your daily diet should be fat?
    Between 20-35% of calories
  31. What is HDL cholesterol?
    • High-density lipoprotein.
    • HDL picks up cholesterol from cells and bloodstream and transports it to the liver, where it is used to make the bile salts.
    • HDL is sometimes called the "garbage collector of the bloodstream"
    • HDL is also referred to as "good cholesterol."
  32. What is LDL cholesterol?
    • low-density lipoprotein.
    • when the body has too much cholesterol, the LDL transporting cholesterol will give up some of its cholesterol to the walls of the arteries.
  33. What are the desirable levels of cholesterol: total and HDL?
    • Total = below 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl)
    • HDL = 35 mg/dl or lower is considered a risk factor & 60 mg/dl or higher is considered protective
  34. What is the best source to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs?
    Through a balanced diet.

    You can take supplements for both
  35. What are phytochemicals and where are they found?
    phytochemicals = "plant chemicals", food components that help ward off cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and hypertension.

    They are found in a wide variety of foods, including colorful fruits and vegetables, grains, legumes, and seeds.

    other good sources are green tea, garlic, licorice, and soy.
  36. What is the set point theory and how does it apply to weight loss?
    a genetic-based theory that asserts that the body has a preset level of fat that it "believes" to be correct and that it will work to ensure.

    If a person tries to loose weight and drops below the set point, the body encourages weight gain and a return to the set point by conserving fats and increasing appetite.
  37. What are 3 things to remember when determining your "healthy weight"?
    • "healthy weight" depends on:
    • how much of it is fat
    • where on your body extra fat is located
    • whether or not you have weight-related medical problems or a high risk of weight-related disease.
  38. What is a good range of fat for women?
    18-30% fat
  39. Aerobic exercise ___ days a week, for ___ minutes per session, at ___ intensity is recommended for weight loss.
    • most days of the week
    • 60-90 minutes per session
    • moderate to high intensity
  40. What are two hidden benefits of exercise?
    • Metabolic rate remains raised for a period of time following exercise (burning more calories).
    • every pound of muscle gained through exercise burns an additional 50 calories as compared to pound of fat. (you are burning more calories without even trying)

    fit people start to burn fat more quickly durng exercise than unfit people do.
  41. How do you recognize shin splints? how do you treat and prevent shin splints?
    Symptoms: pain and aching in the shin area after an sometimes during exercise. may be specific areas of tenderness or swelling over the bone.

    Treatment: ice shins for 20-30 mins following exercise. massage shins with cup of frozen water. rest your legs. if swelling, take anit-inflammatory. tape your arches and shins. modify movements to a low-impact style.

    Prevention: exercise on a resilient floor with good arch-supporting shoes. use proper footwork. strengthen the muscles of the foot and surrounding the shin. stretch calves well before and after workout. keep shins warm before and during class.
  42. How to recognize tendonitis? How to treat and prevent tendonitis?
    Symptoms: area of tendonitis may be painful to the touch, warm, and swollen. skin may be red.

    Treatment: Ice and rest the tendon. if pain is actue or chronic, see a physician. may require anti-inflammatory drugs or surgery.

    Prevention: use careful, deliberate movements rather than flinging movements. Gradually overload. Warm up and stretch out prior to vigorous activity.
  43. What is the RICE method and what does each letter stand for?
    • R=rest
    • I=ice
    • C=compression
    • E=elevation

    This is a standard first-aid treatment for injuries
  44. Know the following muscle groups:
    latissimus dorsi
    external obliques
    achilles tendon
    pectroalis major
    gluteus maximus
    • biceps-upper arm, front
    • triceps-upper arm, back
    • trapezius-neck/shoulder
    • latissimus dorsi-back of rib cage (lower), from under armpit to hip
    • external obliques-side of abdomin, running sideways
    • quadriceps-thigh, front
    • hamstrings-thigh, back
    • achilles tendon-ankle, back
    • pectoralis major-chest, front
    • abdominals-middle of abdomin, running up and down
    • deltoid-top of shoulder
    • gastrocnemius-calf, back
    • gluteus maximus-butt muscles
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Aerobics exam 2 study questions