comm 1302 test 3

  1. Link
    a facilitator that allows information to pass between individuals, groups, and organizations.
  2. Information Underload
    If an individual has insufficient information, too little to do his or her job adequately.
  3. Metamorphosis
    the last stage in the assimilation process in which individual adapts to the organization.
  4. Organizational Culture
    the shared meaning that allows members of the organization to interact and understand each other.
  5. Serial Transmission Effects
    occurs when information is altered around each point of exchange adding or removing detail as information travels up or down the hierarchy of an organization.
  6. Distributed Information
    Information is not concentrated in one part of an organization, it is scattered through the organization.
  7. Micronetwork
    a subsystem of a system, a set of pathway, like informational flow between accountants in an accounting department.
  8. Diffusion of Responsibility
    A part of the choice shift effect. “If this decision goes bad, don’t blame me; I only went along with the group
  9. Organizational Climate
    the feel of the organization; involves control, trust, and intimacy to determine the type of climate.
  10. Assembly Effect
    an effect that says that group decisions (as a collective) are superior to individual decisions and that through the pulling of resources we can come to better decisions. Also, if we get to help make the decision, we are more likely to like the decision.
  11. Hegemony
    The political, economic, ideological or cultural power exerted by a dominant group over other groups, regardless of the explicit consent of the latter.
  12. Mass Society
    A distinctive process or pattern of social organization that occurs when industrialization, urbanization, and modernization increasingly modify the social order.
  13. Transmission of Culture
    Binding time across generations by educating people about information, values, and social norms.
  14. Framing
    Refers to the way media and media gatekeepers organize and present the events and issues they cover, and the way audiences interpret what they are provided.
  15. Affective Needs
    Needs related to strengthening aesthetic, pleasurable, and emotional experiences.
  16. Escapist Needs
    Needs related to escape, tension release, and desire for diversion.
  17. Mainstreaming
    It represents a homogenization of divergent views and a convergence of disparate viewers.
  18. Surveillance as a Fuction of Mass Communication
    Surveying the environment and providing newsworthy information.
  19. Multistep Flow of Media Influence
    Expanded from the two-step flow, instead of influence being downward from medium to audience, the opinion leaders may communicate to the influential’s in the media to indicate what ideas and information is desired and likely to be more influential.
  20. Personal Integrative Needs
    Needs related to strengthening credibility, confidence, stability, and status of the individual. They are derived from the individual’s desire for self esteem.
  21. Episodic Memory
    one of the ways in which we develop media literacy by learning how each episode and the character (for example) is developed. The episodic memory is the way in which the character evolves over time in episode one, two, etc. The pattern of that character becomes easily recognizable over time.
  22. Communication Determinism
    each medium is eventually replaced by another medium (i.e. television replace radio and to some people web-news has replaced the traditional newspaper.
  23. Agenda Setting Theory
    his premise says that this is a contest that occurs between politicians and reporters (perhaps even activists) to set the political agenda. Politicians create news which is reported. Reporters ask questions. Thus, an agenda emerges. Reporters are gatekeepers who determine what information gets through from events to readers, listeners and viewers. Agenda setting is the creation of public awareness and concern.
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comm 1302 test 3
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