1. Service Design Process
    • Service Catalog Mgt
    • Service Level Mgt
    • Availability Mgt
    • Capacity Mgt
    • IT Service Continuity Mgt
    • Information Security Mgt
    • Supplier Mgt
  2. Service Design - 5 Aspects
    • Service Solutions
    • Service Management, Systems & Tools
    • Tech & Mgt, Arch & Tools
    • Process
    • Measurement systems, methods & metrics
  3. Service Design Key Concepts
    • Service Design Pkg
    • Delivery Models
    • SLA
    • OLA
    • Underpinning Contract
  4. Definition of Service
    • Create Value
    • Reduce Costs / Increase productivity
    • Facilitate Outcomes
  5. Definition of Service Management
    • Capabilities which include:
    • Process
    • Function
    • Role
  6. What is a Process
    Set of Activities designed to accomplish an Objective

    Takes defined inputs => Outputs

    Includes roles, responsibilites, tools & mgt controls
  7. What are the 4 characteristics of a process

    • Measureable
    • Delivers specific Result
    • Results to Customer and Stakeholders
    • Responds to specific events
  8. Definition of Functions
    Units of Organization specialized to perform certain types of work and responsible for specific Outcomes

    Provides the resources and tools needed

    STIA - stop taking it Asshol Service Desk, Tech Mgt, Incident Mgt and Application Mgt
  9. Definition of a Role
    A set of responsibilities, activities and authorities granted to a person or team.

    Defines responsibilitiy & authorities
  10. Service Operations Purpose
    • Day to Day activities
    • Ongong mgt of Techology to deliver services
    • Dev & Mgt SLAs
    • Where value is delivered
    • Execute & measure all plans and designs
    • Monitor performance / assess metrics
  11. Services Operations Functions
    • Service Desk
    • Technical Mgt
    • IT Operations Mgt
    • Application Mgt

    • STIA
    • Operations(s) - team/people
    • Operation - lifecycle 5 process/4 functions
  12. Service Operations - Process
    • Event Mgt
    • Incident Mgt
    • Request Fulfillment
    • Problem Mgt
    • Access Mgt

    EIRPA - Ed is really pissed again
  13. Service Operations - Event Mgt Objectives
    • Detect
    • Make Sense
    • Determine Appropiate control Activities
    • Basis for operational monitoring and control
  14. Service Operation - Definition of Event
    Event - a change of state that has Significance for the management of a CI or IT service
  15. Services Operations Definition of Event Mgt
    Process for managing events throughout their lifecycle
  16. Service Operations - Alerts
    Warning threshold reached, change or failure
  17. Services Operation - 3 event types
    Exception - Incident, Problem, Change

    Warning - Alert, Auto response...Human touch

    Info - Log
  18. Services Operation - Definition of Incident
    Unplanned interruption or reduction in IT services

    Any event which could affect and IT service in the furture
  19. Service Operations Incident Mgt - Timescales
    Based on resolution targets, SLAs and underpinning contracts
  20. Service Operations Incident Mgt - Models
    • Steps taken to handle incidents
    • Chronological order
    • Responsbilities - who does what
  21. Service Operation Incident management - Major Incidents
    Seperate procedure shorter timescale & greater urgency
  22. Service Operations - Incident Management Activities
    • Identification
    • logging
    • categorization
    • prioritization
    • Initial Diags
    • Escalation
    • Investigation & Diags
    • Resolution and Record
    • Closure

    Ownership stays with the Service Desk
  23. Services Operation - Incident Management impact, Urgency and Priority
    Impact - measure effect of incident

    Urgency - measure how long it will be until significent impact

    Priority - catagory used to identify importance
  24. Service Operations - Incident mgt Interfaces
    • Problem Mgt
    • Service Asset & Configuration
    • Change Mgt
    • Capacity Mgt
    • Availablity Mgt
    • Service Level Mgt
    • Event Mgt
  25. Service Operation - Request Fulfillment Objectives
    To provide a channel to request & recieve std services (predefined approval & qualifcation)

    Provide info to users about availability and process to obtain them

    Source and deliver components for std services - software licenses

    Assist with general info complaints or comments
  26. Service Operation Request fulfillment Basic Concepts
    Service request - a request for info or advice or a Std Change - password reset

    Request Model - pre-defined process flow showing the stages needed to deal with the request - delivery of a desktop application
  27. Service Operation - Problem Mgt Objectives
    Prevent problems and resulting incidents form happening

    Eliminate recurring incidents

    Min ithe impact of incidents that cannot be prevented
  28. Problem Mgt Concepts - Definition of a Problem
    The cause of one or more incidents
  29. Problem Management - Problem Models
    Defined set of steps to handle the problem...will vary
  30. Problem Management - Workaround
    A tempory way of overcomming the difficulty
  31. Problem Management Know Error
    Record logged in the know error db
  32. Problem Management - Know Error DB
    Storage of previous knowledge of incidents and problems
  33. Problem Management - Reactive problem Mgt
    Resolution of underlying causes

    Covered in Service Operation
  34. Problem Management - Pro-Active Management
    Trend Analysis of incidents to identify problems

    Generally undertaken as part of the CSI
  35. Difference between Incident, Problem and Know Error
    Incident - loss or reduction of services

    Problem - cause of 1 or more incidents

    Know Error - has a workaround associated with errors
  36. Problem Management - Reactive process
    • Detection
    • Logging
    • Categorization
    • Prioritization
    • Investigation & Diags
    • Workarounds - prob mgt owns
    • Raising know Error record
    • Resolution
    • Closure
    • Major Problem Review
  37. Problem Management - Interfaces
    • Incident Mgt
    • Change Mgt
    • Service asset & configuration
    • Release and Deploy
    • Availability mgt
    • Capacity Mgt
    • IT Services Continuity Mgt
    • Service level Mgt
    • Financial Mgt
  38. Access Mgt Objectives
    • Granting authorized users rights
    • Prevent access by non authorized users
    • Access mgt implementation and enforcement of securty policies

    Enforcement only does not define policies
  39. Access Management - Concepts
    • Access
    • Identify
    • Rights
    • Service or Service Groups
    • Directory Services
  40. Service Operation - Functions - Service Desk
    • Primary point of contact
    • Deals with all users, incidents, Request and change
    • Coordinates action across IT org
  41. Service Desk Options
    • Local
    • Centralized
    • Virtural
    • Follow the Sun
    • Specialized groups
  42. Service Desk Objective
    • Logging and Categorizing incidents, service requests and soem catorgry of change
    • 1st line of investigation and diag
    • Esclation
    • Communication
    • Closing incident and service requests
    • Customer SAT
    • Upd the CMS if agreed
  43. Technical Management
    • Custodians of the technical knowlege and expertise related to management of IT infrastructure
    • Provide actual resources to suppor
    • Perform many service mgt activities
    • Execute most ITSM process
  44. IT Operations Management Objectives
    • Maintain Status Quo - Stability
    • Identify opportunities ot Impl
    • Inital diag and resolution of operation incidents
  45. Application Management Objectives
    • Well designed resilent cost effective
    • ensuring availability of functionality
    • Maintain operational Application
    • Support during app failure
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