Pectoralis Major 414
Origin: medial clavical, sternum, ribs 1-7
Insertion: bicipital groove of the humerus
Action: flexion, medial rotation & adduction of the humerus
Pectoralis Minor 407
Origin: ribs 3-5
Insertion: coracoid process of the scapula
Action: depress, protracts, downward rotates the scapula & elevates ribs
Anterior Deltoid 414
Origin: lateral third of the clavicle
Insertion: deltoid tuberosity
Action: flexion & medial rotation of the shoulder
Middle Deltoid 414
Origin: acromion process on the scapula
Insertion: deltoid tuberosity
Action: abduction of the shoulder
Posterior Deltoid 414
Origin: scapular spine
Insertion: deltoid tuberosity
Action: extension & lateral rotation of the shoulder
Trapezius 404
Origin: external occipital protuberance (EOP) down to T-12 vertebra
Insertion: lateral third of clavicle, acromion process, scapular spine
Action: extension of head & neck & elevates scapula
Latissimus Dorsi 410
Origin: spinous processes of T7 to L5 vertebra
Insertion: bicipital groove of the humerus
Action: extension, medial rotation & adduction of the shoulder
Sternocleidomastoid 471
Origin: top of sternum, medial third of clavicle
Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone
Action: flextion of neck
Longissimus 492
Origin: posterior sacrum
Insertion: mastoid process
Actions: extends the vertebral column
Illiocostalis 493
Origin: posterior iliac crest
Insertion: ribs 1 - 12 (posterior)
Action: extension of vertebral column
Gluteus Maximus 438
Origin: posterior sacrum, posterior iliac crest
Insertion: iliotibial band
Action: extension & lateral rotation of hip
Gluteus Medius 438
Origin: external ilium
Insertion: greater trochanter of femur
Action: medially rotation & abduction of hip
Gluteus Minimus 438
Origin: external ilium
Insertion: greater trochanter of femur
Action: medially rotation & abduction of hip
Rectus Femoris 440
Origin: anterior inferior iliac spine
Insertion: tibial tuberosity
Action: flextion of hip, extension of knee
Vastus Medialis 441
Origin: linea aspera (medial lip)
Insertion: tibial tuberosity
Action: extension of knee
Vastus Lateralis 442
Origin: linea aspera (lateral lip)
Insertion: tibial tuberosity
Action: extension of knee
Vastus Intermedius 441
Origin: anterior lateral femoral shaft
Insertion: tibial tuberosity
Action: extension of knee
Sartorius 442
Origin: anterior superior iliac spine
Insertion: proximal anteriomedial tibial shaft
Action: flextion of hip & knee
Gracilis 446
Origin: inferior pubic ramus
Insertion: proximal anteromedial tibial shaft (@ pesanserinus)
Action: flextion of knee, adduction of hip
Semitendinosus 444
Origin: ischial tuberosity
Insertion: proximal posteriomedial tibial shaft @ pes anserinus
Action: flexion of knee, extension & medial rotation of hip
Semimembranosus 444
Origin: ischial tuberosity
Insertion: posteriomedial condyle of the tibia
Action: flexion of knee, extension & medial rotation of hip
Biceps Femoris Long Head 445
Origin: ischial tuberosity
Insertion: fibular head
Action: flexion of knee, extension of hip
Biceps Femoris Short Head 445
Origin: linea aspera (lower lateral lip)
Insertion: fibular head
Action: flexion of knee
Piriformis 434
Origin: anterior sacrum
Insertion: greater trochanter
Action: lateral rotation of hip
Psoas Major 432
Origin: anterior lateral lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: lesser trochanter
Action: flexion & lateral rotation of hip
Iliacus 433
Origin: iliac fossa
Insertion: lesser trochanter
Action: flexion of hip
Adductor Magnus 446
Origin: ischial tuberosity & ramus, inferior pubic ramus
Insertion: linea aspera
Action: flexion, extension & adduction of hip
Adductor Longus 447
Origin: anterior pubic body
Insertion: middle third of linea aspera (medial lip)
Action: adduction of hip
Adductor Brevis 447
O: inferior pubic ramus
I: proximal third of linea aspera (medial lip)
A: Adduction of hip
Pectineus 448
O: superior pubic ramus
I: linea aspera (medial lip)
A: flexion & adduction of hip
Popliteus 449
O: lateral condyle of femur
I: posterior proximal tibial shaft
A: flexion of knee, medial rotation of leg
Gastrocnemius 456
O: medial & lateral epicondyle of femur
I: calcaneus
A: plantar flex ankle, flex knee
Soleus 457
O: superior posterior third of fibular shaft
I: calcaneus
A: plantar flex ankle
Quadratus Lumborum 488
O: posterior iliac crest
I: inferior rib T-12, transverse process L1-L4
A: lateral flexion of vertebral column, elevates hip, extension of lumbar spine
Rectus Adominis 486
O: superior pubic symphysis, superior tubercle
I: costal cartilage ribs T5-T7, xiiphoid process
A: flexion & lareral flexion of vertebral column, compresses abdominal contents
External Obliques 486
O: anterior lateral ribs T5 - T12
I: linea alba
A: compress abdominal contents
Internal Obliques 487
O: anterior iliac crest, inguinal ligament
I: linea alba
A: compresses abdominal contents
Transverse Abdominis 487
O: inner surface costal cartilage ribs T7-T12, inguinal ligament
I: linea alba
A: compresses abdominal contents
Rotatores Brevis 490
O: tranverse process of one vertebral segment
I: spinous process of the vertebra one level higher than the origin
A: unilateral rotation of vertebral column, bilateral extension of vertebral column
Multifidus 481
O: transverse process of one vertebral segment
I: spinous process of 2nd, 3rd & 4th vertebral segment above
A: unilateral rotation, lateral flexion & bilateral extension of vert column
Splenius Capitis 474
O: inferior nuchal ligament, spinous process C-7 to T-4
I: mastoid process, superior nuchal line
A: unilateral rotation of head, unilateral lateral flexion of neck, bilateral extension of head
Anterior Scalene 473
O: transverse process C3-C6
I: superior surface rib1
A: unilateral lateral flexion of neck, unilateral rotation of head, bilateral elevation of 1st rib during inspiration
Levator Scapula 405
O: transverse process C1 - C4
I: medial border of scapula (superior root of spine)
A: elevation & downward rotation of scapula
Middle Scalene 473
O: transverse process C2-C7
I: superior surface rib 1
A: unilateral lateral flexion of neck, unilateral rotation of head, bilateral elevation of 1st rib during inspiration
Digastric (Clay 88)
O: inferiorly, both bellies on hyoid bone
I: superiorly, posterior belly on mastoid process & scm. Anterior belly on mandible.
A: lowers & retracts mandible, raises hyoid, participates in swallowing & coughing (steadies hyoid)
Splenius Cervicis 475
O: spinous process T3-T6
I: transverse process C1-C3
A: rotation, extension & lateral flexion of neck
Sternohyoid (Musc 3, 416)
O: posterior surface of sternum, medial clavicle
I: inferior surface of hyoid
A: depresses hyoid bone, flexion of head & neck
Omohyoid (Musc 3 422)
O: inferior belly superior border of scapula, superior belly central tendo of clavicle
I: inferior belly central tendon of clavicle, superior belly to inferior surface of hyoid
A: depresses hyoid, flexion of neck & head
Posterior Scalene 474
O: transverse process C5-C7
I: superior lateral surface rib 2
A: unilateral lateral flexion of neck, bilateral elevation rib 2 during inspiration
O: mandile
I: hyoid
A: depresses mandible, elevates hyoid
O: top of sternum, medial third of clavicle
I: mastoid process of temporal bone
A: flexion of neck
O: supraspinous fossa of scapula
I: greater tubercle of humerus
A: initiates abduction of humerus
O: infraspinous fossa of scapula
I: greater tubercle of humerus
A: lateral rotation of shoulder
- O: subscapular fossa of scapula
- I: lesser tubercle of humerus
A: medial rotation of shoulder
Rhomboids Major
O: spinous process T2-T5
I: medial border of scapula to inferior angle
A: retracts & downward rotation of scapula
Rhomboids Minor
O: spinous process C7-T1
I: medial border of scapula from root of scapular spine
A: retracts & downward rotation of scapula
Biceps Brachii
O: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula (long hd), coracoid process of scapula (short hd)
I: radial tuberosity, bicipital aponeurosis
A: flexion of elbow & shoulder, supinates forearm