- author "me"
- fileName "Gustar"
- tags ""
- description ""
- Gustar means:
- To be pleasing
Step 1:
Who is it pleasing to?
Thing that is pleasing
- El traje: the suit
- Or
- If blank: it
Thing that is pleasing goes after conjugated gustar
Gusta el traje
Step 3:
Conjugating gustar
Conjugation: two parts
- Is it present or past?
- One thing is pleasing or plural?
If one thing is pleasing
Gusta o Gusto'
If plural
Gustan o Gustaron
How do you express what people like or don't like to do?
Gusta followed by infinitive.
Nos Gusta caminar por la manana
We like to walk in the morning
Other gustar wannabe verbs:
- Encantar, Fascinar
- Intersar
- Parecer
- Quedar
Encantar, Fascinar
To like a lot or to love
To interest, to matter
To fit, to have something left
Like or dislike a person
Caer bien o Caer mal
Copies gustar
To clarify or emphasize to whom something is pleasing
- Use:
- a+mi', a+ti', a+e'l/ella, a usted(es), a+noun
I liked the shoes, but Pedro did not like them
A mi' me gustaron los zapatos, pero a Pedro no le gustaron.