M. Phys

  1. M- Line
    • Stabilizes thick filament lattice
    • Thicker in Type I vs. Type II
    • 3 Components
    • -Creatine Kinase (CK) ~2% Enzyme catalyzes rxn of PCr + ADP → ATP
    • -CK mostly soluble and associated c H-band
    • -M protein
    • -Myomesin
    • -Myosin
    • -Titin
  2. Smooth Muscle Organization
    • 1. Whole muscle (epimysium) belly
    • 2. Muscle Fascicle (perimysium) Bundle of muscle fibers
    • 3. Muscle Fiber (endomysium/ sarcolemma)Muscle cell
    • 4. MyofibrilSarcomeres in series
    • 5. SarcomereZ-disc to Z-disc
    • 6. MyofilamentsSuch as actin, myosin, titin etc.
  3. Action Potential generated at Axon Hillock
    • 1.Gradual depolarization to threshold
    • 2.Rapid rising phase
    • 3.Overshoot
    • 4.Repolarization
    • -Followed by a brief afterhyperpolarization.
  4. Action Propagation / Myelin
    • 1)Action potential propagation is unidirectional.
    • 2)All or none.
    • 3)No decrement in AP magnitude.
    • 4)Conduction velocity depends on axon diameter and the presence/absence of myelin.
    • 5)Myelin is an insulator.
    • 6)Myelin is produced by:
    • -CNS: Oligodendrocytes
    • -PNS: Schwann Cells
    • 7)Action potential propagation is saltatory
    • 8) At nodes of Ranvier
  5. Activated Nerve Terminal
    • 1) Nerve Impulse
    • 2)Voltage gated Ca+ channel opens Ca+->
    • 3) Neurotransmitter released
  6. Ligand-gated ion channel
    • ~70 vesicles fuse with presynaptic membrane
    • ~6,000 – 10,000 ACh molecules are released/quantal packet (one vesicle)
    • ~250,000 AChRʼs are opened per AP
  7. Excitation-Contraction (EC) coupling
    • -AP;s travel in T-tubule @ 7cm/s
    • -Superficial myofibrils contract first.
    • -Conversion of electrochemical energy into mechanical energy.
    • -AP -- ACh -- AP -- Ca -- Actin/Myosin interaction++
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M. Phys
test 1