sword kamae and movements.txt

  1. Jodan no kamae
    • Upper position
    • (left leg forward)
  2. Dai jodan
    • Great upper position
    • (left leg forward)
  3. Hasso
    • 8 aspects
    • (elbow down)
    • (right leg forward)
  4. Seigan
    • Correct Eye
    • (right leg forward)
    • (point at eyes)
  5. Chudan
    • Middle position
    • (right leg forward)
    • (point at heart)
  6. Gedan
    • Lower position
    • (right leg forward)
  7. Kasumi
    • Haze
    • (left leg forward)
  8. Ichi
    • First position
    • (right leg forward)
  9. Ryu sui
    Flowing water posture (hiding behind leg)
  10. To Sui
    Water blade (like reversed gedan)
  11. Kocho
    • Butterfly (like kasumi with point forward)
    • (left leg forward)
  12. Jiziri gedan
    • lower level posture
    • (left leg forward, low and level)
  13. Kongo
    • Immovable (or diamond)
    • (right in front of spine)
  14. Niji Uchi
    • Rainbow block
    • (rise from seigan)
    • (step out and kesa giri)
  15. Hasso Uchi
    • 8 aspects block
    • (thrust forward after receiving)
  16. Ken Nagashi
    Parry (defect aside to close distance)
  17. Ken Nagari
    Parry with flow (defect to shomitsu)
  18. Ken Nage
    Cut sword
  19. Ken Ate
    Tap (w/ back hand) to knock aside
  20. Upper position
    Jodan no kamae
  21. Great upper position
    Dai jodan
  22. 8 aspects
  23. Correct Eye
  24. Middle position
  25. Lower position
  26. Haze
  27. First position
  28. Watery moon (hiding behind leg)
    Ryu sui
  29. Watery blade (like reversed gedan)
    To Sui
  30. Butterfly (like kasumi with point forward)
  31. Immovable (or diamond)
  32. Rainbow block
    Niji Uchi
  33. 8 aspects block
    Hasso Uchi
  34. Parry (defect aside to close distance)
    Ken Nagashi
  35. Parry with flow (defect to shomitsu)
    Ken Nagari
  36. Cut sword
    Ken Nage
  37. Tap (w/ back hand) to knock aside
    Ken Ate
  38. Maru bashi
    Log Bridge
  39. Informal bow
    Ritsu Rei
  40. Formal bow
    Za Rei
  41. Head cut
    Men giri
  42. Diagonal cut, downward
    Kesa Giri
  43. Diagonal cut, upward
    Gyaku kesa giri
  44. torso cut
    Do giri
  45. reverse torso cut
    gyaku do giri
  46. Leg cut
    Ashi giri
  47. Thrust
  48. stone splitter cut
    ishi wara
  49. o chi buri
    major blood shake
  50. blood shake
    • o chi buri (major blood shake)
    • chi buri (minor blood shake)
  51. Draw, cut, and return to says
    Batto No To
  52. sho men uchi batto notto
    • (frontal head cut)
    • right foot forward, right hand out
    • bring sword to right hand
    • bend knees to pull saya off the sword
    • sword overhead and rise for ishi wara (stone splitter) cut (to kote)
    • kukan
    • ochi buri
    • return
  53. do giri batto notto
    • 45 degrees off line
    • rotate saya 90 degrees and bring to right hand
    • turn hips to pull saya off the blade
    • do giri
    • bring over the head for men giri (to kote)
    • kukan
    • ochi buri
    • return
  54. katana flow drill
    • seigan
    • dai jodan
    • men giri
    • do giri
    • kesa giri
    • kesa giri
    • gyaku kesa giri
    • gyaku kesa giri
    • tsuki (cut out to the right)
    • change direction to dai jodan and keep going)
Card Set
sword kamae and movements.txt
sword postures and movements of aikininjitsu