O.B. Chapter 3

  1. A generic term that covers a broad range of feelings including emotions and moods

    A) Affect
  2. Intense feelings directed at someone or something.

    B) Emotions
  3. Less intense feelings that often lack a contextual stimulus.

    A) Moods
  4. True or False:
    Emotions are more fleeting than moods.
    • True.
    • Bad moods can last for several hours, intense emotions come and go fairly quickly.
  5. True or False:
    Emotions are more cognitive and moods are more action oriented.
    • False.
    • Moods are more cognitive and emotions are more action oriented.
  6. True or False:
    Emotions can be neutral.
    • False.
    • Being neutral is being nonemotional.
  7. True or False:
    Positive and negative affect are moods.
  8. True or False.
    For most people, negative moods are more common than positive moods.
  9. True or False.
    Emotions are critical to rational thinking
  10. True or False.
    most people have a built-in tendency to experience certain moods and emotions more frequently than others do
  11. What is affect intensity
    how strongly people experience thier emotions.
  12. True or False.
    People tend to be in thier worst moods in the middle of the week.
    • False.
    • Beginning of the week.
  13. True or False.
    Morning people are at thier best moods in the morning and vice versa for evening people.
    • False.
    • Most people are at thier best moods at the middle of the day.
  14. True or False:
    There is a weak coorelation between mood and weather.
    • False.
    • No coorelation.
  15. True or False:
    Social Activities have little affect on negative moods.
  16. True or False:
    All social activity affect mood equally.
    • False.
    • Sedentary or formal activity has less affect than informal or physical activity.
  17. True or False
    Sleep affects mood.
  18. True or False.
    Exercise affects moods positively
  19. True or False
    Younger people experience more extreme positive emotions than older people.
  20. True or False.
    Women are more emotional than men.
  21. What is emotional labor?
    Employee's expression of organizationally desired emotions when expected or appropriate.
  22. What is emotional dissonance?
    When employees have to project one emotion when feeling another.
  23. True or False.
    people who feel negative emotions are more likely to engagein deviant behavior
  24. True or False.
    Bad moods contribute to injury at work in many ways
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O.B. Chapter 3
Organizational Behavior Chapter 3