Renaissance Art

    • Lorenzo Ghiberti
    • (Italian, ca. 1378–1455)

    • The North Baptistery Doors
    • 1403-1424
    • 28 Panels of the New Testament
    • Lorenzo Ghiberti
    • (Italian, ca. 1378–1455)

    • The Eastern Baptistery Doors
    • 1425-1452
    • “The Gates of Paradise”

    10 Panels of the Old Testament
    • Lorenzo Ghiberti
    • (Italian, ca. 1378–1455)

    • Baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence
    • Relief from the Doors of Paradise,
    • 1425–52

    Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
    • Lorenzo Ghiberti
    • (Italian, ca. 1378–1455)

    • Doors of Paradise are over 16 feet
    • tall, and each door weighs one and a third tons. The panels are of bronze
    • electroplated with a nickel base on which gold was applied in a chemical
    • process. A yearly cleaning with mild soap and water, is followed by an application
    • of mixed turpentine and beeswax.
    • Donatello
    • (Italian, 1386-1466)

    • Saint George
    • ca. 1417

    • Ghiberti techniques made full size
    • "Dragon Slayer"
    • Donatello
    • (Italian, 1386-1466)

    • Gattamelata
    • 1444-53
    • Padua

    • 1st full size bronze horse & rider statue ever created
    • 1 foot up- died of battle wounds
  1. Fra Angelico

    • The Annunciation 1446-1449
    • San Marco, Florence

    Angel tells Mary she will give birth to Jesus
  2. Fra Angelico

    The Annuciation

    • flat halo
    • became better at folds in cloth/fabric
  3. Fra Angelico

    The Annunciatory Angel

    • flat halo
    • became better at folds of cloth/fabric
  4. Fra Angelico

    An Illuminated page
    • Fra Filippo Lippi
    • 1452

    • Virgin with the Child and Scenes from
    • the Life of St Anne

    • floor slopes down to right
    • staircase is curved
    • floor curves with the staircase
    • light is not shown in lighted areas
    • Fra Filippo Lippi
    • 1465

    Madonna with the Child & 2 Angels

    • Madonna means Mary
    • painting is very European
    • Giovanni Bellini
    • (Italian, c. 1430-1516)

    • Christ's Blessing
    • 1460

    • Jesus had a strong upper body
    • Jesus' hole in his shirt is from when he was speared
    • holes in wrists from nails
    • Giovanni Bellini
    • (Italian, c. 1430-1516)

    • Madonna with Saints
    • 1505
    • Sandro
    • Botticelli
    • 1444/45-1510

    The Birth of Venus, c. 1485-86

    • Zephyr - male winds
    • Zora - gentle spring winds
    • winds usher Venus into world
    • Botticelli struggled with shoulders
    • Sandro
    • Botticelli
    • 1444/45-1510

    The Adoration of the Magi, 1470-75
    • Sandro Botticelli
    • 1444/45-1510

    • His
    • portrait in the painting
    • Sandro Botticelli
    • 1444/45-1510

    Mars & Venus, 1485
    • Sandro Botticelli
    • 1444/45-1510

    Allegory of Spring 1477-78

    • should be read from right to left
    • Zephyr chasing nymph
    • plants around Zephyr are frozen
    • Venus is in the center
    • Cupid is flying above
    • Apollo (messenger) is on left side
    • translucent fabric on nymph

    MONA LISA 1503-1506

    • Miss Lisa - married woman
    • painting took 5 years
    • honestly looks like a regular picture
    • brushstrokes only visible under microscope
    • no eyebrows
    • appears to be looking at you

    • THE LAST
    • SUPPER
    • 1495-1498 in Milan

    • only an experimentation with paint - failure
    • everyone's sitting behind the table
    • the table is U-shaped
    • Jesus had 1st seat of the U, then John, then Judas
    • Peter sat across from Jesus

    Self-Portrait 1512

    • The Proportions of
    • the Human Figure
    • (Vitruvian Man) 1490

    • Drawing of a Flying Machine
    • c.1486

    • wrote backwards
    • scientist & inventor
    • true Renaissance man
    • designed 1st car

    • Battle Cart with Mobile Scythes
    • c. 1485

    • wrote backwards
    • scientist & inventor
    • true Renaissance man
    • designed 1st car
  11. Michelangelo

    Pietà 1499

    • stays behind bulletproof glass
    • Madonna looked the age she was when she got then news that she was going to give birth to Jesus
    • Michelangelo wanted credit - carved his name in the sash, instantly felt sorrow and like he ruined the sculpture
    • never took credit for one of his sculptures ever again
  12. Michelangelo

    • 1504

    • David is about to face Goliath - has sling
    • right hand is oversized - originally meant to be looked up upon rather than at eye level
  13. Michelangelo

    • CHAPEL
    • 1508-1512

    • Michelangelo thought of himself as a horrible painter - believed he was a gifted sculptor
    • Pope forced him to paint ceiling for him, although he wanted to sculpt the tomb
  14. Michelangelo

    • The Last Judgment
    • 1534 -1541

    • commissioned by Pope Clement VII
    • & Paul II
    • everyone was naked - very controversial
  15. Raphael


    • Spozalizio
    • (The Engagement of Virgin
    • Mary)
    • 1504
    • Perspective
  16. Raphael

    • THE
    • 1510-1511
  17. Raphael

    • The Sistine Madonna
    • 1513-14

    background includes faces of the dead Saints
  18. Raphael

    The Liberation of St Peter 1514

    Peter is being led out
    • Jan van Eyck
    • 1434

    Arnolfini Wedding Portrait

    • in bedroom - private
    • dog - represents loyalty
    • van Eyck was bad at hands
    • wife is not really pregnant - just pulling up skirt
    • signature on the back wall
    • Jan van Eyck
    • active by 1422, died 1441

    • The Crucifixion; The Last Judgment
    • ca. 1430

    • two pieces
    • sits on an altar
    • extremely detailed
  19. Hubert Van Eyck, 1420s

    The Three Marys at the Tomb

    detailed Russian castles in the back
    • Albrecht Dürer
    • (1471-1528)

    • 1498


    • Revelation - end of times
    • 4 horseman represents certain things
    • special signature seen often
  20. Albrecht Dürer

    • Self-Portrait at 26
    • 1498

    • painted many self portraits
    • fabulous hand painter
    • signature
  21. Albrecht Dürer

    • Portrait of Erasmus
    • 1520
  22. Albrecht Dürer

    • Wing of a Roller
    • 1512
    • Watercolor
  23. Albrecht Dürer

    Self Portrait at 28 - 1500

    Christ-like portrait
  24. Peter Paul Rubens

    • Landscape with a Rainbow
    • c. 1638

    • used vibrant colors
    • portrayed classical/Renaissance themes
    • painting of scene after rainstorm
    • life is returning
  25. Peter Paul Rubens

    The Battle of the Amazon 1619

    blurred marks show action
  26. Peter Paul Rubens

    • Old Woman with a Basket of Coal
    • 1618-20

    • looks like a photo
    • living in cave
    • only heat from basket of coal
  27. Pieter Bruegel

    • The Tower of Babel
    • 1563

    • tower attempted to reach God
    • God was upset - destroyed the tower, gave each different languages, and spread them all over the world
  28. Pieter Bruegel

    The Triumph of Death 1562

    • burning - the world is on fire
    • death is coming to the Earth
    • there is light in the horizon
    • animals are very skinny
  29. Pieter Bruegel

    Children's Games 1559-60

    children are in all states of play
  30. Titian

    • Bacchus and Ariadne
    • 1520-22

    • Titian is from Venice
    • Classical style/portraits
    • painting expresses mythology
    • dog - loyalty
    • Bacchus - god of wine/pleasures
    • stars - shaped like a halo - divinity
  31. Titian

    • The Flaying of Marsyas
    • 1576

    • flay - to skin someone
    • flaying faun
    • faun was a talented musician
    • challenged gods with his talent
    • Apollo is playing the violin
    • dog is lapping up the blood
    • left - shows mythology
    • right - shows Titian as a child holding on to a larger dog
    • old man - Titian's face
    • Sofonisba Anguissola
    • ca. 1530- 1625

    • The Chess Game
    • 1555
    • Lucia, Minerva and Europa Anguissola

    • only female artist
    • started with portraits only
    • chess game - sisters are playing chess
    • Sofonisba Anguissola
    • ca. 1530- 1625

    Her portrait of Queen Elisabeth of Valois with a "flea-fur“ (the pelt of a marten worn to attract the fleas that might in its absence have attacked the person wearing it), was the most widely copied portrait in Spain.
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Renaissance Art
Art History Test - 4.28.10