Your Wish

  1. my wish is my
    my command
  2. When I go through the training, I virtually have my own
    Personal genie
  3. The basic training teaches me what?
    How I can be, do or have anything and everything I want. How I make my dreams come true. How I make or manifest my own reality.
  4. Who do I listen to?
    Someone who has what I want, and has been where i'm presently at
  5. Who do I ultimately listen to?
    myself, my own feelings
  6. On a scale of one to ten, how do I rate my belief that this stuff actually works? 10 being the highest, 1 being the lowest.
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  7. 99.9% of all the books and seminars and courses on how to make money are written by people who have made a lot of money or have not made a lot of money?
    Generally, have not made a lot of money
  8. Generally, where did these people make most of their money?
    Selling books, tapes and seminars on how to make money
  9. If a super wealthy person wrote a book on how to make money, did they actually write the books themselves or did they have a ghost writer write it?
    They did not write the book. They had a ghost writer write it.
  10. If a super wealthy person wrote a book on how to make money, did they even read the book that they allegedly wrote?
  11. The super wealthy believe that the ability to create wealth comes from ___.
    Genetics, or feeling energy vibration frequency, white ball of energy, neural pathways, identity or beingness
  12. Members of secret societies kept the secrets between which two groups?
    Family and their peers in the same genetic makeup.
  13. In these societies, how is training done?
    seminars, workshops, books, audios, observing other people, from your own experience, one on one communication, member to member, being an apprentice to a mentor
  14. What are the two variables in the teachability index?
    what is my Willingness to learn, what is my willingness to accept change
  15. I don’t know what ___
    I don’t know.
  16. Will you ever totally “get it”?
    No. I'm always getting it.
  17. If I want things in my life to change, I'm going to have to ___
    Change things in my life.
  18. The most important thing I need to change is what?
    The way I think
  19. Does my teachability index change from time to time?
  20. Should I listen or should I wait for my turn to talk?
  21. If I'm not growing, I'm what?
    I'm Dying
  22. How do I know I have a high teachability index?
    What am I willing to sacrifice and give up
  23. How much time am I willing to put in? How much money am I willing to put in? What am I willing to give up?
    I'm willing to do Whatever it takes
  24. I must master the step I'm on, before I get to ___
    The next step
  25. I Only focus on learning the next logical ___
  26. My Successes Builds ___
    my Confidence
  27. My Confidence creates ___
    my Activities
  28. My Activity creates ___
    my Habits
  29. My habits create
    my results
  30. My results create
    my successes
  31. What’s the optimal length of time I listen to a CD’s or do training?
    20 minutes
  32. What kind of music should I listen to while learning new information?
    Baroque Classical Music
  33. How often should I focus on the teachability index?
    Everyday, all the time, I ask myself how teachable am I ?
  34. How would I eat an elephant?
    If I'm overwhelmed, I eat a bite at a time
  35. I go as far as I can see on my radar, and when I get there, ___
    I'll see further___ end of your wish 1
  36. Words that belong to the (Why) side of the training balance scale.
    Thoughts, Thinking, Desires,  Attitude, Mental Processes, Objectives, Goals, Dreams, Vibration, Intention,Energy, Emotions, How I Feel, Motivation, Enthusiasm, Chief Aim
  37. Words that belong to the (How) side of the training balance scale.
    Actions, Activities, Physical Movements, What I Do, Strategies, Techniques, Skills, Action Steps, Plans, Activities
  38. What side of the training balance scale is 90% of my success?
    The first side. The Attitude side.
  39. If I'm Thinking about the ___ It can almost guarantee my failure.
    The how
  40. For me to be successful I must know “how to do something”, I must know techniques and I must have skills.
  41. All successful people did not know “the how.” Rather, they knew what they wanted, instead of “how” to achieve it.
  42. When my attitude is right, ___
    then The facts don’t count
  43. The above statement is true because what most people think are facts are actually ___
    their Opinions
  44. Who bought up all the ships at the end of World War II and became the richest man in the world?
    Aristotle Onassis
  45. The wealthiest man in the world to first to release this information to the masses was:
    Andrew Carnegie
  46. The person he used to publish the works, first revealing this information, was:
    Napoleon Hill
  47. The first book written that revealed Andrew Carnegie’s material was what?
    The Law of Success in 16 Lessons
  48. The first basic concept in Your Wish Is Your Command is…
    Who do I listen to?
  49. The second basic concept in Your Wish Is Your Command is…
    Teachability index, how teachable am I
  50. The third basic concept in Your Wish Is Your Command is…
    Training Balance Scale, what side am I at 90%
  51. What are the four steps of learning?
    Unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, unconscious competence.
  52. Focus on my ___, not on the ___.
    chief aim, not on How
  53. How do I get to unconscious competence?
    By Doing it repetitively, over and over at the conscious competence level, or observing someone else do it, them mimic them, at a conscious competence level
  54. MY Successes breeds ___
    More of my Successes
  55. What is created in my brain when I reach unconscious competence?
    Neural pathways
  56. The first two reasons I don’t succeed at something is
    I'm listening to the wrong people and I have a low teachability index, or I'm not willing to learn or change
  57. If I say I know something and don't do it
    Then I don't know it
  58. To be a master I must master ___
    The Basics
  59. A punch is not a punch. Its just ___
    a Punch, or 5 minutes to learn, a life time to master
  60. I am not afraid of the 10,000 strikes you know you’ve practiced only a number of times, I am afraid of
    The one strike you know you’ve practiced 10,000 times
  61. When can I stop focusing on and learning the basics?
  62. What is the best way that I can really learn this information?
    By me teaching it
  63. Who do I teach it to?
    myself and then others
  64. Why is it important that I read books or listen to audios over and over again?
    Because I'm a different person every time I listen or read and I get new discoveries, cognitions and realizations.
  65. What is the fifth basic concept in Your Wish Is Your Command?
    That I Master the first four basics.
  66. When I think I've got it, it means I have a ___
    Low teachability index, not willing to learn or change
  67. What is the strangest secret?
    I become what I think about most of the time
  68. Who wrote it?
    Earl Nightingale
  69. Napoleon Hill says, “Whatever my mind can conceive ___
    And bring myself to believe, I will achieve.
  70. Have you watched the DVD and read the book, The Secret?
  71. In the movie & book, The Secret, what law was described?
    The Law of Attraction
  72. Can I be, do, or have, anything and everything I want?
  73. My brain is a ___ and ___ of frequency, vibration, energy, or feelings, emotions
    Transmitter / Receiver
  74. Everything in the universe is made up of the same thing. What is it?
  75. If I continue to think like I’ve always thought, I’ll ___
    Continue to get what I’ve always got.
  76. My brain puts out ___ that affect physical matter.
  77. My brainwave frequencies ___ instantaneously.
  78. Unlike radio transmissions, My brainwave frequency transmissions do not travel in a…
    A straight line
  79. The most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency or vibration is my ___
    Brain, mind or me
  80. The fastest transmitter and receiver of frequency or vibration is also my ___
  81. What happens when I emit a frequency?
    That exact same frequency is drawn to me
  82. What is the genie that will grant my every wish?
    Me or my brain or my mind
  83. Are some laws senior to other laws?
  84. What is an example?
    The law of lift is senior to the law of gravity
  85. Have you watched the movie, What The Bleep Do We Know?
  86. In the movie, What The Bleep Do We Know, what substance was tested to show that thoughts affect physical matter?
  87. Everything is ____  ____ ing at a different ____
    Energy vibrating / frequency
  88. When I transmit frequencies, it’s picked up by ___ and affects ___
    Other brains / Physical matter
  89. My brain frequencies travel instantaneously and have the same intensity no matter the distance.
  90. All physical laws are really just ___
  91. The most senior law, which supersedes every physical law is the ___
    Law of attraction___ end of your wish 2
  92. Every vibration I transmit is being attracted to me. The speed in which I will receive what I'm  transmitting is determined by what three factors:
    The intensity of my transmission, how often I'm transmitting that frequency and if I have any resistance in me.
  93. The Law of Attraction works whether I'm consciously applying it or not.
  94. Everything I think about, every emotion I feel is a vibration being transmitted. So only I create my ___
    own Reality
  95. What I want ___
    Wants me.
  96. Anything I can dream, anything I can envision, anything I desire I can have it provided I believe it without ___
    any Doubt
  97. When I put out a ___, the universe moves heaven and earth and provides people, situations and events to grant me, my desires.
  98. Napoleon Hill's secret to success is defining your ___ and get a ___ ___ for its achievement.
    Dream / Burning desire
  99. The number one goal I should always be shooting for is ___
    for me To feel good now
  100. My goal should be feel as good as I can right now.
  101. My goal should be keep feeling even better.
  102. When defining my dreams I can do so in what three ways?
    I can be Very specific, general or focus on the feeling I'll have when I get it
  103. My Thoughts are ___
  104. When my attitude is right, ___
    The facts don’t count
  105. What’s on my radar screen represents 1% of the possibilities. Where is my other 99%?
    Its Off my radar screen
  106. What is the one thing that stops what I'm focusing on from coming into my experience?
    Its Doubt, disbelief or focusing on the lack of it
  107. My dream or desire is in the sweet spot when what two things occur?
    When my dream is big enough to excite me and small enough that I believe, I will get it.
  108. How do I know my dream is in the sweet spot?
    I feel really good, when I think about it
  109. When writing down my goals and dreams, what two things are most important to have ?
    White Paper. Blue Ink. it creates strong neural pathways in the brain
  110. The difference between outrageously successful people and me is what?
    The size of my dream and the time I've used the your wish formula, and created unconscious competence
  111. List the two ways I can do dream building.
    I can Look at pictures or physically go look and touch things
  112. My income could be what?
    The average of my five best friends
  113. What should I have to help me focus on my dreams?
    A Dream book and dream board___ end of your wish 3
  114. When picturing and visualizing my dreams, what are three key elements?
    See myself in the picture, visualize my dream through my own eyes, feel the emotions of having it.
  115. When I think of my dream and I'm not in the sweet spot, how do I know?
    I feel bad.
  116. When I think of my dream and feel bad, this means what?
    I'm thinking about the lack of it and I don’t believe I’ll get it.
  117. The ideal feeling I have when I think about what I want is ?
    The feeling that I've already got it and not caring that I don’t have it yet
  118. Do you subscribe to The Robb Report magazine?
  119. Do you subscribe to the duPont Registry magazine?
  120. Do you subscribe to Architectural Digest magazine?
  121. Do you subscribe to any other dream building magazines on such subjects as, yachting, travel, homes, jewelry, clothing, etc?
  122. My Success is a ___ away.
  123. My Success is the progressive ___
    Realization of a worthwhile dream
  124. The universe will always give me circumstances, situations, people and events that match the ___ I'm vibrating
  125. The 10 second miracle is what?
    Its me Taking 100% responsibility for everything in my life
  126. Eliminating mysticism is what?
    Not blaming any outside influences for what’s happening in my life. It’s taking 100% responsibility for everything in my life
  127. I'm empowered when I believe and realize that I have 100% control and responsibility for everything that happens in my life. I am disempowered when I believe:
    1 that I'm a victim and I have limited control over what happens in my life. 2 It’s my parents who made me this way. 3 I am 100% in control of only some areas of my life
  128. How do I increase burning desire?
    by me Reducing doubt and increasing my belief that I’ll get it
  129. My number one goal everyday and in all situations of my life is what ?
    for me to Feel as good as I can
  130. I have only two basic feelings and varying degrees of each. They are what?
    Me Feeling good and Me feeling bad
  131. Worrying is basically what?
    Negative goal setting and thinking about what I don’t want to happen
  132. If I'm feeling bad, what should I basically do?
    Anything that makes me feel better.
  133. Over time, all of my negative thinking has created what?
    A black ball of negative energy and neuropathways that vibrate negative frequencies
  134. The magical moment in my life will happen when what occurs?
    When my positive energy ball becomes bigger than my negative energy ball
  135. A powerful statement is, I’m going to do it ___
    That’s it. Period.
  136. I Go as far as I can see ___
    And when I get there, I'll see further.
  137. Three things I should be doing everyday:
    Listening to audios, reading books, focusing and thinking about my dreams and what I want.
  138. Every time I think a thought, what happens?
    My brain broadcasts a frequency
  139. My Thoughts first attract what?
    Other like-minded thoughts
  140. How do I know if I'm thinking good or bad thoughts?
    By what I say, and How I feel
  141. Do I have a dream book?
  142. Do I have a dream board?
  143. Do I have a specific chief aim?
  144. Do I know what my chief aim is as sure as I know what my own name is?
  145. Something magical happens when I type my dreams on a piece of paper or in a computer.
  146. How do I get something magical to happen when writing my dreams?
    By me Writing it on a white piece of paper with blue ink
  147. When getting pictures of my dreams, how do I make the pictures more powerful?
    By Putting myself in the picture
  148. When I have a dream of something tangible and specific I want, how do I make it more real?
    By me Physically touching it
  149. Should I be looking at pictures of what I want all throughout the day?
  150. When are the two best times to focus on my dreams?
    First thing in the morning and right before I go to bed
  151. I must believe it before I ___
    See it or have it___ end of your wish 4
  152. What I really, really, really want, I ___
  153. What I really, really, really don’t want, I ___
  154. In order for me to make my dreams come true, I need to do less ___ and more ___
    Less Activity unless I'm in my sweet spot and have future vision that needs immediate and massive action and more Thinking
  155. When my dream is in the sweet spot and my thinking is correct, any actions I do will have what specific phenomenon:
    I will love doing the actions and it won’t feel like work and I'll get great results from what I do.
  156. What are the two major indicators that my thinking is correct?
    Its How I feel, and What I say.
  157. Ideally, in most situations, should I put a time frame on my goal, dream or objective?
    No because of feeling pressured, and in some cases yes
  158. In life I have to care, ___
    But I don't have to care that much
  159. When I'm focusing on my dream and I'm in my sweet spot, the first thing I attract is what?
    Like-minded thoughts
  160. The second thing I attract is what?
    Circumstances, people, events and situations that bring me closer to what I want
  161. The third thing I attract is what?
    The specific goal I was focusing on or something similar that gives me the feeling I was emitting
  162. When things are not going well, what’s the number one advantage I have?
    I get to clarify specifically what I want and focus on exactly what I want because I know what I don’t want.
  163. In every so called bad or negative situation, the most important thing I must first do is what?
    Be thankful and grateful and know that this is working to my advantage
  164. If I'm feeling bad, my objective is not to feel fantastic. What is my objective?
    Its for me To feel a little better and move up on the emotional tone scale, smile, stand tall,
  165. I can predict the future because ___
    I create the future I want
  166. If I want lots of money, what’s the first most important thing I must do?
    I must Want money
  167. I Never focus on what I don’t want, I always focus on what?
    What I want
  168. When focusing on my chief aim, a good way to describe the intensity of my focus is what?
    My Magnificent obsession
  169. When I decide I want money, the three key elements that will allow me to achieve my goal is
    The specific amount of money I want, exactly what I will do with the money, the feeling I will get when I have the money I desire.
  170. When I have an emotional upset, feel terrible or am under any stress, what is the fastest, most effective technique to eliminate those feelings?
    Thought Field Therapy/ The Callahan Technique
  171. If I think I can, or I think I can’t ___
    Either way, I'm right. It’s the my thinking that makes it so.
  172. Which is more important? My Perseverance or My Intelligence?
    Its my Perseverance
  173. The super rich are lucky because they create their own ___
  174. Do the super rich take risks and gamble?
  175. In business, the super rich know what very intimately well?
    The market in which they are involved with
  176. The ___ focus obsessively and work, work, work! (which is defined as achieving their goals)
    Super rich
  177. Bill Gates’ three steps to success are:
    Timing, depth of vision, massive and immediate action
  178. Using depth of vision, if I was to look at an acorn, what would you see?
    A infinite supply of oak trees,
  179. The bottom line is, it’s not really about the money, it’s about what?
    The feeling I'll have when I get the money___ end of your wish 5
  180. I can work and earn money or I can have money___ and ___.
    Work / Make money for me
  181. Live within my means is a myth. What is correct?
    Live below my means
  182. Debt is bad, but what is good?
  183. Debt can be defined as:
    Money borrowed against depreciating assets
  184. Credit can be defined as:
    Using other people’s money to make money or buying appreciating assets
  185. Energy around money always flows easier when I am
    Out of debt, debt free or in the process of reducing debt
  186. A penny saved is  ___
    A penny earned
  187. Save money for a ___
    Rainy day
  188. Reducing expenses automatically puts money in my pocket. The two easiest and fastest ways to reduce my expenses is ___ and ___.
    Taxes and insurance
  189. Leaders are always ___
  190. Dale Carnegie’s most famous book is entitled ___
    How to Win Friends and Influence People
  191. Generally speaking, super wealthy people have what type of personality?
    A positive pleasing personality
  192. Successful people conduct business with other successful people. They have the following three skills:
    Negotiation, communication, sales or persuasion
  193. God gave you two ears and one mouth, ___
    I Use them proportionately,or I listen more then I speak
  194. There are six honest serving men and I’ll use them until I die. Choose the answer that is in the correct order:
    What when where who how why
  195. The most effective one-on-one communicators do these two things often:
    Ask questions and listen
  196. When trying to get someone to buy my ideas generally they will say no how many times before they convert to a yes?
  197. I can’t manage my time, but I can manage my ___
  198. The system that all successful people are a part of includes:
    Reading books every day, listening to audios every day, going to events, meetings, functions, seminars on a regular basis, developing relationships, participating in both giving and receiving recognition.
  199. Aristotle Onassis said if he was flat broke, he would do one thing that would reestablish his wealth. What is it?
    Associate with wealthy people
  200. Looking at what I ___  helps me clarify and define what I do want.
    Don’t want
  201. Besides using Thought Field Therapy when I'm feeling bad, what are some quick things I can do to change the way I feel fast?
    I can Change my physiology, such as, stand straight, push my chest out, smile, laugh, walk faster, etc
  202. Did Thomas Edison fail 10,000 times trying to create the incandescent light bulb?
    No, he successfully found 10,000 ways it would not work
  203. In order to be successful, do you have to be right the majority of the time?
    No, I only have to be right once
  204. People who succeed at achieving success in something, such as Babe Ruth hitting lots of home runs, Ty Cobb stealing lots of bases, Wayne Gretzky getting lots of goals in hockey, Michael Jordan scoring lots of points, all have one other thing in common. What is it?
    They failed attempting to do those things more than anyone else
  205. When I get a chief specific aim, it makes me have what?
    Its makes me have my Focus
  206. How do I know if I should continue doing something if I'm not seeing results and move on to something else?
    If I'm having fun doing what I'm doing, continue doing it. If it’s no longer fun, then I'll consider a change.___end of your wish 6
  207. The number one reason people are not motivated is what?
    They don’t have a chief aim, goal or specific thing they are shooting for.
  208. When is a person the happiest?
    When they are in the process of achieving their specific chief aim
  209. Success is the progressive ___
    Realization of a worthwhile dream
  210. Success is a journey ___
    Not a destination
  211. Always follow your ___
  212. A positive attitude can’t make me do anything, but it will___
    Make me do everything better than with a negative attitude
  213. Negative thoughts first attract what?
    More negative thoughts
  214. We put limits upon ourselves, self imposed limitations and have beliefs that hold us back. They are false. Could you describe the elephant story, the Houdini story and the flea training story?
  215. Fear is an acronym that stands for F__  E__  A__ R__.
    False Evidence Appearing Real
  216. In reality, are there such things as bad events?
  217. Could you describe the story of the man in China, who had a son, which shows that there is no such thing as bad events?
  218. The number one reason why I don’t achieve my dreams is what?
    I don’t have a specific chief aim or goal.
  219. The second major reason I don't achieve my dreams is what?
    I am focusing on the lack of it.
  220. If you want something, for which there is an abundance of, such as a car, is it good to be very specific?
  221. If you want something from which it is limited, such as a specific house or a specific person to do something, is it better to be general?
  222. When I realize that me and only me creates everything in my life, I also realize that no one is coming to my rescue.
  223. Your wish is at whose command?
  224. I can be ___
    do or have anything and everything I want
  225. What is the correct order of have, be, or do?
    Be, do, have
  226. Does the Law of Attraction work only when you apply it consciously?
    No, Its always working
  227. Every time you listen to audios or read books, what happens?
    my understanding of the material improves and my belief that I can do it goes up.
  228. What is the list of the basic recommended books?
    The Magic of Thinking Big, See you At The Top, Ask And It Shall Be Given, The Go Getter, Think And Grow Rich, The Law of Success in 16 Lessons, The New Psycho-Cybernetics, The Secret, How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Magic of Believing, The Power of Positive Thinking, The Game of Work, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Hung By The Tongue, What You Say Is What You Get, The Tongue of Creative Force
  229. A graph or a chart with something specific, such as gross income, physically placed on the wall where I can see it all the times, showing weekly results is effective why?
    It allows me to focus on what I want and my physical thoughts will make the graph go up.
  230. The global elite class consists of two groups of people. Who are they?
    Those that add value to society and those that are parasites and live off the value production of others.
  231. When I use these techniques and shoot for making money, when I finally make all the money I want, it’s not the money I make, it’s what?
    The person I become
  232. Five minutes to learn ___
    A lifetime to master.
  233. Why do so many people who succeed lose what they have?
    Because they stop focusing on what they want and start focusing on not losing what they have
  234. How long does it take to change a negative vibration to a positive vibration?
    In An instant
  235. Faith is the ___
    Substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
  236. Every event that happens in my life, whether I perceive it as good or bad, is simply what?
    An indicator of what I'm vibrating.___ end of your wish 7
  237. The number one disease of the mind is what?
    Mysticism; believing that I do not have control over what happens in my life, but that outside influences control my life
  238. A good mantra to repeat is, Everyday and in every way ___
    I’m getting better, better, and better
  239. There are two reasons why people buy anything. First is because of advertising, the second is what?
    Somebody told them about it; referrals.
  240. Medical doctors and scientists say the mind cannot affect physical health. What “effect” do scientists and medical doctors believe, proves that, in fact, the mind does affect the body and physical health?
    The placebo effect
  241. What’s one fun activity that expands me as a person, expands my vision, expands possibilities and expands my dreams and is related to events?
    Travel; specifically international
  242. Why do I need to read books, listen to audios and go to functions on a regular basis?
    I need to feed my mind constantly, just like I do with the body
  243. The technique of listening to audios over and over again or reading books over and over again is called ___
    Spaced repetition
  244. I truly know something when I know it as well as my own ___
  245. When can you stop reading books, listening to audios and going to functions?
    When you absolutely LOVE reading books, listening to audios and going to functions.
  246. Is it proven that my thoughts can change my DNA?
  247. What’s a simple definition of reframing?
    Looking at something from a different view point or in a different way or putting a different frame around it, so it changes its meaning.
  248. ___ is feeling bad when somebody else is feeling bad. ___ is acknowledging that somebody feels bad, but I myself do not feel bad.
    Sympathy / Empathy
  249. Should I have sympathy or empathy?
  250. What affects ocean tides, menstrual cycles in women, moods, blood flow?
    The Moon
  251. What outside of the earth affects satellites and electromagnetic flow on planet earth?
    Solar flares
  252. How do I eliminate darkness?
    I Turn on a light
  253. I need to learn this material well enough to teach it and the way to learn it that well is to do what?
    Teach it
  254. Before I teach this to others, who do I teach it to first?
    I teach it to Yourself
  255. I always have to take care of myself first before I can help anyone else. A good analogy which makes this point is what?
    When I'm on an airplane, they tell me, in case of loss of cabin pressure, to put on my oxygen mask first before I assist my children.
  256. Something that is “keyed in” or “triggered” is what?
    An uncontrollable irrational emotion, or other determined engram
  257. When I go to a weekend function, what is the most significant thing that could happen to me
    I make a decision
  258. When I go to a weekend function, what is permanently changed?
    My vibration___ end of your wish 8
  259. Reading information and listening to information on audio and hearing information at a live event all are perceived differently and affect different quadrants of the brain.
  260. Given a choice to read a new book off the basic book list or reread a book on the basic book list, I should choose to read a new book.
  261. I can only build as high up as my ___
    Foundation is deep
  262. Pete Rose was known for his hitting, but when Pete Rose first started in little league, how good of a hitter was he?
    He was a terrible hitter
  263. Should I focus and practice on my strengths or weaknesses?
    my Weaknesses
  264. Throughout this training I will be learning lots of new material, but I’ll always be focusing on what?
    The basics/ the fundamentals
  265. Who I listen to morphs into what?
    Who do I get counsel from? Who do I get opinions from?
  266. Do I take orders and do what I'm told from experts or authority figures, such as doctors, lawyers and accountants?
  267. I only take orders from ___
  268. The Chinese proverb defining insanity is what?
    Insanity is defined as continuing to do the same thing expecting a different result.
  269. If I continue to do what I’ve always done __
    I’ll continue to get what I’ve always got
  270. Many people don’t have years of experience. They have one year of experience repeated over a number of years, so a salesman who says he has 25 years sales experience may have only one year of sales experience repeated how many times?
    25 times
  271. In order for the training balance scale to be balanced, I don’t put 50% of my effort on each side. What percentage of it do I put on the attitude side?
    I put 90%
  272. When my ___ is wrong, the actions I do to make my dreams come true will not create positive results.
  273. When my attitude is ___, any activity I do to make my dreams come true will be pleasurable and will create spectacular results with very little effort.
  274. Donald Trump says there are two key elements to becoming successful. What are they?
    Love what you do and be born with it
  275. Napoleon Hill’s book, Work Hard and Grow Rich, tells the secret of success.
  276. The correct title of Napoleon Hill’s book is ___ and Grow Rich.
  277. Self awareness is a key common denominator of all successful people. Self awareness can be defined as having the ability to do two things; to be aware of my ___ and be aware of my ___.
    my Strengths and my Weaknesses
  278. In the Universe, everything is ultimately ___, ___, ___.
    Energy, frequency, vibration
  279. My brain/mind does two basic things; ___ and ___ frequency or vibration.
    Broadcasts / Receives
  280. If somebody else is broadcasting negative frequency toward me, does it control my physical body or what happens in my life?
  281. If a person is broadcasting negative frequencies toward me, what does it influence?
    It could influence my thoughts
  282. What is the only frequency that can affect me and create my own reality?
    The frequencies I create and broadcast and generate
  283. Does somebody else’s negative thoughts about me have any effect on me ?
    Ultimately no
  284. What is the failure disease?
  285. What leads to hardening of the attitudes?
    Stinkin’ thinkin’
  286. What device is useful at neutralizing negative energy from other people and machines?
  287. Napoleon Hill’s phrase ‘chief aim’ is also described as ___ of ___.
    Singleness of purpose
  288. When I'm truly focused on my chief aim and I have singleness of purpose, it can be said that I have a/an ___
  289. ___  +  ___  = Success
    Thoughts + Activity
  290. Success is my __ away
  291. The facts don’t count when ___
    my attitude is right
  292. The law that allows me to create my own reality is what law?
    Law of Attraction
  293. Taking 100% responsibility for everything that happens in my life is called what?
    The 10 or 5 Second Miracle
  294. Napoleon Hill says, there are two things I need to do to achieve what I want in life. What are they?
    Define my chief aim and get a burning desire for its achievement
  295. When thinking a negative thought, what word do I repeat two times to neutralize it?
    Cancel! Cancel!
  296. What should I call problems instead of problems?
  297. Ed Foreman & Dr. Coldwell asked the question, “How are you?” What are the two best responses?
    Terrific and Super good, but I’ll get better
  298. Dr. Coldwell asks, “What are you?” The answer is…
    A Champion
  299. It’s common to say in the midst of a crisis, “Someday we’ll look back at this and laugh.” If this is true, what’s a good thing to do in a midst of a crisis?
    Laugh. Why wait?
  300. If I want to be successful, I must do the right things ___
    Long enough and consistently
  301. A. L. Williams, the founder of the insurance company, was noted for saying to people “___!”
    Do it now!
  302. Successful people are always too busy doing ___
    What the other people are still talking about
  303. Successful people are always willing to do what the other guys ___
    Are too good to do
  304. Successful people are always willing to do what other people think is ___
  305. I don’t sing because I'm happy, I'm ___
    happy because I sing.
  306. When I make a decision or commitment, how soon must I take action or I’ll spiral downward?
    I must take action Within 48 hours
  307. I Never do something for someone that ___
    They should and can do on their own
  308. I Don’t major in the ___
    Minors___ end of your wish 9
  309. When observing other people and yourself you can find out what their focus is by listening to what they’re talking about. The three basic areas people talk about are what?
    People, Events, Future, small minds talk about people, medium minds talk about things, big minds talk about ideas, so why not get yourself a idea and run with it
  310. If there was one objective I should be focusing on everyday and every minute of the day, it is what?
    for me to Feeling good
  311. Cavett Robert describes character this way…
    Following through on a decision long after the emotion and excitement of the moment has passed.
  312. The best things will always happen when ___
    I least expect it
  313. Great things always happen when there is ___
    I have No resistance and I'm feeling good.
  314. Will Rogers said what about people?
    I never met a man I didn’t like
  315. Most people confuse activity with what?
    Accomplishment, or results
  316. The example that describes this is ___ ___ ___ story.
    The Processionary Caterpillar, The Go Getter
  317. Another way of describing the Law of Attraction is what I want ___
    Wants me
  318. When I'm thinking about something tangible that I want, what am I really vibrating?
    The feeling that I get when I have what I want
  319. The success or momentum cycle says, success builds confidence, confidence creates…
  320. Activity creates ___
  321. Habits create results. Result creates ___, which builds confidence.
  322. Plugging in to the system of reading books, listening to audios, attending events, building relationships with like-minded people and giving and receiving recognition ultimately has one major effect. What is it?
    It gets my thinking right, which raises my vibration and turns me into a success magnet. It reduces my negative ball of energy and increases my positive ball of energy. It helps get me to unconscious competence.
  323. When involved in a business or money making venture, I have to have a high level of belief in various areas. They are what?
    Industry, Company, Leadership, Compensation plan, The system, The product, myself
  324. If I'm not ‘at cause’ over my environment, I'm at what?
    I'm At effect
  325. When I take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in my life, I realize I'm in 100% ___ of my life.
  326. Whatever I ask for, it is ___ to me.
  327. There is a difference between having a goal and a dream that I believe in and a wish. I must have a dream, but I don’t ___
    Live in a dream world
  328. Since I make the rules in my life, I always set the rules so that I set myself up to what?
  329. A major thing that my mind does when I read books and listen to audios is what?
    I get to use my imagination
  330. When I'm listening to audios and reading books, I'm virtually doing what to myself?
    I'm Programming and hypnotizing myself for success
  331. The most important beliefs I can have relating to achieving my goal is what?
    Belief in myself and belief I can do it.
  332. It’s important to realize that the controlling elite class of the world wants me what?
    Disempowered, feel like a victim, feel like I'm helpless and that I'm not in control and that I cannot create my own reality.
  333. All successful people had a very easy go of it. Everything worked super smoothly and all the doors opened. They got no resistance and they faced no challenges that they had to overcome.
  334. Successful people and failures all get noes when trying to achieve their dreams. The difference between successful people and failures is what?
    Successful people don’t quit
  335. Earl Nightingale says, successful people are not people without problems, they are people who have learned how to what?
    Overcome their problems.
  336. Successful people and unsuccessful people both get knocked down. The difference is successful people do what?
    Get back up.
  337. A decision is defined as what?
    When I clearly define what I don’t want, turn my back on what I don’t want and have clearly defined what I do want and said I’m going to do it. That’s it. Period.
  338. Successful people are constantly thinking and talking about what they do want. Unsuccessful people generally are doing what?
    Thinking and talking about what they don’t want
  339. In every single situation that happens to me, I can find something negative or ___
  340. Unsuccessful people generally talk about negative events that happen in the past. They tell these stories over and over again. Successful people usually talk about what?
    The positive experiences in the past and the positive experiences they are going to have in the future.
  341. How many seconds does it take of me focusing on a vibration for it to stick?
    68 seconds
  342. How many hours of activity is 14 seconds of thought equivalent to?
    2000 hours of physical activity
  343. 28 seconds of focused thought gives you how many equivalent hours of physical work?
    20,000 hours/ a factor of 10
  344. Can my thoughts and the Law of Attraction make someone do something?
  345. Hundreds of years ago, before the Law of Attraction and this information was described in the scientific quantum physics terms, it was taught in the secret societies as ___
    Magic, Prayer, Speels, God's will
  346. Outside influences cannot control my life, but they can ___ my life.
  347. Who creates what outside influences are in my life?
    I do
  348. In order for me to define my dream, what is the first thing I must do?
    Clearly know what I don’t want and turn my back to it.
  349. When I define my dream, I have clarity of ___
    What I want
  350. Every good thing that happens in my life can be traced back to what?
    A so called bad event from which it germinated
  351. Sometimes negative situations continue to happen and become bigger negative situations one after the other, which causes me to do what?
    Change my vibration because I'm causing these things to happen and I have to change my vibration or they will continue to happen bigger and bigger each time.
  352. If I have a chief aim that is really big and hard to believe in, what should I focus on?
    The next logical step, still keeping the chief aim in site, but focus on an objective that’s in the sweet spot; something I can believe in and still excites me
  353. If I'm obsessed with my chief aim, can I still have a well balanced life?
  354. If I find a very successful person who has what I want, should I mimic and model what they‘re doing, how they are thinking, and how they are acting?
  355. How should I mimic and model successful people who have what I want?
    Mimic and model what they did when they were in the same position I'm at now.
  356. What kind of books are good to read to learn how successful people thought and acted when they were first starting out?
    Biographies and autobiography
  357. Do you understand the difference between something I want and something I don’t want?
    Yes___ end of your wish 10
  358. The success cycle can also be called the ___  cycle?
  359. When my thoughts are correct and I'm really focusing on what I want and I'm in the sweet spot, I'll be motivated to do what?
  360. Do successful people “work” or “sacrifice” or “struggle”?
    No. Activity is always pleasurable. I may put in lots of hours, but it is not “work.” It’s the most enjoyable thing I can imagine.
  361. There are two indicators that my thoughts are in the sweet spot. What are they?
    I feel good and I'm doing lots of activity that I enjoy
  362. Activity done when my thinking is not right will have two effects. What are they?
    its not fun, Drains me, Does not create the results I want
  363. Activity done when my thinking is correct will have two effects. What are they?
    its fun,  It Energizes me, and it Creates positive results.
  364. Success breeds ___
    more Success
  365. If I want things in my life to change, I have to ___
    Change things in my life.
  366. It’s better to be an hour early than ___
    5 minutes late
  367. When attending any events or meetings, the first rule is always to what?
    Be on time
  368. When listening to speakers, always ___
    Take notes
  369. Three attitude things I should focus on during all meetings are:
    Have fun. Get excited. Be positive
  370. At all meetings, one rule of thumb, in relating to the other attendees, is what?
    Develop new relationships.
  371. When working toward a goal and not seeing results, you are experiencing what?
    Delayed gratification
  372. When I'm on fire ___
    People will come from all around just to watch me burn
  373. People who are always asking negative questions or asking questions about things that really have no relevance or asking questions about things that could go wrong are experiencing what phenomenon or scenario?
    The ‘What If’ Scenario
  374. In reality I don’t attract success, I do what?
    I Create success
  375. Is it true that some of the benefits of going to events include, expanding your dream, seeing things in a different way, getting into a different routine, meeting different people and thinking differently?
  376. Does the way I dress affect the way I think about myself?
  377. How should I dress at functions?
    Like a professional or in a manner that is consistent with the function and in a way that makes me feel great about myself.
  378. Should I “let loose” and be very enthusiastic with applause at events?
  379. When going to functions, are there benefits of not being in the function when a speaker is presenting, but rather in the halls talking with other members?
    No, always listen to the speakers when they are speaking
  380. Do you benefit when you enthusiastically and genuinely appreciate and recognize other people’s accomplishments on stage?
  381. How do I know if I'm doing the right things?
    I feel good, and its fun
  382. I plant a seed for a Chinese bamboo tree and after watering and fertilizing it for 7 years, in a period of 60 days, it grows 90 feet. Did it grow 90 feet in 60 days or 90 feet in 7 years?
    90 feet in 7 years
  383. The Chinese bamboo story is good example of what two basic concepts?
    Do the right things long enough consistently and delayed gratification.
  384. Does doing something consistently mean every hour, every day, every week, every month?
    It means on a regular basis. The more often, the better, depending on the activity.
  385. Can you describe Zig Ziglar’s water pump story?
    Keep on keeping on
  386. What is the method when somebody just tries it and watches it to see if it moves then tries it again to see if there are any results?
    Poke It With A Stick method
  387. “Jedi knights don’t try, ___
    Jedi knights do
  388. Finish this from Star Wars. “I don’t believe it…
    That is why you fail.
  389. I’m going to do it. ___
    That’s it. Period.
  390. There are two ways to learn how to apply this in real life. What are they?
    From my own experience, trial and error and from listening to questions and answers from other people’s experience.
  391. The ‘Do It Now’ concept is reflected in this statement; Successful people are:
    Too busy doing what the other guys are still talking about___ end of your wish 11
  392. The brain and mind are two separate entities.
  393. The mind has physical ___
  394. I can be, do, or have anything and everything you want.
  395. I can do it.
  396. I'm a champion.
  397. I'm a winner.
  398. I'm an over-comer.
  399. Not taking action on a commitment or decision within ___ is, in fact, breaking an agreement with yourself, which has massive negative consequences.
    48 hours
  400. The reason why I need a do it now mentality is tomorrow ___
    Never comes
  401. Don’t make a mountain ___
    Out of a mole hill
  402. Don’t sweat the ___
    Small stuff
  403. It’s all ___
    Small stuff
  404. When working with a team or in a business environment, there’s a phrase; “Build the people and ___
    The people will build the business.
  405. In dealing with people in situations, it’s easy to find something wrong. I should always be looking for the ___
  406. When I dig for gold, I have to move tons of dirt to find just a few ounces of gold, but ___
    I'm not looking for the dirt, I'm looking for the gold.
  407. Make negative comments to others verbally, but make positive comments to others, how?
    In writing
  408. When giving a criticism, it’s always best to use the sandwich technique, which is what?
    Starting with a positive comment, then the criticism, then end with another positive comment.
  409. It’s better to work ___ than hard.
  410. There’s a story that describes two men chopping wood. One man always out-chopped the other even though he spent less time and effort chopping.  How did he do this?
    He spent time, effort and money into sharpening his ax, rested and he ate.
  411. Everyday I'm bombarded with negative energy from television, radio, friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, etc. This is one reason I have to do what five things?
    Read books, listen to audios, go to functions, build relationships with like-minded people and give and receive recognition.
  412. When my energy is positive enough and I’ve gone through the training long enough, I get to a point where negative influences and people have little or no effect on me. When I'm around negative influences, what conversely happens?
    I have a positive influence on them!
  413. Don’t let anyone ___
    Steal my dreams.
  414. After I go through any part of this training, I'm permanently changed. Therefore we almost always end sessions by saying what?
    May I never be the same.
  415. Do successful people have a genetic disposition or a certain genetic DNA vibration that creates their success?
  416. Can anyone with their mind change their DNA and genetic disposition and turn themselves into a success magnet?
  417. Henry Ford did not want people to know what?
    That every person can change their DNA’s vibration with their own mind.
  418. Around the world, where people have lost hope, it’s caused by what two things?
    The government and outside influences telling them they can’t do it and they believe they can’t do it.
  419. Can you describe the 100th monkey syndrome?
  420. There are two mindsets that I should have that will make my life much, much easier and keep me in a positive vibration. What are they?
    Care, but not that much and instead of having needs, have mild preferences
  421. Can physical objects or spaces, such as rooms and homes, have negative or positive energy attached to it?
  422. The global elite want to make me feel what?
  423. what do the parasite elite control and want to control ?
    governments, religions, money or money supply, media TV radio print, newspapers magazines, music movies, food the production of food, the seeds, the land, the processing of food and distribution of food, they don't want you to have your own gardens, education thats how they control the minds of people. drugs and health care, from cradle to grave, surgical procedures, fuel and energy, water, housing, communications cell phone internet mail, transportation roads , railroads shipping, the air we breath chem trails being put out
  424. Every day, at every moment, I'm either at one of two energetic places in the universe. What are they?
    I'm At effect or at cause
  425. The media; TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, music, movies and even politicians in their speeches,  all use two techniques to program your mind and brainwash you. What are they?
    “Hypnosis” and Suggestion
  426. What are the ways that describe ‘At Cause’?
    if I'm Taking 100% iron grip control, if I'm taking 100% responsibility for everything that happens in my life, if I understand I'm creating my own reality, if I understand that I could ask and it is always given, if I understand that my wish is my command,  if I can understand that I can be, do or have, anything and everything I want, I'm at cause
  427. What are the ways that describe 'At Effect'?
    if you believe in Mysticism outside influences effect your life, Hypnosis, if you engage in Excusitis, if you let outside and people in power or authority take control of your life, if you are negative and look for the bad, influences and letting them control your life, Ignorance, Pessimistic, Unsure, your at effect
  428. In actuality, Mysticism is a disease of the mind, which causes a disease of the what?
  429. Don’t blame anyone else for what’s happening in your life. Remember, any time you point your finger at someone, there are ___
    3 fingers pointing directly at you.
  430. What are the two reasons why you get what you want when you least expect it?
    You have no resistance and you’re feeling good
  431. Is there a plateau to feeling good, where you can’t feel any better?
    No, you can always feel a little better than you are no matter how good you feel
  432. Do not think that you have to feel fantastic or great. Feeling good now really means what?
    Feeling better than you feel now
  433. What are two short term fixes that make you feel good, even though they are actually short circuiting you?
    Drugs and Alcohol
  434. Donald Trump said, in the midst of a disaster, when everything is going terribly wrong, he would do what?
    Go golfing
  435. The way the controlling powers want to control you is to do things or encourage you to do things to make you lose your what?
    Emotional guidance system
  436. Since success builds confidence and you set the rules to determine what is successful, you should always set the rules so that you can do what?
    Make it easy to win
  437. Believing that something is going happen and then having it actually happen is sometimes called a self-fulfilling ___
    Prophecy, or to set up a arbitrary
  438. Negative energy is heavy, while positive energy is ___
  439. When somebody has negative energy trapped in the body, what symptoms will occur?
    Physical illness and disease and feeling bad.
  440. If you had an event in the past that when you think about it causes you emotional distress or makes you feel bad, what is an effective technique to use to eliminate any negative energy that is stored?
    The Callahan Technique / Thought Field Therapy
  441. We all have patterns of activity and habits. (The things that we do the same every single day.) A good way to develop success is to do what with these patterns and habits?
    Change them. Do something different.___ end of your wish 12
  442. There is something you can do with your face that will instantly make you feel better. What is it?
  443.  Dr. Norman Cousins, in his book Anatomy of an Illness, found this one technique releases stress, releases endorphins, makes you feel better and can actually cure disease. What is it?
  444.  Reading books causes you to use your ___
  445. Can you still create a mastermind if people are not in the same location, such as a conference call?
  446. Is a mastermind more powerful when people are physically in the same room?
  447. There is one little trick that will make dream books and dream boards work even better. What is it?
    Add yourself in the picture
  448.  Where are good places to put pictures of your dreams?
    Anywhere and everywhere you can see it
  449. You should have your chief aim on a card that you carry with you at all times and look at as much as you can.
  450. The two best parts of the day for you to count your blessings, be thankful, show appreciation and gratefulness for everything in your life are when? 
    First thing in the morning and right before you go to bed
  451. When somebody does something bad, there is a game you can play to make you feel better about the situation. What is it called?
    The understanding game
  452. Changing words can dramatically shift ___. Changing the word ‘like’ to ‘love’ or ‘that makes me angry’ to ‘that makes me a little peeved’ can dramatically shift the way you ___. 
    Emotions / Feel
  453. Most of the time, it’s best to choose words that increase ___ emotion and choose words that decrease ___ feelings. 
    Positive / Negative
  454. Saying a word has energy because the sound has energy attached to it. What is even more important than the word and the sound of the word?
    The intention behind it
  455. What are two very powerful words that you should use and can use very often?
    Please and Thanks
  456. All of the training is designed to help you get you what you want. We do this by getting you to achieve two things. What are they?
    Raise your vibration and reduce your resistance
  457.  What are three kinds of handshakes?
    Neutral, Controlling, Submissive
  458. When you shake someone’s hand, what’s the one other thing you can do to the person to create a good connection?
    Touch them on the shoulder or on the arm
  459. In some cultures, handshakes are replaced by what two things?
    Bow or Kiss on the cheek
  460. In dealing with a person, you don’t want to stare at them, but you do want to do what?
    Give them eye contact
  461. You should what more than you talk?
  462. When having a conversation, it’s better to do what than constantly make statements?
    Ask questions
  463. Dale Carnegie says everyone has a sign on their forehead. What does it say?
    Make me feel important
  464. Everyone’s favorite subject is what?
  465. When dealing with people, according to Dale Carnegie, always show them genuine what?
    Concern and Interest
  466. What can cause a stagnation or stopping of energy and can also cause you to feel frustrated or tense in your home, work environment or other physical space?
    Clutter and disorganization
  467. Will a clean and organized house, office, car or any other physical place you’re in help your energy and how you feel?
  468. There is a powerful technique, as one of the elements in the “system,” that other people do to you that makes you feel amazingly good. What is it?
  469. In order to get the most out of being recognized, what should you do when others are being recognized?
    Enthusiastically and genuinely recognize them
  470. Studying leadership is important because the most important person you have to lead is who?
  471. You should never be where you want to be, but you should be outrageously happy where you ___
  472. There will always be outside influences and forces in our life. You should know that you must be at cause over them instead of at effect to them. What are the two realizations you must have?
    You are stronger than them and you’ve created them
  473. You must always take control and command of your ___, ___, ___, and ___.
    Emotions, thoughts, actions, decisions
  474. One person with a commitment is better than a thousand people with an ___
  475. Most people react to situations. What you need to do is take control of how you ___
  476. When compared to war, all other human endeavors ___
    Shrink to insignificance
  477. A commander will ___
  478. Who is the commander, the general, the leader of your life?
  479. In business, executives are sometimes called ___
  480. In your life, you are the commander, the leader, the general. You are in charge. You are not a ___ of your life.
  481. Anything and everything that has happened in your life, who has caused it?
  482. A good commander is tactically aggressive and loves a good ___
  483. A winner loves a fight and a challenge because they know in the end they will what?
  484. Leaders have strength of character. Cavett Robert described character how?
    Following through on a decision long after the emotion and excitement of the moment has passed.
  485. When the going gets tough, ___
    The tough get going
  486. John Paul Jones’ ship was devastated by the British. On the verge of annihilation and when asked to surrender, John Paul Jones is quoted as saying what?
    Sir I have not yet begun to fight
  487. Leaders show steadiness of purpose.
  488. Leaders always take full acceptance of ___
  489. Leaders always have lots of emotional, mental and physical ___
  490. Generally speaking, should the body’s feelings control thoughts or should the mind or thoughts control the body?
    The mind or thoughts should control the body.
  491. Good commanders always have good ___
  492. Where do leaders lead from?
    The front
  493. You can’t push a rope, you have to ___
  494. Good commanders never ask other people to do something that they’re what?
    Not willing to do themselves
  495. I would rather see a sermon than ___
    Hear one any day.
  496. Dominate, but never ___
  497. Words are important. It is important to find the exact definitions of words. You do this by doing what?
    Looking them up in the dictionary
  498. Starting a cycle and bringing it to completion is key. A leader will always, when given an order, ___
    Get the job done
  499. Can you describe the story when Patton gave an order to dig a trench to a group of men?
  500. A leader is either a leader or he is a ___
    Not a leader
  501. Leaders make important decisions, which affect their core values quickly and decisively. 
  502. You will fall for anything if you don’t ___
    Stand for something
  503. Egotistical leaders are not bad. Patton says cherish your ___
    Prima donnas
  504. Someone who is “egotistical” can also be said to have high levels of what?
    Confidence and Self esteem ___ end of your wish 13
  505. Generals must never show discouragement, doubt or fatigue.
  506. If you want to feel enthusiastic, what do you do?
    Act enthusiastic
  507. When you look the part and act the part, you will begin to ___ the part.
  508. If you keep listening to certain people and hanging around certain people, you’ll turn out how?
    Just like them
  509. See yourself as how you want to be, not how you are. Act, dress, talk, and think like the person you want to be and you will become ___.
    That person
  510. Leaders have a “knowingness.” There is one thing you can do, which shows you have a knowingness. What is it?
    The words you use and how you speak
  511.  When you speak you can be wrong, but you should never be in ___ when you speak.
  512. When addressing other people in a commanding way, do not sit. It’s better to do what?
  513. You can give yourself an order to have a great day by doing what?
    When you wake up in the morning say it’s going to be a great day with enthusiasm
  514.  In every negative situation that happens to you, it’s important that you always what?
    Learn the lesson
  515. When speaking, the ___, ___ and ___ in your voice, the body movements, the emotion you have when you speak, have a huge impact on the effectiveness of the words. 
    Volume / Conviction / Authority
  516. The single, most powerful phrase you can ever tell somebody to encourage them, motivate them and make them feel good is what?
    You can do it
  517. Winners do more than is required. They go the extra ___
  518. Do more than what you’re paid for and soon you will be…
    Paid more for what you do!
  519. To command an army well, a general must think of nothing else. This can be described as what?
    Focus. Magnificent obsession. Chief aim. Singleness of purpose.
  520. You will win because you will never lose. You will always win if you never accept what?
  521. Failure only happens where?
    In the mind
  522. You will never be defeated if you refuse to ___ defeat.
  523. It’s not over until you what?
  524. Quitters never win and winners never ___
  525. Say these words out loud: I will win because I will never lose. I am a winner. I am a champion.
    Say these words out loud: I will win because I will never lose. I am a winner. I am a champion.
  526. When you throw out feelings of negativity such as, hate, anger or jealousy towards someone else,  this boomerangs and comes back and negatively affects you. Conversely, when you recognize somebody else for their achievements and throw out praise, encouragement, recognition, love and good, positive thoughts towards someone else, it boomerangs and comes back to you even more powerfully and positively affects you. This is one reason why ___ is so important.
  527. When the student is ready, ___
    The teacher will appear.
  528. Having confidence in yourself, believing in yourself, having high self-worth, a high self-esteem and believing you can do it, is one key to ___
  529. Instead of having an inferiority complex, it’s better to have a ___ complex.
  530. Keep moving and the enemy will never catch you. Always move forward. Never dig in and try to hold your ground. When it doubt, always what?
  531. There is no such thing as stagnation. You are either growing or you are what?
  532. Action is always preferable to ___
  533. Never get hung up on the ___
  534. Stationary and defensive positions are ___
  535. Patton says, when you read something you’ll always need to do what?
    Think about what you read.
  536. Successful people are always willing to do what the other guys are ___
    Not willing to do.
  537. Never rely on second hand opinions or information spoken in generalities. Always get specific, detailed and accurate facts, details, information and statistics.
  538. When asking questions to get accurate information, there is a key word you can use. What is it?
    Specifically, Precisely, Exactly
  539. Never assume anything. When you assume, you just do what?
    Make an ass out of you and me
  540. Tired commanders are always what?
  541.  Most reports and information you get are not objective. They are what?
  542. When you are physically, mentally or emotionally tired, what should you do?
  543. In life, nothing is as bad or as ___ as it seems.
  544. Worrying is thinking about what you don’t want to happen. It can, therefore, be defined as what?
    Negative Goal Setting
  545. When you are thinking right, you become luckier. Opportunities, situations, people and events will start presenting themselves in unique and mysterious ways. Expect this to happen. The key is that when it does happen, you do what?
    Take action
  546. Successful people are smart enough to take advantage of fortuitous situations that miraculously present themselves.
  547. If you start believing you’re lucky, saying you’re lucky, expecting to be lucky, what will happen?
    You will become lucky
  548. Saying phrases such as, “I am lucky, everything goes my way, everything works out to my advantage, I always end up on top, I always win, things always work out for me,” creates beliefs and therefore, the ___
  549. Is there ever a perfect right time to take action?
  550. When is the best time to take action?
    Right now
  551. A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan executed ___
  552. It’s good to have a battle plan, an alternate and several contingencies, but you should not wait for perfect circumstances or wait for a perfect plan. 
  553. Wars are not won by equipment. They are won by what?
  554. You don’t need anything to succeed. You don’t need money, tools, equipment, machines, technology, etc. A man with a ___ will always win.
  555. It’s the ____________ in a man that makes him win; the belief, enthusiasm, commitment, a decision, motivation, determination, perseverance, persistence, belief in themselves, believe in their dream.
  556. If you had a choice between a brilliant, super intelligent staff member and a loyal one, who would you choose?
    Loyal one
  557. Is it more important that your people are loyal to you or that you are loyal to your people?
    You are loyal to your people
  558.  Together we stand, divided we ___
  559. Sometimes we have conflicting or counteracting beliefs, such as money can’t buy happiness and you only get what you pay for. It’s important to be ___ with your beliefs.
  560. Do two horses pulling a wagon pull twice as much weight?
    No, they pull three or four times as much weight
  561. To lead is to ___
  562. The most important person you should be teaching is who?
  563. Who’s the best teacher, trainer, mentor, guru or coach that you can have?
  564. Watch the words you speak. Most importantly, watch the words you say to yourself. When you talk to others about yourself, always talk in positive terms. Never tell negative situations. When speaking to yourself, always speak encouraging, motivating, enthusiastic, positive thoughts and words. 
  565. Should you ask yourself questions and give yourself answers?
  566. Who’s the best person to motivate you?
  567. A good leader is never bashful about showing pride in themselves or the organization. Remember that you ARE the best!
  568. If you don’t love yourself, ___ will love you.
    Nobody else
  569. Praise publicly and often. 
  570.  Who should you be praising and patting on the back most of all?
  571.  Praise should not be general. It’s better if praise is what?
  572. Review and focus on accomplishments. Make praise generous, specific and genuine. Always focus on the ___ not the failures. 
  573. Congratulations and praise should always end by looking toward the ___
  574. Is it good to praise in advance of an accomplishment yet to be achieved?
  575. Always set the bar ___
    A little higher
  576. Can you achieve greatness and make all your dreams come true?
  577. Before you impact and change the life of others, you must first impact and change the life of who?
  578. True success is not what you’ve done compared to what others have done, it’s what you’ve done compared to ___
    What you could have done.
  579. Is there a pattern for success? Are there common denominators that all successful people have?
  580. Mark Twain said, I’ll never let my schooling interfere with my ___
  581. David Cooper used a technique when listening to audios that helped him learn the information. What was his technique?
    He listened and wrote down word for word what he heard.
  582. Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not, does it still work?
  583. Doubt can ___ a ship.
  584. Believe and you receive
    Doubt and go without
  585. The common denominator of all successful people is that on the route to success they faced a multitude of ___, ___ and ___ situations.
    Challenges, Disasters, Negative
  586. After each negative disastrous situation, ___ have the ability to focus on what they want and make things better.
    Successful People
  587. Unsuccessful people operate out of ___
    Fear ___ end of your wish 14
  588. The common denominator of ___ is operating out of fear, which is the act of thinking of what you don’t want.
  589. A burning ___ is something you think about all of the time and something you are obsessed with.
  590.  In negotiation and in the dealing with people, you have to care, but not that much. You have to be in a position of power. The person who is in the most powerful position in a relationship or negotiation is the person who cares the ___
  591. When visualizing and picturing what you want, sometimes there is an advantage of making the picture very big, crystal clear and putting yourself in the picture, but even more so, you should add how you feel, color, smells, sounds and tactile textures.
  592. Perception is ___
  593. When two people look at the same thing and claim to see different things, it’s because of their internal ___
  594. Internal ___ shape our understanding of reality, our view point and our perspective.
  595. Recognizing and acknowledging that everyone has a different view point and perspective of something gives you a big advantage in dealing with people.
  596. When you read a book or listen to an audio over again at a later date, it’s called reading or listening in a new ___ of time.
  597. Every time you read a book again or listen to an audio again, you get something new out of it.
  598. You have to know and believe that what you are doing is ___
  599. Business and life can be classified as a ___
  600. If you want to have fun playing or watching a game, you have to know two things; the score and the rules. Who makes up the rules to your life or business games?
    You do
  601. Always make up the rules so it is easy for you to ___
  602. Knowing the ___ allows you to focus on what’s important. 
  603. Since success builds confidence and confidence creates activity and activity creates success habits, which creates results, which creates more success, you want lots of ___. Since you define what a success is, it’s important to define success so that you get lots of successes every day. 
  604. Knowing the ___ allows you to know the things in your business and life that need attention and focus. 
  605. Always do the right things long enough constantly and you’ll get the results. The great pool champion, Irving Crane, told the young future ten time world champion, Mike Sigel, to keep playing in tournaments even though he hadn’t won because “when it’s your turn to win, you will ___
  606. When processing data, the mind goes through several steps starting with the think stage. What are the four other steps?
    Think Emote, look, create, know
  607. When you write things down on white paper with blue ink or write things in a Priority Manager and rewrite things, the advantage is that it creates more neuropathways in the brain than when typing things into an electronic device, such as a computer. You will remember more information and have more data at your mental fingertips. Does this give you an advantage in life?
  608. When information is at your mental ___, you have a tendency to think about it more. 
  609. When you have more ___, ___ and ___ in your brain’s “ram” and memory, it allows you to process decisions and come to conclusions more effectively and efficiently. 
    Data, Facts, Statistics
  610. A ___ person says, “I use the shotgun approach. If I throw enough stuff against the wall, something is bound to stick.”
  611. Successful people do not use the ___ approach. They focus with a single important purpose.
  612. When somebody, who has what you want, gives you a “recommendation” or suggestion or something to consider, is it something you should do?
  613. When dealing with people, there is always an exchange. There are three kinds of exchanges; an uneven exchange, an equal exchange and an exchange at abundance.
  614. If you want to stay in business you have to deliver what you promise. If you want to prosper in business deliver ___ than you promise.
  615. A master is somebody who has mastered the ___
    Basics / Fundamentals
  616. Its not what you eat but what
    you digest that makes you strong
  617. Its not what you earn but
    what you save that brings you wealth
  618. Its not what you learn but
    what you remember that makes you wise
  619. 5 minutes to learn a
    lifetime to master
  620. knowledge is power only if its
    remembered or at your mental finger tips and you use it
  621. when your unconsciously competent you
    know it, everything is committed to memory, you have instant access,
  622. what kind of practice makes perfect
    perfect practice makes perfect
  623. Health
     Eat organic food  Eat organic fruit & vegetables   Drink organic juice   Take a whole foods supplement   Take vitamin D3   Take omega-3’s   Take vitamin E   Take coral calcium   Use organic honey  Eat breakfast  Lose weight   Use a cell phone protector   Use an EMF neutralizer   Use a shower filter   Use a water filter   Get a good night sleep between 10pm and 6am  Sleep on a magnetic sleep pad   Correct your posture  Do a colon cleanse  Do a liver gallbladder cleanse  Do a kidney spleen cleanse  Do a heavy metal cleanse   Do a parasite cleanse    Do a Candida cleanse   Whole Body Cleanse   Do a purification program  Alphabiotics  Oral Chelation   I.V. Chelation
  624. Wellbeing
     Exercise  Swim  Walk outside in the sun  Listen to music  Stretch  Yoga   Tai Chi  Chi Gung  Kung Fu  Martial arts  Reiki  Use a rebounder  Use an inversion table  Use a vibration plate  Use deep breathing techniques   Meditate  Get a massage regularly    Time massage  Sunbathe  Take a bath  Acupuncture  Reflexology  Fast  Do colonics  Rolfing  Go to a sauna  Cranial cycle therapy  Chiropractic therapy  Buy a plant  Breathe   Count your blessings  Be thankful  Show appreciation for everything  Ask yourself daily, what am I thankful for?  Use Dr. Coldwell’s Stress Reduction CD’s   Dr. Morter’s Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique  Total Body Modification  The Dr. Roger Callahan Techniques   Energetic Rebalancing    Mony Vital’s Vital Balancing   Stephen Lewis’s AIM Program   MindUSA
  625. Recreation
     Fencing  Boxing  Ride a horse  Bike   Ski  Skate  Hike  Rock climb  Parasailing  Go canoeing  Paint  Draw   Do pottery  Cook  Garden  Bowl  Play tennis  Go golf  Play ping-pong  Billiards  Go fishing  Go boating  Travel 
  626. Laugh A Bit
     Make models  Play with Lego’s  Erector sets   Lincoln logs  Get a chemistry set  Play board games  Play with a child   Play with a pet  Watch movies   Watch cartoons  Create something with your hands  Get a hobby  Sing  Dance  Drink wine or beer  Throw a party  Go to an amusement park  Go to the zoo  Smile  Laugh  Hug
  627. Improve
     Clean and organize home, work, car, etc.  Start and finish a cycle  Finish incomplete cycles  Go to events for inspiration, motivation and training   Build new relationships with like-minded people   Dress for success  Get out of debt  Live below your means  Create a dream board  Create a dream book  Do It Now  Integrate the Priority Manager into your life  Do something for your dream every day  Learn something new, like a foreign language  Go to a museum   Read positive thinking books and novels  Listen to audios   Do a puzzle or crossword  Play a music instrument  Dianetics  Scientology  Go dream building; physically touch things you want
  628. Give Back
     Give compliments  Do something nice  Say please and thank you  Shake hands with others  Look in other people’s eyes when talking to them  Listen more than talk  Volunteer  Publically recognize somebody for their achievements  Speak positive words
  629. Avoid Or Eliminate
     All prescription and non-prescription drugs  Artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, Splenda, high fructose corn syrup and monosodium glutamate  Genetically modified food  Corn fed meat and dairy products  Corn  Soy beans  Canola  Sodas  Mineral oil  Vaccines  Shellfish  Farm raised fish  Pork  Propylene glycol  Magnesium stearate  Talc powder  Chlorine  Nitrates  Fluoride  Sodium laureth sulfate  Stearic acid  Hypnosis  Root canals  Florescent lights   Get rid of mercury fillings.
  630. what is the first basic concept out of level one training
    you must come to the realization, the awaking that you can have do or be anything and everything you want, that you can make your dreams come true, and that you create your own reality
  631. what is the second basic concept out of level one training
    its the importance of feeling good now, try to feel and good as you can, when your feeling good your in alignment, your vibrating properly, your attracting what you want, life is easier, everything works better, and when your feeling bad your attracting what you don't want, you come to a grinding halt, your setting up resistance, your not getting what you want, there's 2 emotions good and bad
  632. what is the third basic concept in level one training
    its that your in 100% control and command of your life, and you are in charge of yourself
  633. what is the forth basic concept out of level one training
    its knowing the score, you always must know the score
  634. what is the fifth basic concept out of level one training
    it to know the basic 4 concepts, 1 who do you listen to, 2 teachability index, 3 training balance scale, 4 the four steps of learning ___ end of your wish 15
  635. learn them
    know them drill them
  636. when your focusing on what you want, you have to always feel
  637. what should you be focusing on, results, activities, or your feelings
    your feelings, the results and the activities are irrelevant, the only thats relevant is how you feel
  638. if you feel bad what happens
    your going down the wrong path, the activity is wrong, and your result are irrelevant because your going down the wrong path, your not going to get what you want in life
  639. if you feel good what happens
    the results are irrelevant, it doesn't matter if you see results or not, it doesn't matter what the activity is, as long as you feel good, because if you feel good your on the right path, your going to get what you want
  640. what is your emotional guidance system
    its your feelings, feeling good your on track, feeling bad your off track
  641. symbols and objects attract and repel what
Card Set
Your Wish
law of attraction