Forensic Biology: Discussions

  1. Hochmeister et al. performed a validation study for the which immunochromatographic test for blood?
    Hexagon OBTI test
  2. Hochmeister et al. demonstrated that the Hexagon OBTI is specific for primate ______, but not specific for _____.
    Hemoglobin, blood
  3. Which confirmatory test for primate hemoglobin was later shown to react with domestic ferret hemoglobin?
    Hexagon OBTI
  4. In the article by Kafarowski et al., AP activity and sperm were retained on clothing after washing.
    True or False?

    After washing, AP activity was no longer detectable on clothing, but sperm still persisted.
  5. In their study of the use of ALS in detecting semen stains, Kobus et al. noted some problematic substrates. What were they?
    dark, highly absorbent, and fabrics with inherent fluorescence
  6. What are the advantages and disadvantages in using an ALS to detect semen stains?
    Advantages: screen larger items faster, screen more items in less time, nondestructive, semen shows fluorescence under a wide spectrum

    Disadvantages: a large number of things fluoresce, complete darkness is required, substrate interference, non-specific
  7. Which saliva screening techniques did Myers et al. compare?
    SALIgAE, Phadebus, and starch-iodine mini-centrifuge test
  8. Which test for saliva did Myers and Adkins determine to be give the best results on the casework samples?
  9. In the Myers and Adkins study, SALIgAE was the most ______ test, but the least ______ test for saliva.
    specific, sensitive
  10. Which two saliva identification kits did Pang and Cheung compare?
    SALIgAE and RSID-Saliva
  11. In the study conducted by Pang and Cheung, RSID-Saliva was more sensitive and more specific than SALIgAE and Phadebus.
  12. Pang and Cheung evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of RSID-Saliva and SALIgAE in reference to what other saliva test?
  13. In the paper by Randall, what was attempted to be used as a marker of foreign body penetration in sexual assault?
    glycogenated squamous epithelial cells
  14. True or False: Randall concluded that it was not possible to differeniate anally and vaginally inserted objects using the recovery of numerous glycogenated epithelial cells alone.

    There was no distinguishing factor between the anally and vaginally inserted objects.
  15. In the Stouder study, what two collection methods were used? Which was the most effective?
    • Scraping into a pillbox and friction swabbing
    • Pillbox scrapings yielded greater quantities of DNA, thus more effective
  16. Ture or False: Stouder's study showed us that trave evidence scraping debris can provide a sufficent amount of DNA to produce a profile.
  17. In their paper, Jones and Leon propose that when ____ than 1% of the nucleated squamous epithelial cells are glycogen positive with Lugol's test, it is reasonable to eliminate the mouth as a source of these glycogen positive cells
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Forensic Biology: Discussions
Discussion Articles