Nutrient Imbalances: Signs and Symptoms

  1. What might dry, flaking or scaling skin indicate?
    Vitamin A or B deficiency
  2. What might petechiae indicate?
    Vitamin C or K deficiency
  3. What might cracked skin indicate?
    Niacin or Trypto deficiency
  4. What might dull, dry or sparse hair indicate?
    Protein, linoleic acid, zinc or copper deficiency
  5. What are Bitot's spots and what do they indicate?
    • Foamy plaques of cornea
    • Vitamin A deficiency
  6. What is xeropthalmia and what does it mean?
    • Eye dryness
    • Vitamin A deficiency
  7. What is keratomalacia and what does it indicate?
    • Softening of the eye? Cornea?
    • Vitamin A deficiency
  8. What does pale conjunctiva tell us?
    Iron, B6 or B12 deficiency
  9. What do red conjunctiva mean?
    Riboflavin deficiency
  10. What is cheilosis and what does it indicate?
    • Vertical cracking of lips
    • Niacin or riboflavin deficiency
  11. What is anugular stomatitis and what does it indicate?
    • Red cracks in corners of mouth
    • Riboflavin, niacin, iron or B6 deficiency
  12. What is glossitis and what does it indicate?
    • Beefy, swollen, shiny tongue
    • Vitamin B complex deficiency
  13. What does a pale tongue indicate?
    Iron deficiency
  14. What does papillary atrophy indicate?
    Niacin deficiency
  15. What about a purple or magenta tongue?
    Riboflavin deficiency
  16. Bleeding gums?
    Vitamin C deficiency
  17. What doe brittle, ridged/rigid or spoon shaped nails mean?
    Iron deficiency
  18. What are splinter hemorrhages and what do they indicate?
    • Vertical bruising/bleeding lines in nails
    • Vitamin C deficiency
  19. What are the s/s of Vitamin A deficiency?
    • Dry, flaky, scaly skin
    • Bitot's spots
    • Keratomalacia
    • Xeropthalmia
  20. Just Vitamin B deficiency?
    Dry, flaky, scaly skin
  21. What are the s/s of Vitamin B6 deficiency?
    • Pale conjunctiva
    • Anugular stomatitis
  22. What are the s/s of Vitamin B12 deficiency?
    Pale conjunctiva
  23. What are the s/s of Vitamin K deficiency?
  24. Copper deficiency?
    Dull, dry, sparse hair
  25. What are the s/s of iron deficiency?
    • Pale conjunctiva
    • Pale tongue
    • Anugular stomatitis
    • Brittle, ridged, spoon-shaped nails
  26. What are the s/s of linoleic acid deficiency?
    Dull, dry, sparse hair
  27. What are the s/s of niacin deficieny?
    • Cracked skin
    • Cheilosis
    • Anugular stomatitis
    • Papillary atrophy
  28. S/s of protein deficiency?
    • Dull, dry, sparse hair
    • (non-skin: kwashiorkor... other PCM probs)
  29. What are the s/s of riboflavin deficiency?
    • Red conjunctiva
    • Purple/magenta tongue
    • Cheilosis
    • Anugular stomatitis
  30. S/S of trypto deficiency?
    Cracked skin
  31. S/S of zinc deficiency?
    Dull, dry, sparse hair
  32. What do xanthomas indicate?
    High cholesterol
Card Set
Nutrient Imbalances: Signs and Symptoms
Questions about vitamin and nutrient deficiencies and imbalances and manifesting signs and symptoms