MCAT Physics

  1. What is the formula for "translational motion"?

    Where x = distance (meters), v = velocity(meters/sec), a = acceleration(meters/sec/sec or meters/sec2), and t = time(sec).
  2. What is the formula for "frictional force"?

    Where (mu) is the frictional coefficient and Fn is the normal force.
  3. Formula for velocity?
    v = d / t
  4. Formula(s) for distance?
    • d = vt
    • d = vavg
    • d = vinitial t + 1/2 a t2

    d = 1/2 a t 2  <--when at rest
  5. Formula for velocity when no time avail?
    vfinal= vinitial+ 2 a d
  6. Velocity formulas for projectile motion?
    vyinitial = v sin (theta)

    vx = v cos (theta)
  7. Time to projectile motion max height?
    tup = 0 - vyinitial / g 

    Where g = gravity
  8. Projectile motion max height?
    ymax = vyinitial/ 2 * t
  9. Formula for weight?
    W = mg
  10. Formula for force between two objects?
    F = G * m1 m2 / r2

    Where G = gravitation constant, m1 = mass of 1st object, m2 = mass of 2nd object, and r = radius
  11. Formula for centripital acceleration?
    a = v2 / r
  12. Centripital force?
    F = m ac
  13. Formula for work?
    W = f d

    Where force is only in the direction of motion
  14. Formula for kinetic energy?
    KE = 1/2 mv2
  15. Formula for potential energy?
    PE = mgh
Card Set
MCAT Physics
MCAT Physics formulas