1. Pre-Landing Check
    • G - Gas
    • U - Undercarriage - Flaps Up
    • M - Mixture - Set full rich
    • P - prop - Not for my use
    • B - Brakes - Test
    • L - Landing Light On
    • E - Engine Gauges - Check
    • S - Seat Belts On
  2. Minimum Controlable Airspeed (MCA)
    • Minimum Safe Altitude
    • Clear the Area
    • Carb Heat On
    • Power 1500 RPM
    • Airspeed in White Arc - Full Flaps
    • 50 KAIS - Add power to 2000 RPM
    • Maintain Airspeed of 45 KTS
    • Retrim
    • ** Pitch for Power - Throttle for Altitude**
  3. Minimum Controlable Airspeed (MCA)

    • Full Power
    • Carb Heat Cold (In)
    • Lower Nose - Cowling on Horizon
    • Flaps up to 20 degrees
    • Flaps up one notch at a time
    • Pitch, Power, Rudder & Trim
  4. Approach to Landing Stall (Power Off Stall)

    • Minimum Safe Altitude
    • Clear Area
    • Carb Heat On
    • Power 1500 RPM
    • Airspeed in White Arc - Full Flaps
    • Lower Nose on Maintain 65 KIAS
    • Power Idle
    • Raise Nose to Stall
  5. Approach to Landing Stall (Power Off Stall)

    • Lower Nose
    • Full Power - Carb Heat Cold
    • Level Wings
    • Raise Nose - Cowling on Horizon
    • Flaps Up - One notch at a time
    • Pitch, Power, Rudder & Trim
  6. Takeoff Departure Stall (Power On Stall)

    • Minimum Safe Altitude
    • Clear Area
    • Carb Heat On
    • Power 1500 RPM
    • Slow by maintain altitude to 55 KIAS
    • Pitch beyond Vx + Full Power / Carb Heat Off
    • (Pitch & Power together) - **Add Right Rudder**
  7. Takeoff Departure Stall (Power On Stall)

    • Lower Nose
    • Check Full Power
    • Level Wings
    • Raise Nose to Climb
    • Pitch, Power, Rudder & Trim
  8. Soft Field Takeoff
    • Flaps 10 degrees
    • Full Aft Elevator as taxing
    • Smooth Throttle
    • Elevator Pitch to hold nose wheel off
    • Elevator to hold ground effect (forward pressure)
    • Vx, Vy or end of runway - climb
    • Clean up Flaps
  9. Soft Field Landing
    • Normal Landing Approach
    • Full Flaps
    • OK to be a little fast (no more than 70)
    • OK to have a little power
    • Hold nose wheel off - rotation pitch attitude
    • Hold full aft elevator
    • No brakes
  10. Short Field Takeoff
    • Flaps 10 degrees
    • Use all available runway
    • Hold brakes
    • Full power
    • Rotate at 55 KTS
    • Pitch for Vx (60 KTS)
    • After 50' obsticale cleared - pitch for Vy (76 KTS) - nose down
    • Flaps up
  11. Short Field Landing
    • Normal Landing Speed (65 KTS)
    • Full Flaps Extended
    • Pick aim point 1 flare distance short of touchdown point
    • Don't let plane touch until touchdown point goes by
    • Simulate Max brakes - Flaps Up - Full Aft deflection
  12. Unusual Attitude Recovery

    Nose High
    • Lower Nose
    • Full Power
    • Level Wings
  13. Unusual Attitude Recovery

    Nose Low
    • Power Idle
    • Level Wings
    • Raise Nose Smoothly
  14. Emergency Engine Out

    Procedure Flow (reverse 7)
    • Obtain Best Glide (65KTS)
    • Pick Landing spot and head for it
    • Check fuel on (bottom of 7)
    • Mixture in (corner of 7)
    • Throttle In
    • Carb Heat on
    • Circuit breakers in
    • Mags On - Left / Right
    • Master On
    • Primer In

    • No Restart
    • Squawk 7700 - 121.5 mayday
    • Fuel Off (bottom of 7)
    • Mixture out (corner of 7)
    • Throttle out
    • Flaps as needed
    • Mags Off
    • Master Off
    • Battery On for Radios & Flaps
    • Door cracked
  15. After Landing Cleanup

    Flow - Up & Right to Left
    • Trim - Set for Takeoff
    • Flaps Up
    • Mixture 1" out for Taxi
    • Throttle 1000 RPM
    • Carb Heat off
    • Accessory - Off as needed - landing lights etc
    • Transponder off
    • Ground Control contact
  16. VFR Minimum Equipment Day

    Tomato Flames

    FAR 91.205
    • T - Tach
    • O - Oil Temp
    • M - Magnetic Compass
    • A - Air Speed Indicator
    • T - Temp Gauge
    • O - Oil Pressure Gauge
    • F - Fuel Gauge
    • L - Landing Gear Indicator Light (if retractable)
    • A - Altimeter
    • M - Manifold Pressure
    • E - ELT
    • S - Seatbelts
  17. VFR Minimum Equipment Night


    FAR 91.205
    • F - Fuses (circuit breakers)
    • L - Landing Light
    • A - Anti-Colision Light
    • P - Position Lights
    • S - Source of Electricity
  18. Airspace Requirements

    Class B
    Class B - 3 Mile Vis & Clear of Clouds
  19. Airspace Requirements

    Class C
    • 3 Mile Vis
    • 500' Below
    • 1000' Above
    • 2000' Horiz
  20. Airspace Requirements

    Class D
    • 3 Mile Vis
    • 500' Below
    • 1000' Above
    • 2000' Horiz
    • Radio Communication
  21. Airspace Requirements

    Class E
    • 3 Mile Vis
    • 500' Below
    • 1000' Above
    • 2000' Horiz
  22. Airspace Requirements

    Class G - Day
    • 1 Mile Vis
    • Clear of Clouds
  23. Airspace Requirements

    Class G - Night
    • 3 Mile Vis
    • 500' Above
    • 1000' Below
    • 2000' Horiz
  24. Cessna 172 Speeds & Tach Markings
    • Takeoff Rotation - 65KTS
    • Takeoff Climb - 70 - 80 KTS
    • Vs -
    • Vso -
    • Vx - Best Angle of Climb - 59 KTS
    • Vy - Best Rate of Climb - 73 KTS
    • Va - Maneuvering Speed - 99 KTS - varies by airplane
    • Vfe - Max Flap Extension Speed - 85 KTS
    • Vno - Max Structional Cruise - 129 KTS
    • Vne - Never Exceed Speed - 158 KTS
    • White Arc - Full Flap Operating Range - 33 - 85
    • Green Arc - Normal Operating Range - 44 - 127
    • Yello Arc - Caution Range ~ Smooth Air Only - 127 - 158
  25. Light Gun Signals

    Ground Operations
    • Steady Green - Clear for Takeoff
    • Flashing Green - Clear for Taxi
    • Steady Red - Stop
    • Flashing Red - Taxi clear of runway
    • Flashing White - Return to Starting Position
    • Alt Red/Green - Use Extreeme Caution
  26. Light Gun Signals

    Air Operations
    • Steady Green - Clear to Land
    • Flashing Green - Return for Landing
    • Steady Red - Giveway (continue / circle)
    • Flashing Red - Airport Unsafe - DO NOT LAND
    • Alt Red/Green - Use Extreeme Caution
  27. Weather

    Standard Temps
    Standard Temp - 15 degrees - decreases by 2 degrees per 1000'

    Pressure Alt - 29.92
  28. Squak Codes

  29. Squak Codes


    5 fingers - hand taking over
  30. Squak Codes

    Radio Failure

    Radio - KROQ 106.
  31. Squak Codes


    (Un)lucky 7
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