From the Age of Extremes to a World Power

  1. Where many of the immigrants got off the boat
    Ellis Island
  2. Provided funds for the construction of dams, canals, and reservoirs in the West
    Newlands National Reclamation Act
  3. Kept Chinese people in the country from becoming citizens and made it illegal for any more Chinese people to come to the country
    Chinese Exclusion Act 
  4. These two groups were founded in 1887 and lobbied government officials to enact federal legislation to control the immigrant population.
    American Protective Association and Immigration Restoration Act
  5. Banned Asians who were not citizens from owning farm land
    Web Alien Land Law
  6. Passed to reorganize states that bordered Mexico (Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona) into a special district called the Mexican Border District
    U.S. Immigration Act of 1907
  7. Professionals that were paid a higher wage.
    Middle class
  8. Officials that fought for state licensing of doctors
    American Medical Association
  9. Former enslaved people left the Jim Crow South in search of opportunity in factory towns
    Great Migration
  10. W.E.B Du Bois, a prominent African-American scholar, published a book, in 1899 called...
    The Philadelphia Negro
  11. Low-cost apartment buildings began to spring up in many cities
  12. Identified the minimum requirements to pass building inspections
    Tenement House Law
  13. He exposed the deplorable conditions of tenement living in the book How the Other Half Lives, published in 1890
    Jacob Riis
  14. Book written by Jacob Riis to expose the deplorable conditions of tenement living, published in 1890
    How the Other Half Lives
  15. Areas of concentration for members of one ethnicity were commonly called
    Ethnic ghetto
  16. When groups of people would organize to back a certain elected city official, it was called a 
    Political machine
  17. The head of the political machine was called the
    Political boss
  18. Money accepted by political machines was called
  19. A social organization founded in England
    Salvation Army
  20. Instead of living in the suburbs, members of the middle class chose to live in poor areas of the city to provide services to the poor through...
    Settlement house
  21. The most famous settlement house in the United States, in Chicago, which opened in 1889. 
    Hull House
  22. Established to advance knowledge in agriculture and agricultural technology
    Federal Land Grant Institution
  23. A variety of performances including dancers, jugglers, comedians, musicians, and magicians
  24. A place in the 1900s people would go to, to enjoy the rides and attractions
    Coney Island
  25. A sensational style of writing used to excite the reader
    Yellow Journalism
  26. An act set up to enforce the legislation. It required railroad companies to set rates that were proportional to the distance traveled. It also required that companies published rates publicly
    Interstate Commerce Act
  27. Two things that which raised taxes on foreign goods
    Gold Standard Act and the Dingley Tariff
  28. A party that wanted more money circulated in the economy by tying the cost of a dollar to the cost of silver instead of gold
    Populist Party
  29. The United States increased the strength of its navy with the building of...
    U.S.S. Maine
  30. Cuba got upset becuase of increased taxes and restrictions on trade led to a Cuban rebellion against Spain. Many Cubans were forced to live in concentration camps as the Spanish military put down the rebellion. The Spanish troops forced many Cubans to live in deplorable conditions. The United States government refused to intervene. Publisher William Hearst used sensational yellow journalism to publicize the plight of the Cubans, and the American public threw their support behind the Cuban rebels fighting against Spain
    Spanish-American War
  31. Theodore Roosevelt led one of the ground attacks in Cuba as the leader of the Volunteer Calvary was known as
    Rough Riders
  32. Approved on May 22, 1903, this was a treaty between the U.S. and Cuba that attempted to protect Cuba's independence from foreign intervention. It permitted extensive U.S. involvement in Cuban international and domestic affairs for the enforcement of Cuban independence.
    Platt Amendment
  33. In the 1880s, Hawaii was still a monarchy ruled by the
    Kamehameha family
  34. A canal about 50 miles (80 km) long, across the Isthmus of Panama, that connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
    Panama Canal
  35. Since Panama is not at sea level, a canal required this to flood the area underneath a vessel, essentially pushing it forward through the canal
  36. The United States was granted indefinite use of the land to complete the canal with this
    Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
  37. Roosevelt asserted that European nations should not intervene in countries to the south of the US, however under certain conditions, United States intervention might be justified
    Roosevelt Corollary
  38. Instead of using the military to back his foreign policy, he increased the United States’ investments in the economies of Asia and Latin America which was called
    Dollar diplomacy
  39. Great Britain, France, and Russia
    Allied Nations
  40. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey
    Central Powers
  41. A nationalistic, militaristic, and eventually quasi-fascist nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that supported the naturalization andAmericanization of immigrants, Americanism, a strong military, universal conscription, meritocracy and government regulation of the economy to enhance national preparedness
    National Security League
  42. A German submarine that used underwater torpedoes to attack ships without detection
  43. An act passed to draft men for service
    Selective Service Act
  44. To attack German U-boats with torpedoes while protecting ships carrying much-needed supplies to Great Britain’s naval forces
  45. The U.S. helped the French save Paris at this battle, after the Germans had advanced deeply into France
    Battle of Château-Thierry
  46. The United States began to use tanks to break German lines in August of 1918, and continued to pound at weak German lines during this battle
    Battle of St. Mihiel
  47. By late September, Allied forces had pushed Germany back to the German border during this battle
    Battle of Argonne Forest
  48. Manufacturers began to produce goods that supported the war and this was set up to manage the purchase of military supplies
    War Industries Board
  49. This set wages and negotiated with labor unions
    War Labor Policies Board
  50. After the war ended the, this settled labor disputes
    National War Labor Board
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From the Age of Extremes to a World Power
Study cards for "From the Age of Extremes to a World Power