Four battles on the Easter Front
- Though the German army was advancing, Soviets suddenly held fast
- Battle of Moscow- Fall 1941- Winter 1942 military evacuation at some point, but no advancement. In late demember, they pushed German army back 100 miles from city, just witheld, not retreat
- The Seige of Leningrad- Sept 1941- Jan. 1944 surrounded city for 900 days, starvation, war of agression and destruction, did not surrender, proved they wanted to protect homeland.
- The Battle of Stalingrad- Fall 1942- Winter 1943 seizing this city meant stopping lubricants fortanks and other machines. Most important battle, became bloodiest in history, illegal for German army to retreat, Soviets surrounded them. After this, all German troops began retreating
- Battle of Kursk- summer 1943 Germans tried to use Blitzkrieg, Soviets ready with a counter attack, knew how to absorb the blow and hold the line, forced Germans to retreat. It was last ditch offensive to win the war for Germany.
Franco Prussian War
- 1870
- After the King of Spain died, it was Germany's term to appoint a ruler. France did not want this because they felt that Germany was too weak.
- Threaten to declare war if Prussia does not renounce their claim.
- Bismark held fast and they went to war. Within a month, France had to surrender. In the process, Prussia also took two territories back for thier country. Process of completing country more or less complete.
Franz Ferdinand
Austria-Hungary archduke that was visiting Serbia. Was assassinated by terrorists June 28th, 1914. Triggired the start of WWI
Friedrich Nietzsche
- 1844-1900
- Philosopher who enjoyed imagining a world where God didn't have an active role
- Many famous philosophical writings and sayings including "What does not kill me makes me stronger"
- Strongest survive,
- Believed Christianity was the worst kind of lie, they say weakness is good, he says Christianity should be replaced with strength and power
- Influential to Nazis
Galapagos Finches
birds that Darwin studied in South America. By comparing it to finches on neighboring islands, Darwin was able to form his theory of evolution
Gavrilo Princip
- 19 year old member of the terrorist group who planned the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
- He was the one who ended up killing the archduke
- Leader of the Jacobins
- Rallied civilians to join the fight during the French revolution
- Gave a moving speech thatr made people rise up in spirit of nationalism.
Giuseppe Garibaldi
- 1807-1882
- Italian revolutionary leader who led the fight to free Sicily and Naples from Habsburg empire
Grand Armée
- 1805
- Name Napolean gave to the French army he had esembled to invade English Channel
- Did not achieve primary goals because they had to be re-deployed to defend against Austrian and Russian armies
- genodcide of over 6 million jews by the Nazis during WWII
- Considered a modern idea, gives human beings less value
- political doctrine that rejects or disregards the “rights” of citizens. It’s in order to make a small state. Iran is a liberal, theocracy, no freedom of speech, election is a scam. N. Korea, one leader chooses all.
- Illiberalism spread throughout Europe, war showed old governments were too weak. It could take 2 forms, communism, fasicism
Iron Curtain
- Term coined by Winston Churchill in 1946
- Refers to the division of Western Europe, under American influence, from Eastern Europe, under the Soviet Union
- Radical French political party that came into existance during French Revolution
- Executed the French king and sought to remake french culture
- Leader was Danton
Louis XVI
well meaning, but innefectual king of France. Ruling during the French Revolution. Tried to escape but was caught by rampaging women and forced to stay in the castle. Was eventually guillotined by revolutionaries.
- 1814- 1824
- Was appointed King of France after Napolean lost his wars.
- France became monarchy again conservatives took over again. Need order, not freedom
- King for 10 years
- if you accept everyone was unequal, everything will work better, no wars.
- Age of restoration
- Monarchy was only temporary
- Democracy remerged in 1830 with a revolution
Louis Phillippe
- 1830-1848
- embraced nationalism
- called himself "King of the French" King of the people
- Didn't set himself higher than others, was more approachable
James Watt
scottish inventor that invented the dteam engine in 1769
Jean-Paul Marat
- A journalist during the French Revolution
- Wrote many angry articles that kept up the flow of violence
- Killed by another revolutionary follower
John Stuart Mill
- 1806-1873
- British philosopher
- believed people could make good choices if gov. allowed them to
- Do whatever you want as long as you don't hurt yourself or others
- Feelings don't count as harm
Joseph Stalin
- 1879-1953
- Leader of Soviet Union
- Leader of Russia during WWII and Cold War
- Tried to improve Russia through rapid industrialization and narrowing the idea of communnism to one belief.
July Revolution
- French Revolution of 1830
- Overthrew Charles X and replaced him with Louis-Philippe
Killer Smog
- London pollution in 1952
- 4,000 people died
- shifted to the east and given to other people
Korean War
- 1950-1953
- Fight between communist korea and democratic korea
- General McArthur sent to help South Korea win, almost went all the way to China
- Eventually, Korea was divided in the middle
- Considered one of the moments where the Cold War almost tunred hot
Lizzie van Zyl
- child who died in Boehrman conentration camp
- considered mentally sick because she couldn't understand language
- National anthem of the French
- Came from the revolution, called for the death of the enemies of France
- May their impure blood water our lands
- Strong voice of nationalism
Marshall Plan
- American response to WWII
- Countries could trade with U.S. Funds used to buy food and fuel
- the reason we got in trouble was because countries were poor, therefore aggressive and dangerous
- almost all western europe recieved grants, especially France and England
Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx
- German social scientists that were the founding fathers of communism
- produced Communist Manifesto
Maximilien Robespierre
- Influential figure for French Revolution
- Became leader and organized the beheading of Louis XVI
- Largely dominated Committee of Public Safety
Maxim Gun
the first self-powered machine gun, invented by the American-born British inventor Sir Hiram Maxim in 1884.
Mikhail Gorbachev
- last Soviet leader, appointed 1985
- thought violence was a short term solution
- Perestroika (reconstruction) wanted more economic freedom not every decision would have to come from gov
- If we’re going to reform, we need protests or we won’t know what needs to be done
Modern Naturalism
- Nature- Potentially infinite Universe
- Humanity is a small speck in a big circle, one little species on a rock
- Universe isn’t designed by God for redemption, it keeps moving. Decreases dignity of humanity
Mohandas Gandhi
- political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement
- Trained as lawyer in London, knew how to play legal game
- british could give up colonies by shaming them
- Lead many movements including Salt March and Quit India
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
- an agreement officially titled the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union[1] and signed in Moscow in the early hours of 24 August 1939
- pledged neutrality by either party if the other were attacked by a third party. It remained in effect until 22 June 1941 when Germany implemented Operation Barbarossa, invading the Soviet Union.
Munich Conference
- 1938
- an agreement permitting Nazi German annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland
- The state of Czechoslovakia was not invited to the conference
Mustard Gas
- chemical warfare agents with the ability to form large blisters on exposed skin
- people exposed to mustard gas rarely suffer immediate symptoms
- Used in WWI
Napoleon Bonaparte
- Elected leader of France after French Revolution, Named himself emperor, calling himself Napolean I
- Wasn't French
- military genius
- forced Italy to be ally in 1797
Napoleon III
- the President of the French Second Republic and the ruler of the Second French Empire
- Elected President by popular vote in 1848, he undertook a coup d'état in 1851, becoming dictator before ascending the throne as Napoleon III
- He ruled as Emperor of the French until September 4, 1870
- Last monarch of France
National Assembly
- Created June 1789
- start of the French Revolution
- was a law-making body for the country
- It was their right/duty to make constitution
National Socialism
- better known as Nazism
- stresses the belief in the supremacy of an Aryan master race
- two prime beliefs, first: To be great, must be strong. Second, deeper reason they lost, conspiracy of the jews that want to take over the world and destroy germany
Nature Red in Tooth and Claw
There isn’t a harmony in the natural world,
- species go extinct unless they find a way to survive.
- Nature isn’t a friendly place, there is a constant struggle.
- Losers die, winners prosper.
Nicholas II
- 1868-1918
- the last Tsar of Russia
- Couldn’t handle change, Tsar didn’t want any change at all.
- He made an oath ot his father. He doesn’t know what to do, so he’ll keep it exactly the same
New Imperialism
- colonial expansion adopted by Europe's powers
- aggressive competition for overseas territorial acquisitions and the emergence in some colonizing countries of doctrines of racial superiority which purported to explain the unfitness of backward peoples for self-government.
October Revolution
- second phase of Russian revolution
- overthrew the Russian Provisional Government and gave the power to the local soviets dominated by Bolsheviks
- Lead by Bolsheviks
Operation Barbarossa
- the code name for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II that began on 22 June 1941
- military offensive in history
- operational goal was rapid conquest of the European part of the Soviet Union
Otto von Bismarck
- Prime Minister of Prussia from 1862–1890
- oversaw the unification of Germany
Over the Top
- strategy in trench warfare
- jump out of trenches and jump out catching them by surprise.
- They never had enough time to do this
- Means "reconstruction"
- Refers to Gorbachev's attempts to reform the communist system
Prague Spring
- 1968,
- Alexander Dubcek became leader in Check
- Communist but wanted to reform socialism, more freedom of expression
- Outpouring of support. Warm and sunny time. Optimism filled the country,
- there could be a middle ground between communism and capitalism.
- Soviet union were scared. Soviets sent in tanks in 1968 and reinstalled soviet order,
- forced Dubcek to resign, his ideas were put down.
- Soviets thought they were being strong,
- but they ruined the sympathy that some in the west had.
- They put down a peaceful democratic movement
Revolutions of 1848
- French Prime Minister tries to calm people from famine
- national guards sided with rioters
- every male adult can vote now
- Other countries tried to start revolutions but failed