*Paul's Dictionary (set 3)

  1. ameliorate / meliorate
    to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve.
  2. fastidious
    • 1. excessively particular, critical, or demanding; hard to please:
    • a _______ eater.
    • 2. requiring or characterized by excessive care or delicacy; painstaking.
  3. fin de siecle
    fan duh sye-kl
    • French
    • 1. the end of the 19th century.
    • 2. of, pertaining to, or characterized by concepts of art, society, etc., associated with the end of the 19th century.
  4. obsequious
    • 1. characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning:
    • an _______ bow.
    • 2. serviley compliant or deferential:
    • _______ servants.
    • 3. obedient; dutiful.
    • Syn: sycophantic, flattering... cringing, submissive, servile.
  5. fervent
    • 1. having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.; ardent:
    • a _______ admirer; a _______ plea.
    • 2. hot; burning; glowing.
    • Syn: fervid, impassioned, passionate.
  6. tertiary
    • 1. of the third order, rank, stage, formation, etc.; third.
    • primary (principal), secondary, ________.
  7. chimerical
    • 1. unreal; imaginary; visionary:
    • a _______ terrestrial paradise.
    • 2. wildly fanciful; highly unrealistic:
    • a _______ plan.
  8. vehement
    • 1. zealous; ardent; impassioned:
    • a _______ defense; _______ enthusiasm.
    • 2. characterized by rancor or anger; violent:
    • _______ hostility.
    • 3. strongly emotional; intense or passionate:
    • _______ desire.
    • 4. marked by great energy or exertion; strenuous:
    • _______ clapping.
    • Syn: earnest, fervent, fervid... burning, fiery.
  9. allegory
    • 1. a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.
    • 2. a symbolic narrative:
    • the _______ of Piers Plowman.
    • 3. emblem.
    • Syn: fable, parable.
  10. filial
    • 1. of, pertaining to, or befitting a son or daughter:
    • _______ obedience.
    • 2. noting or having the relation of a child to a parent.
  11. penury
    • 1. extreme poverty; destitution.
    • 2. scarcity; dearth; inadequacy; insufficiency.
    • Sin: indigence, need, want.
  12. predicate
    pred-i-keyt (verb)
    pred-i-kit (noun)
    • Verb
    • 1. to proclaim; declair; affirm; assert
    • 2. Logic. to affirm or assert (something) of the subject of a proposition... to make (a term) the _______ of such a proposition.
    • 3. to connote; imply:
    • His retraction _______s a change of attitude.
    • 4. to found or derive (a statement, action, etc.); base (usually followed by on):
    • He _______ed his behavior on his faith in humanity.
    • 5. to make an affirmation or assertion.

    • Noun
    • 6. Gram. (in many languages, as English) a syntactic unit that functions as one of the two main constituents of a simple sentence, the other being the subject, and that consists of a verb, which in English may agree with the subject in number, and of all the words governed by the verb or modifying it, the whole often expressing the action performed by or the state attributed to the subject, as is here in Larry is here.
    • We rob banks... If you build it he will come... Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
    • 7. Logic. that which is affirmed or denied concerning the subject of a proposition.
  13. taciturn
    • 1. inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation.
    • 2. dour, stern, and silent in expression and manner.
    • Syn: silent, uncommunicative, reticent, quiet.
  14. tenacious
    • 1. holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often followed by of):
    • a _______ grip on my arm; _______ of old habits.
    • 2. highly retentive:
    • a _______ memory.
    • 3. persistent, stubborn, or obstinate.
    • 4. adhesive or sticky; viscous or glutinous.
    • 5. holding together; cohesive; not easily pulled asunder; tough.
    • Syn: opinionated, dogged... clinging.
  15. saturnine
    • 1. sluggish in temperament; gloomy; taciturn.
    • 2. suffering from lead poisoning, as a person.
    • 3. due to absorption of lead, as bodily disorders.
  16. nepenthe
    • 1. a drug or drink, or the plant yielding it, mentioned by ancient writers as having the power to bring forgetfulness of sorrow or trouble.
    • 2. anything inducing a pleasurable sensation of forgetfulness, especially of sorrow or trouble.
  17. whorl / whorled
    • 1. a circular arrangement of like parts, as leaves or flowers, around a point on an axis; verticil.
    • 2. one of the turns or volutions of a spiral shell.
    • 3. anything shaped like a coil.
    • 4. one of the central ridges of a fingerprint, forming at least one complete circle.
  18. raceme
    • 1. a simple indeterminate inflorescence in which the flowers are borne on short pedicels lying along a common axis, as in the lily of the valley.
  19. inflorescence
    • 1. a flowering or blossoming.
    • 2. Bot. the arrangement of flowers on the axis // the flowering part of a plant // a flower cluster // flowers collectively.
  20. choler
    • 1. irascibility; anger; wrath; irritability.
    • 2. Old Physiol. yellow bile.
  21. cholera
    1. Pathol. an acute, infectious disease, endemic in India and China and occasionally epidemic elsewhere, characterized by profuse diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, etc.
  22. valor
    • boldness or determination in facing great danger, especially in battle; heroic courage; bravery:
    • a medal for ______.
  23. enfranchize
    • 1. to grant a public privilege to; admit to citizenship, especially to the right of voting.
    • 2. to endow (a city, constituency, etc.) with municpal or parliamentary rights.
    • 3. to set free; liberate, as from slavery.
  24. adjure
    • 1. to charge, bind, or command earnestly and solemnly, often under oath or the threat of penalty.
    • 2. to entreat or request earnestly or solemnly.
  25. tributary
    • Noun
    • 1. a stream that flows to a larger stream or other body of water.
    • 2. a person or nation that pays tribute in acknowledgement of subjugation or the like.

    • Adj.
    • 3. (of a stream) flowing into a larger stream orother body of water.
    • 4. furnishing subsidiary aid; contributory.
    • 5. paying or required to pay tribute.
    • 6. paid as tribute.
    • 7. subject; subordinate:
    • a _______ nation.
  26. arraign
    • 1. to call or bring before a court to answer to an indictment.
    • 2. to accuse or charge in general; criticize adversely; censure.
  27. paroxysm
    • 1. any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion:
    • _______s of rage.
    • 2. Pathol. a severe attack or a sudden increase in intensity of a disease, usually recurring periodically.
  28. equipoise
    • Noun
    • 1. an equal distribution of weight; even balance; equilibrium.
    • 2. a counterpoise.

    • Verb
    • 3. to equal or offset in weight; balance.
  29. cuckold
    • Noun
    • 1. the husband of an unfaithful wife.

    • Verb
    • 2. to make a _______ of (a husband).
  30. coquet / coquettish
    • Verb
    • 1. to try to attract the attention and admiration of men for mere self-gratification; flirt.
    • 2. to act without seriousness; trifle; dally.

    • Adj.
    • 3. _______tish.
    • Syn: dally, tease.
  31. sonorous
    • 1. giving out or capable of giving out a sound, especially a deep, resonant sound, as a thing or place:
    • a _______ cavern.
    • 2. loud, deep, or resonant, as a sound.
    • 3. rich and full in sound, as language or verse.
    • 4. high-flown; grandiloquent:
    • a _______ speech.
    • Syn: eloquent, florid, grandiose, orotund.
  32. plutocracy
    • 1. the rule or power of wealth or of the wealthy.
    • 2. a government or state in which the wealthy class rules.
    • 3. a class or group ruling, or exercising power or influence, by virtue of its wealth.
  33. egalitarian
    • Adj.
    • 1. asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of all people, especially in political, economic, or social life.

    • Noun
    • 2. a person who adheres to _______ beliefs.
  34. remonstrate
    • Verb
    • 1. to say or plead in protest, objection, or disapproval.
    • 2. Obs. to show.
    • 3. to present reasons in complaint; plead in protest.
  35. gambit
    • 1. Chess. an opening in which a player seeks to obtain some advantage by sacrificing a pawn or piece.
    • 2. any maneuver by which one seeks to gain an advantage.
    • 3. a remark made to open or redirect a conversation.
    • Syn: ploy, stratagem, scheme, ruse.
  36. robber baron
    • 1. Hist. a noble who robbed travelers passing through his lands.
    • 2. a ruthlessly powerful U.S. capitalist or industrialist of the late 19th century considered to have become wealthy by exploiting natural resources, corrupting legislators, or other unethical means.
  37. venial
    • 1. able to be forgiven or pardoned; not seriously wrong, as a sin (opposed to mortal).
    • 2. excusable; trifling; minor:
    • a _______ error; a _______ offense.
    • Syn: slight, pardonable, forgivable.
  38. imperturbable
    • 1. incapable of being upset or agitated; not easily excited; calm:
    • _______ composure.
    • Syn: composed, collective, impassive, cool, unmoved.
  39. scruple / scruples
    • Noun
    • 1. a moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions.
    • 2. a very small portion or amount.

    • Verb
    • 3. to have ______s.
    • 4. to have ______s about; hesitate at.

    Syn: qualm, compunction, restraint... waver
  40. enmity
    • 1. a feeling or condition of hostility; hatred; ill will; animosity; antagonism.
    • Syn: malice, acrimony, rancor.
  41. copious
    • 1. large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful:
    • ______ amounts of food.
    • 2. having or yielding an abundant supply:
    • a ______ larder; a ______ harvest.
    • 3. exhibiting abundance or fullness, as of thoughts or words.
    • Syn: bountiful, ample. Ant: scanty, scarce, meager.
  42. scion
    • 1. a descendant.
    • 2. a shoot or twig, especially one cut for grafting or planting; a cutting.
    • Syn: child, issue, offshoot, progeny.
  43. epicure
    • 1. a person who cultivates a refined taste, especially in food and wine; connoisseur.
    • 2. Archaic. a person dedicated to sensual enjoyment.
    • Syn: gastronome, gourmet, _____ian... voluptuary, sensualist, gourmand.
  44. interlocutor
    • 1. a person who takes part in a conversation or dialogue.
    • 2. the man in the middle of the line or performers in a minstrel troupe, who acts as the announcer and banters with the end men.
    • 3. a person who questions; interrogator.
  45. unction
    • 1. an act of anointing, especially as a medical treatment or religious rite.
    • 2. an unguent or ointment; salve.
    • 3. something soothing or comforting.
    • 4. an excessive, affected, sometimes cloying earnestness or fervor in manner, especially in speaking.
    • 5. Relig. the oil used in religious rites, as in annointing the sick or dying // the shedding of a divine or spiritual influence upon a person // the influence shed // extreme _______.
    • 6. the manifestation of spiritual or religious inspiration.
  46. cognitive dissonance
    Psychol. anxiety that results from simultaneously holding contradictory or otherwise incompatible attitudes, beliefs, or the like, as when one likes a person but disapproves strongly of one of his or her habits.
  47. histrionic
    • Adj.
    • 1. of or pertaining to actors or acting.
    • 2. deliberately affected or self-consciously emotional; overly dramatic, in behavior or speech.

    • Noun
    • 3. an actor.
  48. facetious
    • 1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally:
    • a ______ remark.
    • 2. amusing; humorous.
    • 3. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous:
    • a _____ person.
  49. lucanae / lucana
    • 1. a gap or missing part, as in a manuscript, series, or logical argument; hiatus.
    • 2. Anat. one of the numerous minute cavities in the substance of bone, supposed to contain nucleate cells.
    • 3. Bot. an air space in the cellular tissue of plants.
  50. saturnalia
    • 1. the festival of Saturn, celebrated in December in ancient Rome as a time of unrestrained merrymaking.
    • 2. unrestrained revelry; orgy.
Card Set
*Paul's Dictionary (set 3)
Words encountered during reading (Lovecraft, Joyce, Homer, Shelley, etc.)