Pharmacology Drug Drill

  1. Ondansetron: Class, Trade Name:
    Antiemetic, Ondansetron, Zofran
  2. Ondansetron Description:
    Antiemetic, 5-HT3 antagonist
  3. Ondansetron Therapeutic Action/Mechanism:
    Ondansetron is a selective 5-hydroxytryptamine subtype 3 (5-HT3) antagonist. The 5-HT3 receptor is located in central and peripheralnervous tissue, and on pre and post synaptic neurons. When agonized, anxiety, autonomic nerve activity and emesis occur.
  4. Ondansetron Uses/ Indications:
    Intractable Nausea and /or vomiting unrelieved by patient positioning
  5. Ondansetron Pharmacokinetics:
    • Onset: 5 to 15 minutes IV.
    • Peak effect 30 minutes IV
    • Duration 4 – 8 hr
    • Half-life: 3.5 – 5.5 hr (linear correlation to pt. age)
  6. Ondansetron Contraindications/ Precautions:
    Known sensitivity to ondansetron (Zofran), dolasetron (Anzemet) orpalonosetron (Aloxi).

    • Caution with patients taking:
    • Antiemetics: Granisetron, Tropisetron. Gastroprokinetics: Alosetron,Batanopride, Metoclopramide (high doses), Renzapride, Zacopride.

    Antidepressants: Mianserin, Mirtazapine.

    Antipsychotics: Clozapine,Olanzapine, Quetiapine. Others: Memantine (Alzheimer's diseasemedication). These may have additive effects.
  7. Ondansetron Adverse/ Side Effects:
    • CNS: Dizziness
    • CV: hypotension, tachycardia, headache, bradycardia, heart block.Over dosage of up to 10 times the normal prescriptive amount has notdemonstrated significant adverse effects.
  8. Ondansetron Interactions:
    May have additive effects with other 5-HT3 receptor antagonists (see list above)
  9. Ondansetron Adult Dosage:
    4 mg IM, PO (dissolvable tablet) or slow IV (over 30 sec) for patients 4 years or older. May repeat with medical directionapproval.
  10. Ondansetron Pediatric Dosage:
    Not used for children under 4 years.
  11. Ondansetron Administration:
    May be administered IM, IV or PO
  12. Ondansetron Notes:
    Protect from light and heat. Pregnancy category B, doses of 4 mg/dayshow no adverse effects on fertility or fetal health
  13. Oxygen Class, Trade Names:
    Gas; Oxygen, Oxygen U.S.P.
  14. Oxygen Description:
    Oxygen is an odorless, tasteless, colorless gas necessary for cellularmetabolic oxidative phosphorylation.
  15. Oxygen  Therapeutic Action/ Mechanism:
    Oxygen is required for the efficient breakdown of glucose and othernutrient materials necessary for metabolism. Increased concentrationof oxygen in the alveolus subsequently leads to increased oxygensaturation of hemoglobin.
  16. Oxygen Uses/Indications:
    Hypoxia or suspected hypoxia. Oxygen is indicated in all forms oftrauma, medical emergencies, chest pain, respiratory difficulty,childbirth and for any critical patient
  17. Oxygen Pharmacokinetics: 
    • Onset: Immediate.
    • Peak effect in < 1 min.
    • Duration < 2 min. following termination of delivery.
    • Half-life: N/A
  18. Oxygen Contraindications/Precautions:
    • No contraindications
    • Oxygen should be used cautiously in patients with chronicobstructive pulmonary disease and in neonates. Prolonged highconcentrations of oxygen in these patients may be harmful.
  19. Oxygen Adverse/Side Effects:
    • CNS: None under normal barometric pressure
    • CV: None
    • Resp: Prolonged high flow oxygen without humidification may causedrying of mucus membranes. Use humidified oxygen when possible
    • GI/GU: None
  20. Oxygen Interactions:
    There are no interactions associated with oxygen administration,however, oxygen may increase the toxicity of certain herbicides suchas paraquat or diquat. Oxygen does support combustion and oxidation.
  21. Oxygen Adult Dosage:
    35% (COPD) - 100%
  22. Oxygen Pediactric and Neonatal Dosage:
    • Pediatric dose: Same as for adult.
    • Neonatal dose: Not to exceed 40%
  23. Oxygen Administration:
    Nasal cannula (1-6 lpm - 24-44%), simple facemask(6-10 lpm - 40 – 60%),venturi mask (4-12 lpm - 24-50%), partialrebreather mask (6-10 lpm - 35-60%), non-rebreather mask (6-15 lpm -60 – 95%), BVM (with reservoir) (15 lpm - 40-90/100%)
  24. Oxygen Notes:
    Oxygen administration should be guided by oximetric measurementswhen possible, however, oxygen should not be withheld from dyspneic patients.
Card Set
Pharmacology Drug Drill
Weekly Drugs