APR - Using Information Technology Efficiently - 2%

  1. Web address
    The unique location of an Internet server, a specific file (for example a web page) or an email user - it is also used to specify the location of data with computer storage.
  2. Audio Cast
    Audio content broadcasted over the internet. The term serves as a broad description for any audio content , including streaming audio, podcasts, or other distribution methods.
  3. Cascading Style Sheet
    CSS - determines how a given elements is presented on a webpage - more control over the appearance of a web page
  4. Breadcrumb Trail
    On a website - a navigation tool that allows a user to see where the current page is in relation to the website's hierarchy.
  5. Bookmark
    A saved link to a web page
  6. Chat Room
    A web-based venue for communities of users with a common interest to communicate in real time. Forums, discussions, in compassion, allow uses to post messages but don't have the capacity for interactive messages.
  7. XML
    Extensible Markup Language; a flexible way to create common information formats and share both the format and the data on the World Wide Web, intranets, elsewhere
  8. Wiki
    A server program that allows collaboration in forming the content of a website or other document via a website. With a wiki, any user can edit site content, including other users' contributions, using a regular web browser.
  9. Channel
    A group of items, each of which represents one post (i.e. Blog post or MP# file). You subscribe to the channel when subscribing to the podcasts. Channel is used interchangeably with feed on many websites; may also be referred to as a "feed"
  10. A Chicklet
    term for the small, often orange buttons used as links to RSS files. Mist podcatchers allow a user to drag and drop chicklets directly onto them to easily add a subscription.
  11. Blog
    Short for weblog; a personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption
  12. Anonymous Web Surfing
    Visiting websites without allowing anyone to gather information about which sites the user visited. Services are available that provide anonymity, disable pop-up windows and cookies, and conceal the visitor's IP address
  13. Content Management System
    CMS; a system used to manage website content in lieu of commercially available code-based web design software
  14. Counter
    On a website, a program that counts and typically displays how many people have visited an HTML page
  15. Digitization
    The process of converting information into a digital format, organized in units of data called bits and bytes. His is the binary data that computers and many devices with computing capacity can process
  16. File Transfer Protocol
    FTP - a standard internet protocol and the simplest way to exchange files between computers on the internet
  17. Internet
    A worldwide system of computer networks conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the US government in 1969 and first known as the ARPANET.
  18. Cybersquatting
    Registering, trafficking in or using a domain name with bad-faith intent to profit from from the goodwill of a trademark or celebrity belonging to someone else.
  19. Cookie
    Information a website puts on your hard disk so that it can remember something about you at a later time. typically, is records your preference when you use a particular site.
  20. FAQs
    A list of frequently asked questions, and answers that has become a common feature on internet sites.
  21. Item
    A single entry in a news feed or podcast channel. Each items contains an enclosure that links to the audio file for the podcast, include ID3 tags.
  22. Narrowcast
    Audio or video Programs targeting specific audience demographic, as opposed to a broadcast
  23. News Feed
    A web feed that specifically supplies new headlines or posts to an RSS aggregator. Also called a news channel
  24. Permission Marketing
    A marketing strategy using email and other mobile technology to send consumers information that they have agreed in advance to receive (opt-in email). Permission is a key provision in the 2003 Can Spam Act
  25. Phishing
    An e-mail fraud method. A perpetrator sends a legitimate-looking e-mail in an attempt to gather personal and/or financial information from recipients.
  26. Ping
    A basic internet program that lets you verify that a particular IP address exists and can accept requests
  27. Podcast
    An audiofile published on the Internet with an RSS feed, allowing users to subscribe to automatic downloads of a series of such programs
  28. Podcasting
    The preparation and distribution of audio (and possibly other media) files for download to digital music or multimedia players such as the iPod
  29. Podcatcher
    A software application that automatically checks for and downloads new podcast feeds.
  30. Proxy Server
    An enterprise that uses the Internet to act as an intermediary between a workstation user and the Internet so that the enterprise can ensure security, administrative control and caching service
  31. Punchcast
    A podcast that is sent directly to a smartphone or other mobile device without being sent to a laptop of desktop PC
  32. Push Technology
    A set of technologies whereby information is delivered from a central server to a client computer, often by means of an Internet-based content delivery method
  33. Redirection
    On a website, a technique for moving visitors to a different page or site when its address has been changed and visitors are familiar with the old address
  34. RSSL
    RDF Site Summary, formerly called Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication; a method of describing news or other web content that is available for "feeding"( distribution or syndication) from an online publisher to web users.
  35. RSS Aggregator
    A program used to collect and read RSS feeds. Also known as a news reader, news aggregator
  36. RSS Feed
    An XML file that provides content or summaries of content and other metadata, that a user can subscribe to using a RSS aggregator.
  37. Scraping
    The process of someone creating an RSS feed from another website, as opposed to the individuals own content.
  38. Spam
    Unsolicited e-mail. From teh sender's point-of-view, spam is a form of bulk mail, often sent to a list obtained from a spambot or to a list obtained by companies that specialize in creating email distribution lists.
  39. Spool
    To copy an RSS link into a podcast organizer or loader application to download later
  40. Spyware
    Any technology that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge
  41. Streaming Media
    Sound (audio) and pictures (video) transmitted on the Internet in a streaming or continuous fashion, using data packets.
  42. Syndication
    The supply of material for reuse and intergration with other material, often through a paid service subscription
  43. URL
    Uniform Resource Locator, previously Universal Resource Locator; the unique address for a file that is accessible on the Internet
  44. USM
    Universal Subscription Mechanism, which allows certain podcasters to automatically add a subscription from an RSS file.
  45. Timeshifting
    The process of recording and storing data for later viewing, listening or reading
  46. Uploading
    The transmission of a file from one computer system to another, usually a larger computer system. From a network user's point-of-view, to upload a file to send it to another computer that is set up to receive it.
  47. Video Podcasting
    Similar to podcasting, except that video files, instead of audio are published into RSS feeds; also called Vlogging or vodcasting
  48. Vlog
    Video blog; a blog that contains video content
  49. Web 2.0
    A term for advanced Internet technology and applications, including blogs wikis, RSS and bookmark sharing. The two major components are the technological advances enabled by Ajax and other applications such as RSS and Eclipse and the user empowerment that they support
  50. Web Accessibility
    Standards ensuring that people with disabilities can use the web.
  51. Weblog
    A website that consists of a series of entries arranged in reverse chronological order, often frequently updated with new information about particular topics.
  52. Webinar
    A type of web conference or web seminar that can be presented as an interactive dialogue between presenter and audience completely via the Internet, or a telephone-based presentation with complementing computer-based content. A webinar is "live".
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APR - Using Information Technology Efficiently - 2%
Apr test preparation