Praxis II (0014) - LA Language and Grammar

  1. Noun
    A noun is word that names a person, place, thing, concept, idea, act, or characteristic.
  2. Common nouns
    Common nouns refer to general ideas, objects, places, and concpets and are NOT cpaitalized.

    ex, girl, man, house, bridge, class
  3. Proper nouns
    Proper nouns refer to specific ideas, people, concpets, and objects and ARE capitalized.

    ex. Brianna, Golden Gate Bridge, English
  4. Concrete nouns
    Concreate nouns name things that are physical and able to be touched.

    ex, desk, bottle, phone
  5. Abstract nouns
    Abstract nouns name something that cannot be seen or touched but can be thought or felt.

    ex., love, hate, Buddhism
  6. Collective nouns
    Collective nouns name a group or collection of people, things, places, concepts, or characteristics.

    \ex., family, team, flock, gaggle, litter, bunch, dozen
  7. Compound nouns
    Compound nouns are made up of two or more words.

    /ex. baseball, middle school, mother-in-law
  8. Singular nouns
    Singular nouns refer to only thing, person, place, idea/concept, or characteristic.

    /ex. dog, teacher, dress, test
  9. Plural nouns
    Plural nouns refer to more than one thing, person, place, idea/concpet, or characteristic.

    /ex. teachers, boxes, butterflies, echoes
  10. Noun types
    Subject noun: when noun does something or is talked about in the sentence

    Predicate noun: when the noun repeats or renames the subject

    Possessive noun: when the noun shows ownership

    Object noun: when noun is used as teh direct object, the indirect person, or teh object of the preposition
  11. Subject noun
    When the noun does something or is being talked about within a sentence

    ex. The dog ran quickly.
  12. Predicate noun
    When the noun repeats or renames the subject

    ex. A classroom is a great place to learn new things
  13. Possessive noun
    When the noun shows ownership

    ex. My mother's face beamed
  14. Object noun
    Whenthe noun i sused as teh direct object, the indirect object, or the object of the prepostion

    ex. You will love the sandwich on wheat bread
  15. Verb
    A word that shows action(s) or a state of being.

    Verbs can also be linking verbs that link the subject to the words that describe it. Such as is, has, been, and was.
  16. Helping verbs
    Helping verbs are words that aid in the formation of tense.

    /ex. shall, will, should, would, could, must, can, may, have, has, had, do, did, is, are, was, were, am, being, been.
  17. Present tense
    Shows the action is happening now
  18. Past tense
    Shows the action happened in the past or before (uses ed)
  19. Future tense
    Shows that teh action will happen (uses will)
  20. Present perfect tense
    When the action begins in the past but concludes in the present. (Add "has" or "have" to the past participle.)

    /ex. It has taken a very long time to write this book.
  21. Past perfect tense
    When teh avtion begins in the past and is completed in the past. (Add "had" to the past participle.)

    /ex. I had hoped to be finished by November
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Praxis II (0014) - LA Language and Grammar
Praxis II (0014) - LA Language and Grammar