Unit 1 Chapter 1

  1. government
    institute in which society makes and forces public policy
  2. public policy
    all things government does
  3. 3 types of power
    legislative, executive, judicial
  4. legislative
    makes laws
  5. judicial-
    interprets laws
  6. executive
    inforces laws
  7. state
    • government has no higher authority
    • ex mexico, u.s.
  8. 4 characteristics of state
    population, territory, sovereinty, government
  9. sovereinty
    absolute power within territory
  10. divine right
    15th century, god given right to rule others
  11. social contract
    response to divine right, free formed states to keep safe
  12. who developed the social contract
    John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacque rousseau
  13. the big deal
    that government exists to serve the people
  14. purpose of government
    • form a perfect union
    • establish justice
    • insure domestic tranquilty
    • provide for common defense
    • secure thr blessings of liberty
  15. how many forms of government are there
  16. democracy
    of people, by people, for people
  17. direct
    people make policies
  18. indirect
    people vote for others to make policies (republic)
  19. dictatorship
    government is not accountable to anyone
  20. oligarchy
    small self appointed group
  21. unitary
    one national government, lower units have little say in policies
  22. federal
    power is divided between national, state, and local gov
  23. confederal
    smaller regional governmaents hold most power, weak gov.
  24. presidential
    voters select executive and legislative branch members
  25. parliamentary
    executive is chosen from the legislative branch
  26. concepts of democracy
    • majority rule
    • minority rights
    • individual freedom
    • neccesity of compromise
  27. free enterprise
    economic system allows most democracies to work
  28. 4 factors of free interprise
    • private ownership
    • individual initiative
    • profit
    • competition
  29. law of supply and demand
    • supply is high+demand is low= prices are low
    • supply is low+demand is high=prices are high
  30. government can...
    fully control an economy or let it be free
  31. u.s. uses a mixed economy to...
    • protect the public
    • preserve private ownership
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Unit 1 Chapter 1