Pearson Chpt 13 Lifespan Growth and Development

  1. Stage of Erickson's development:
    Trust vs mistrust
    birth to 1 year
  2. Stage of Erickson development:
    Autonomy vs shame
    1 to 3 years
  3. Stage of Erickson's development:
    Initiative vs. guilt
    3 to 6 years
  4. Stage of Erickson's development:
    industry vs. inferiority
    6 to 12 years
  5. Stage of Erickson's development:
    Identity vs. role confusion
    12 to 18 years
  6. Stage of Erickson's development:
    Intimacy vs isolation
    early adulthood
  7. Stage of Erickson's development:
    Generativity vs. stagnation
    middle adulthood
  8. Stage of Erickson's development:
    Ego integrity vs. despair
    older adulthood
  9. Stages of Piaget's development:
    (cause & effect)
    birth to 2 years
  10. Stage of Piaget's development:
    2 to 7 years
  11. Stage of Piaget's development:
    Concrete operational
    7 to 11 years
  12. Stage of Piaget's development:
    Formal operations
    11 years to death
  13. at what age does the anterior fontanels close?
    by 18 months
  14. at this age the gross motor development is still clumsy
    toddler 1 - 3 years of age
  15. at what age should the birth weight double?
    6 months
  16. at what age does the birth weight triple?
    1 year
  17. when do the posterior fontanels close?
    2 to 3 months
  18. This motor development is the use of hands and fingers to grasp objects.
    Fine motor development
  19. this motor development is developmental maturation in posture, head balance, sitting, creeping, standing, and walking
    Gross motor development
  20. Moro, tonic, gag, cough, grasp, rooting, babinski are all present at birth.  What are these
  21. startle reflex elicited by loud noise or sudden change in position
    Moro reflex
  22. elicted when infant lies supine and head is turned to one side; infant will assume a "fencing position"
    tonic neck reflex
  23. infant's hands and feet will grasp when hand or foot is stimulated
    grasp reflex
  24. elicited when side of mouth is touched, causing infant to turn to that side
    rooting reflex
  25. fanning of toes when sole of foot is stroked upward
    Babinski reflex
  26. how many words can an infant vocalize by 1 years old?
    4 words
  27. By age 1 to 3 toddler will learn:
    use a cup well by 15 months, build a tower of 2 tubs by 15 months, hold crayon with fingers by 24 to 30 months, good hand-finger coordination by 30 months and copy a circle by 3 yrs old.  this is all development of what motor?
    fine motor development
  28. parallel play during at this age
    toddler 1 to 3
  29. associative play during this age
    preschooler 3-5 yrs old
  30. cooperative play during this age
    school age 6 - 12 yrs old
  31. puberty during what age
    adolescent 13 to 18
  32. Infant and Toddlers:
    Regarding a child's reaction to illness and hospitalization, the goal of nursing intervention would be what?
    preserve child's trust
  33. Toddlers & Infants:
    uses of behavior representative of an earlier stage of development, often used to cope with stress or anxiety
  34. Some degree of separation anxiety  still exists at this age; they may become uncooperative, develop nightmares and become withdrawn or agressive
  35. At this age you should communicate openly and honestly, and clarify misconception
    School age children
  36. they react to loss of caregiver with behaivors such as crying, sleeping more, and eating less
  37. they may develop fearfulness, become more attached to remaining parent, cease walking and talking
  38. They have common behaviors: nightmares, bowel and bladder problems, crying, anger, and out of control behaviors
  39. these children have common behaviors: difficulty with concentration in school, psychosomatic complaints, acting-out behavior
    school-age children
  40. at this age they have a sense of invincibility confilcts with fear of death
  41. they have common behaviors: feeling of loneliness, sadness, fear, depression; acting out behavior may include risk-taking, delinquency, suicide attempts and promiscuity
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Pearson Chpt 13 Lifespan Growth and Development
Pearson Chpt 13 Lifespan Growth and Development