Virus, fungi

  1. Adenovirus
    • -respiratory virus
    • -common cold
  2. Hantaan virus (sin nombre)
    • -comes from Hanta river valley in Korea
    • -transmitted by mouse fecal material that becomes airborne
    • -No treatment (echmo machine)
  3. Norwalk virus (noravirus)
    • -discovered in ohio
    • -common in daycare centers
    • -causes diarrhea and vomiting
    • -lasts 2-3 days
    • -very resistant to disinfectants
    • -happens a lot on cruise ships
    • -wash hands copiously with soap and water
  4. Corona virus
    • -common cold
    • -causes cold in animals
    • -causes SARs
    • -very resistant
  5. Filovirus- Ebola virus
    • -causes cells to become liquified
    • -hemmorhagic fever
    • -90% death mortality rate
    • -monkeys may be the reservoir
    • -can be transmitted person to person
  6. Herpesvirus- Cytomegalovirus
    • -encephalitis
    • -respiratory problems
    • -birth defects
  7. Herpesvirus- EpsteinBarr virus
    • -causes berketss lymphoma
    • -cause mono
  8. Hepersvirus- Herpes simplex 1
    we all have it in our nerve cells
  9. Herpesvirus- Herpes simpex type 2
    • -no treatment
    • -can be caused by locations condomns do not cover
  10. Herpesvirus- varicella zoster
    • -chicken pox
    • -shingles- occurs in adults that have had chicken pox
    • -can be breathed in or through contact
  11. Human papillomavirus (HPV)
    • -warts
    • -all of us carry warts virus
    • -can be an STD
  12. Coxsakie virus
    • -endocarditis
    • -also causes hand foot mouth disease (blisters) up to 12 years old
    • -transmittable amongst kids
  13. Poliovirus
    • 2 types
    • 1. Sabum- attenuated virus. Give in muscle
    • 2. Salk- killed
    • -first mutltiply in gut
    • -waterborne disease
  14. Rhinovirus
    common cold
  15. Rotavirus
    • -common in daycare centers
    • -causes diarrhea
    • -oral fecal transmission
  16. Poxvirus
    small pox (there is also cow, camel and monkey pox)
  17. HIVĀ 
    • -HIV I
    • -HIV II
    • -retrovirus
    • -sex and blood transmission
    • -CCr5 mutation on this site seems to be immune to AIDs and bubonic plague
  18. Rabies
    vaccine= 5 shot series
  19. Togavirus
    • Rubella- german measles
    • Easter equine encephalomyelitis
  20. (Fungi) Candidial skin infection
    Candida albicans
  21. (fungi) Coccidioidomycosis
    caused by Coccidioides immitis
  22. (fungi) Cryptococcal
    Cryptococcus neoformans
  23. (fungi) Histoplasmosis
    Histoplasma capsulatum
Card Set
Virus, fungi
viruses that cause human disease, fungal diseases