anethesia flashcards.csv

  1. airway management
    ensuring an open airway to the patient's lungs.
  2. analgesia
    loss of pain sensation without loss of consciousness.
  3. analgesic
    drug that reduces pain
  4. anesthesia
    process of inducing a loss of sensitivity to pain in all or part of the body
  5. anesthesia conversion factor
    dollar amount assigned to a geographic location.
  6. anesthesia time unit
    based on total anesthesia time and reported as one unit for each 15 minutes (or fraction thereof) of anesthesia time.
  7. anesthesiologist
    physician who, after medical school, completes a one–year internship and three–year residency in anesthesia.
  8. anesthetic
    drug or agent that causes a loss of feeling
  9. arteriography
    visualization of an artery via x-ray after injection of a radiopaque.
  10. base unit value
    represents the degree of difficulty associated with providing anesthesia for a surgical procedure.
  11. cannula
    hollow needle.
  12. capnography
    monitoring carbon dioxide levels.
  13. caudal anesthesia; saddle block anesthesia
    local anesthetic injected into the caudal canal
  14. central nervous system (CNS)
    brain and spinal cord.
  15. central venous access device (CVAD)
    thin plastic tube that is inserted into a vein and connected to a monitor.
  16. central venous pressure (CVP) line; central venous pressure (CVP) catheter
    catheter that is inserted through a vein in the neck or a vein in the upper chest under the collarbone and then into a large central vein in the chest.
  17. certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA)
    licensed registered nurse who has earned a bachelor�s degree in science or nursing
  18. cleft lip
    congenital deformity of the upper lip that failed to close during development; types include unilateral
  19. concurrent medically directed anesthesia procedures
    maximum number of procedures an anesthesiologist or a CRNA medically directs within the context of a single procedure when the procedures overlap.
  20. Contrast Agent; Contrast Medium (plural is contrast media)
    radiopaque substances (solid or liquid) that obstruct the passage of x-rays, making the structure containing the agent appear white on radiographic film; administered to provide better radiographic visualization of organs studied.
  21. dura mater
    membrane that forms the outer covering of the central nervous system.
  22. electroconvulsive therapy (ECT); shock therapy
    briefly applying an electric current to the brain to produce a seizure; its purpose is to relieve depression
  23. electromyogram (EMG)
    nerve conduction study that plots the electrical activity produced by muscle contractions; results in a graphic tracing of a muscle's electrical activity at rest or during contraction; used to diagnose nerve and muscle disorders.
  24. emergency condition
    results when a delay in treatment of the patient would lead to a significant increase in threat to life or body part.
  25. endotracheal tube (ET)
    artificial airway used for short-term airway management or mechanical ventilation due to potential or actual respiratory system insufficiency.
  26. epidural anesthesia
    local anesthetic injected into the epidural space
  27. external catheter; non-tunneled catheter
    catheter that is not implanted under the patient's skin and does not require a needle to be inserted into the skin to deliver medications.
  28. extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)
    use of ultrasound shock waves to crush calculi (stones) located in the bladder
  29. extradural procedure
    performed on the outer side of the dura mater.
  30. field block
    subcutaneous injection of local anesthetic in area bordering the field to be anesthetized.
  31. fluid management
    administering IV fluids to avoid dehydration
  32. general anesthesia
    administration of anesthetic agents that are inhaled or administered intravenously.
  33. heparin
    anticoagulant that prevents blood clots from developing in a catheter.
  34. hypovolemia
    abnormally decreased blood volume.
  35. implanted port
    small reservoir that has a rubber plug attached to the catheter and is inserted into the patient's vein below the collarbone and threaded into the superior vena cava.
  36. infiltration anesthesia
    topical injection of local anesthetic into tissue.
  37. internal catheter; tunneled catheter
    catheter implanted completely under the skin.
  38. interventional therapeutic radiological procedures
    therapeutic application of radiation
  39. intra-arterial line; intra-arterial cannula; intra-arterial catheter; A-line
    thin plastic tube
  40. intracranial
    introduced into or within the skull.
  41. intravenous regional anesthesia; Bier block
    insertion of IV cannula into the extremity on which the procedure is to be performed and a tourniquet applied to interrupt blood circulation; then a large volume of local anesthetic injected into a peripheral vein
  42. lesion
    abnormal tissue resulting from autoimmune or metabolic disorders
  43. lithotripter
    device that administers a high-voltage electrical discharge through a spark gap under water
  44. local anesthesia
    applying a topical agent on the body's surface or injecting a local anesthetic agent for the purpose of numbing a small part of the body; appropriate for minor surgeries.
  45. lumbar puncture (LP); spinal tap
    inserting a cannula at the L3-4 or L4-5 (lumbar vertebrae) to remove cerebrospinal fluid for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
  46. lumen
  47. mass spectrometry
    monitors proper levels of the anesthetic.
  48. modifying unit
    part of anesthesia formula that recognizes added complexities associated with the administration of anesthesia
  49. monitored anesthesia care (MAC)
    administration of varying amounts of local
  50. nerve plexus
    network of intersecting nerves.
  51. one lung ventilation (OLV)
    isolation of the right or left lung so that one lung is ventilated and the other is allowed to collapse.
  52. organ harvest
    surgical removal of an organ for transplantation.
  53. panniculectomy
    surgical removal of excess abdominal panniculus.
  54. panniculus adiposus
    layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue
  55. pannus
    see panniculus adiposus.
  56. peripheral nerve blocks
    injection of local anesthetic in the vicinity of a peripheral nerve to anesthetize that nerve's area of innervation.
  57. physical status modifier
    added to each reported anesthesia code to indicate the patient's condition at the time anesthesia was administered.
  58. plexus anesthesia
    injection of local anesthetic in the vicinity of a nerve plexus.
  59. postanesthesia evaluation
    evaluation of the patient during recovery from anesthesia
  60. postoperative pain management
    administration of epidural or subarachnoid medications on the date(s) of service after the date of surgery.
  61. pre-anesthesia evaluation
    assessing information from the patient's record
  62. pulmonary wedge pressure
    indirect measurement of left atrial pressure that is useful in the diagnosis of left ventricular failure and mitral valve disease.
  63. pulse oximetry
    arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation.
  64. pump oxygenator
    device that substitutes for the heart (pump) and lungs (oxygenator) during open heart surgery.
  65. qualifying circumstances
    coded when anesthesia services are provided during situations or circumstances that make anesthesia administration more difficult.
  66. radiopaque
    cannot be penetrated by electromagnetic radiation.
  67. regional anesthesia
    anesthesia agents injected into or near the spinal fluid and around a nerve or network of nerves to block the nerve supply to a specific part of the body.
  68. sedation
    administration of medication into a vein to relieve pain and anxiety
  69. spinal anesthesia
    local anesthetic injected into cerebrospinal fluid at the lumbar spine
  70. surface anesthesia
    topical application of local anesthetic cream
  71. Swan-Ganz catheter
    thin, flexible, flow–directed multilumen plastic tube (or catheter) that is advanced from a peripheral vein into the right atrium and then positioned in a branch of the pulmonary artery.
  72. urethrocystoscopy
    visualization of urethra and urinary bladder.
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anethesia flashcards.csv
Chapter 10 Anethesia flashcards