Nutrition Patient Care 2

  1. What are you checking for in a clinical assessment of a patients nutritional risk
    • Socioeconomic status
    • Comorbid disesae status
    • Age: Adults over 75, kids under 5
    • Physical condition
  2. When looking at physical conditin for the clinical assessments what are you looking for
    Stress or burns which can increase metabloic demands

    Mechanical ventilation which increses demand since they aren't able to eat

    Theraputic bowel rest: nothing in GI
  3. When doing a dietary evaluation what is looked at
    • 24 hr food recall
    • Food records
    • Kcal count
  4. What type of feeding modalities are a high nurtitional risk
    • Parenteral feeding
    • Tube feeding
    • NPO
    • Clear liquids over 3 days
  5. Transition from a restrictive intervention to a regular dietary intake and modified diets that can cause nutrient deficiencies are ________ risk
  6. What type of diet maintains optimal nutritional status for those who don't need a modified diet, promotes health by reducing risk for chronic diet related issues, and may uses supplements
    Regular/general diet
  7. What diet is used to prevent dehydration and keep colon contents to a minimum
    clear liquid diet
  8. What are you allowed to eat on a clear liquid diet
    foods that are clear and liquid at room temp

    see through foods
  9. A clear liquid diet is a good source of what
    • fluids and water
    • jello, pop,broth
  10. A clear liquid diet is a bad source of what
    protein, fat, energy, fiber
  11. When is a liquid diet recommended
    short term(3-5 days)

    before surgery/procedures

    during acute illness stages
  12. What can you have on a full liquid diet
    clear fluid plus milk, pudding, ice cream, soups, yogurt
  13. What is a full fluid diet used for
    oral nourishment in patients who have a hard time chewing or swallowing solid food

    transition to a solid diet
  14. Why are nutritional supplements often used in a full liquid diet
    supply enough energy & nutrients
  15. What is a mechanically altered diet
    regular diet with attention to texture
  16. What should the food consistancy be for a mechanially altered diet
    depends on patients ability to chew and swallow
  17. What is a mechanically altered diet used for

    long-term for patients that have special needs
  18. What is a pureed diet
    essential nutrients in blenderized form
  19. Who has to be put on a pureed diet
    clients unable to chew or swallow
  20. Can a pureed diet be long term
  21. What types of food can be eaten on a soft diet
    easy to absorb, chew and digest foods

    low fiber, light seasoning

    hamburger, cooked carrots, mac&cheese , mashed potatoes, white(not wheat) bread
  22. What are soft diets used for
    transition from liquid to general
  23. Would a soft diet be appropriate for a patient on a pureed or mechanical soft diet
  24. When is a "diet as tolerated" normally ordered
  25. What is the purpose of a "diet as tolerated"
    allows patients preference and situation to be taken into consideration

    allows diet to progress at patient's tolerance
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Nutrition Patient Care 2
Nutrition Patient Care 2