Clinical Neurology Practical Final

  1. Patient has Upper Motor Neuron Lesion.
    What are the Pathological Reflex (Upper Limb) tests?
    • Gordon's Finger - pressing pisiform
    • Rossolimo's Hand Sign - tapping palmar side 3 MCP joint
    • Hoffman's - "OK" sign
    • *These are Bi-lateral tests
  2. Patient has Upper Motor Neuron Lesion.
    What are the Pathological Reflex (Head) test?
    • Snout Reflex - tapping face
    • *This is a Bi-lateral test
  3. Patient has Upper Motor Neuron Lesion.
    What are the Pathological Reflex (Lower Limb) tests?
    • Babinski - backwards "7" on plantar aspect of foot
    • Gordon's - squeezing calf
    • Chaddock's - "C" shape on lateral aspect of leg
    • Schaefer's - pinching KI-3, BL-60 Achilles
    • *These are Bi-lateral tests
  4. Patient has Dorsal Column Dysfunction.
    What test is performed?
    • Apallesthesia - tuning fork on any bony area (one above, one below)
    • *This is a Bi-lateral test
    • *You will self-stop the tuning fork, patient must will notify you when it stops
  5. Patient has Dorsal Column Dysfunction.
    What are the Akinesthesic test?
    • Romberg's - Jesus-like pose, head up, eyes closed
    • Positional Change Digits - pinching sides of 2 different fingers and patient will tell you what position it is going
    • *These are Bi-lateral tests
    • *Eyes closed
  6. Patient had Dorsal Column Dysfunction.
    What is the Absence of Deep Pressure test?
    • Abadie's Achilles - like Schaefer's but patient should feel pressure
    • *This is a Bi-lateral test
  7. Patient has Dorsal Column Dysfunction.
    What are the tests for Multi Modal Senstaions?
    • Stereognosis - identify different objects
    • Graphesthesia - writing numbers on palmar aspect of hand
    • Graphognosis - writing letters on palmer aspect of hand
    • *These are Bi-lateral tests
    • *Eyes Closed
  8. Patient has Cerebellar Dysfunction.
    What is the Ataxia test?
    Heel-to-Toe / Tandem Gait
  9. Patient has Cerebellar Dysfunction.
    What is the Dysdiadochokinesia test?
    • Finger Tapping - fingers to thumb
    • Hand Patting - alt. patting on thighs
    • Foot Patting - alt. foot tappping
    • Pronation/Supination - palms up / palms down
  10. Patient has Cerebellar Dysfunction.
    What is the Dysmetria test?
    • Finger-to-Nose
    • Finger-to-Finger
    • Heel-to-Knee (must perform this one)
    • Toe-to-Finger
  11. Patient has Cerebellar Dysfunction.
    What are the Rebound Phenomenon tests?
    • Holmes - face punch test
    • Andre Thomas - hand above head, should drop freely
    • Rebound Checking - hand out, slap down, should stabilze
  12. Patient has Cerebellar Dysfunction.
    What are the Accessory Movements tests?
    • Intention Tremors - grabbing object off table, no dragging to grasp
    • Nystagmus - shaking of eyes at extremities in "H in the sky" test
  13. Patient has Ankylosing Spondylitis.
    What are the tests performed?
    • Forestier's Bowstring Sign - hands on head, lateral bending
    • Lewin's Supine Test - situp w/o using arms
    • Chest Expansion - measure chest on inhale & exhale, (+) if > 3 cm
  14. What is the Soto Hall test?
    • Patient lays supine
    • Have patient "head down"
    • Test if (+) is there is pain anywhere in the body
  15. Patient has Meningitis.
    What are the tests performed?
    • Brudzinski's Test = Soto Hall + involuntary knee flexing (buckling) with diffuse pain
    • Kernig's Test = Soto Hall + involuntary flexion of the hip / knee on opposite side
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Clinical Neurology Practical Final