lecture 2.txt

  1. lecture 2
    molecules and bonds
  2. Know structure names of an atom. duhhh
    neutron, proton, valence electron, electron, orbitals
  3. ___ ___ share electrons that require energy to make or break bonds and some examples include covalent bond, polar covalent bond
    strong bonds
  4. ___ ___ share electrons equally; < 0.5 difference in electronegativity
    covalent bonds
  5. ___ ___ is a molecule with a partial negative and partial positive charge; 0.5-1.6 difference in electronegatively
    polar covalent bonds
  6. ____ is affinity for electrons
  7. __ is the attractions between charges that require no energy to make or break bonds. some examples include ionic, vander waals, hydrogen bonds
    weak bonds
  8. ___ ____ Is when electron is gasined by the more electronegative atom causing 2 ions
    ionic bonds
  9. ____ ____ are the interactions between dipoles of 2 molecules
    hydrogen bonds
  10. ____ ______ ______ is the hydrogen of a hydrogen bond
    hydrogen bond donor
  11. ___ ____ ___ is a partially negative molecule that attracts hydrogen
    hydrogen bond acceptor
  12. _____ _____ ____ ___ is temporary dipoles by random fluctuations that induce other dipoles
    van der waals interactions
  13. ____ ____ is the dipole cuased by a temporary dipole of another molecule
    induced dipole
  14. _____ ____ is the molecule with a partial positive end and partial negative end
    dipole moment
  15. ___ is the water molecules stick together due to hydrogen bonds
  16. _____ ____ is the energy needed to evaporate a molecule
    heat capacity
  17. ____ ____ is the hydrophobic molecules that are grouped together and surrounded by water
    hydrophobic effect
  18. ___ are molecules that have hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts
  19. __ are organized structure of amphipathicmolecules in water wehre hydrophilic end interacts with water and hydrophobic end is put in the middle
  20. ___are amphiphatic molecules in a confined space with a layer of hydrophilic then hydrophobic then hydrophilic
  21. ____ is water that can occasionally remove a hydrogen through hydrogen bonding
  22. ___ is a measure of H30+
  23. ___ is measure of OH-
  24. ____ are more protons in a solution
  25. ___is less concentrated protons in a solution
  26. ___ is when there is an equal number of H30+ and OH-
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lecture 2.txt
Micro 221 Lecture 2