Mucociliary escalator
mucus and cilia that protects the respiratory system
Strep throat
Pain, fever, hard to swallow; red throat due to lysing of epithelium, puss on tonsels; caused by group A strep which also causes impetigo and necrotizing facitiis
M protein
Responsible for late sequelae immune mimicry; also a C3b protease
Acute Rheumatic Fever
antibodies are made against M protein; they erode heart valves and allow surface for biofilm attachment; recruits NK cells and complement and nutrophils
Viridans Streptococcus
Bacteria that live in your mouth but can get into the blood stream; of you have a rhematic heart it can destroy the heart valve
subacute bacterial endocarditis
when viridans streptococcus invades the heart valve
caused by corynebacterium diptherae; produces AB toxin at low fe conditions; A stops protein synthesis
dead cells and bacteria that block the airway in diptheria; it can lead to heart failure and death; spread by respiratory droplets
diptheria immune globulin
antitoxin vaccine that injects antibodies into you
EENT infections
hemophils influenzae and strep pnemonia cause problems to ears, eyes, nose, and throat
Bacterial conjunctivitis
inflammation of membrane over the eye; puss and pink eye
Viral conjunctivitis
inflammation of membrane over the eye causing redness
Otitis Media
middle ear infections that causes puss and inflammation in the esacian tubes which can cause the ear drum to rupture
nasal infections causing headache, swelling, and puss in nasal secretions
secretion of fluid into lungs can be because of bacteria, virus, or dust; strep pneumoniae
Diplococci in PMNs
found in sputum in lungs and turns it pink
23-valent vaccine
against polysaccharide capsul which means it is T independent and useful for 6 months
causes the common cold; naked ssRNA spread by respiratory droplets; acid sensitive; binds to epithelial cell receptors
binds to capsid and inhibits receptor binding and uncoating; virus cant bind to receptor so uptake is prevented
naked ds DNA virus; causes cold and fever; pus can be present in the throat; spread in fecal matter and respiratory droplets