Lecture 28 notecards.txt

  1. Disease Reservoir
    Something a pathogen lives in between infecting hosts
  2. Zoonosis
    animal to animal reservoirs
  3. Portal of Exit
    how the pathogen exits a host (fecal, respiratory, sexual secretions)
  4. Portal of Entry
    how the pathogen enters a host
  5. Vertical Transmission
    From mother to Fetus or baby
  6. Horizontal Transmission
    Any transmission that isn't mother to fetus
  7. Contact Transmission
    have to come in contact with a person who is infected to get infected yourself
  8. Direct Contact
    organisms can survive on skin so touching the person you get the disease
  9. Indirect contact
    infected person touches something that infects someone else
  10. Fomite
    Non living thing that helps to transmit a disease
  11. Droplet Transmission
    type of indirect contact where sneeze or cough droplets infect someone within a meter
  12. Fecal- Oral Transmission
    Transmission from fecal exit to oral entry
  13. Food/Water Borne Disease
    Organisms that infect the food and water then infect humans
  14. Airborne Disease
    Organisms that can survive in dry conditions and live in the air
  15. Vector Borne Diseases
    transmission by mechanical or biological vectors
  16. Incidence
    number of new disease in a certain time period
  17. Prevalence
    Total number of cases at a certain time period
  18. Seasonal incidence
    Diseases with seasonal variations in the incidence rates
  19. Propagated epidemic
    disease is transports gradually host to host
  20. Common Source epidemic
    many cases all at once of a disease; ie food or water borne
  21. Epidemic
    localized high increase in prevalence
  22. Endemic
    localized low prevalence
  23. Pandemic
    Wide area of the disease is infected
  24. Quarantine
    Keeping sick people away from healthy people
  25. Notifiable Disease
    disease that CDC must be notified about
  26. Emerging disease
    superbugs that are antibiotic resistant
  27. re-emerging disease
    due to movement of people, diseases spike in new locations
  28. Nosocomial Infection
    acquired in a hospital
  29. Standard Precautions
    Handwashing, gloves, masks
  30. Droplet Precautions
    single rooms, masks
  31. Airborne Precautions
    negative pressure, masks
  32. Contact Precautions
    Gloves, Gowns
  33. Infection Control Practitioner
    someone who monitors diseases at hospitals and how they are passed
Card Set
Lecture 28 notecards.txt
Micro 221 Lecture 28