Lecture 25 notecards.txt

  1. Lecture 25
  2. Type 1 Hypersensitivity
    Allergic response mediated by IgE; immediate response
  3. IgE
    Fc part binds to mast cells causing sensitization
  4. Mast Cell
    Coated with IgE; Fab part binds to antigen; then releases the granules(histamine, leukotriene, prostaglandin)
  5. Prostaglandin
    released by mast cell after second exposure to an allergen
  6. Histamine
    cause mucus membranes to open and secrete fluid
  7. Leukotriene
    cytokine released by mast cell
  8. Sensitization
    first exposure of allergen which causes Fc part of IgE to attach to mast cells
  9. desensitization
    injection of allergen that causes it to bind to IgG so it can't bind to IgE; using anti IgE antibodies that doesn't allow it to bind to mast cells
  10. Anaphylaxis
    cause leaking of capillaries and hypovolemia leading to death
  11. Hay Fever
    Mucus membrane secretes fluids due to extra permeability in capillary bed
  12. Type II hypersensitivity
    cytotoxic response to haptens; cells are killed
  13. Hapten
    small molecule recognized by immune system
  14. ADCC
  15. Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn
    Baby is RH+ and has proteins on its RBC so mothers immune system attacks and kills the baby
  16. RhoGAM
    Anti RH antibodies given to mothers with RH+ babies and RH- blood
  17. Type III Hypersensitivity
    immune complexes are formed; mediated by antibody and antigen agglutination
  18. Immune Complex
    Antibody and antigen agglutination
  19. Antigen Excess
    Complexes formed are too small for immune system to recognize; get stuck in capillary membranes; NK and compliment system come in
  20. Type IV Hypersensitivity
    mediated by Th Cells and macrophages
  21. Cell mediated hypertoxicity
    causes tissue destruction due to poison ivy, tissue rejection
  22. Inflammation
    Reduced by Corticosteroids
  23. Anti-rejection Drugs
    Control T cells so rejection doesn't occur
  24. Immunocompromised
    weakened immune system due to anti-rejection drugs
  25. Autoimmune Disease
    Own proteins are recognized as foreign
  26. Myasthenia Gravis
    B cells recognize acetyl choline receptors so muscles can't contract
  27. Acetylcholine
    makes muscles contract
  28. Type I Diabetes
    Beta cells that produced insulin are recognized by Tc cells and are destroyed
  29. Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Collagen is recognized by Th cells to cause inflammation; B cells produced anti collagen antibodies --> type III hypersensitivity
  30. Lupus
    Pieces of DNA are recognized by B cells; immune complexes form; type III Hypersensitivity
  31. Graves' Disease
    Antibodies mimic TSH and overstimulate thyroid causing goiter
  32. Thyroid
    overstimulates in graves disease
  33. Goiter
    hyper active thyroid
  34. Oral Tolerance
    Oral presentation of antigens stimulates production of suppressor T cells
  35. Immunodeficiency Diseases
    person lacks part of the immune system
  36. Inherited IDD
    genetically inherited immunodeficiency
  37. Acquired IDD
    AIDS and measles; weakens immunity
Card Set
Lecture 25 notecards.txt
Micro 221 Lecture 25