lecture 22.txt

  1. Fab Antibody
    Antigen binding site of an antibody
  2. Fc Antibody
    Constant region of the antibody
  3. Variable Region
    place in antibody with variation that allows it to recognize a particular protein
  4. Constant Region
    not many variations in the part of the antibody
  5. Light Chain
    small region of antibody
  6. Heavy Chain
    The long chain of the antibody
  7. Neutralization
    bind to the viral capsid proteins and not allow them to bind to their receptor
  8. Agglutination
    clumps pathogens by binding them together so they can be easily phagocytized
  9. Opsonization
    attaches to pathogen as an "eat me" tag for phagocytes
  10. Antibody Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity
    Fab part of antibody binds to pathogen; fc part binds to NK cell which then kills the infected cell
  11. IgM
    First Antibody produced in response to an infection; Fc Parts bind to form pentameter; neutralizes, immobolizes, agglutinates, complement system; does NOT opsonize or ADCC
  12. IgG
    Major Circulating antibody in serum; long half life; transports across placenta; neutralies, immobolizes, agglutinates, opsonizes, complement, and ADCC; ALL 6!
  13. IgA
    forms dimer; most produced; secreted in mucous; found in breast milk; neutralizes and immobilizes
  14. IgD
    Short half life; found on memory cells and basophils in the lungs
  15. Class switching
    Antbodies begin as IgM, cytokines cause a developmental change, IgG is made in serum and IgA is made in secretions
  16. Immune Memory
    can produce IgG right away upon second exposure
  17. Somatic Recombination
    genes are put together in a variety of ways to account for the millions of antibodies
  18. V region
    variable region of the light chain
  19. D region
    diversity region of the light chain
  20. J region
    Joining region of light chain
  21. Clonal Selection
    Once activated Th cells binds to B cell it secretes cytokines which: 1. causes replication of B cell 2. turns some clones into plasma cells and some into memory B cells
  22. Plasma Cells
    secrete antibodies
  23. Clonal deletion
    Deletion of B cells that recognize self antigens
  24. Negative Selection
    B cells that bind an antigen in developing bone marrow die; B cells with no Th cell becomes anergic
  25. Anergic
    B cell that recognizes a self antigen but has activated Th cell and that lacks energy
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lecture 22.txt
Micro 221 lecture 22