lab 6-8.txt

  1. identification is based on
    metabolic differences
  2. Indole Test
    detects the production of indole from tryptophan
  3. Tryptophan is broken into
    Indole and Pyruvic acid
  4. tryptophanase breaks down
  5. Methyl Red
    tests for strong acid fermentation from fermentation
  6. Methyl red positive organisms have a _____ acid: alcohol ration
  7. methyl red medium
    MR-VP broth
  8. methyl red reagent
    Methyl Red
  9. Indole medium
    tryptone broth
  10. indole reagent
    kovac's reagent
  11. Vorges Proskauer positive organisms have a ___ acid:alcohol ratio
  12. VP media
    MR-VP broth
  13. VP reagent
    Barritt's A and B
  14. Oxidase Test
    oxidyzes the dye added if the organism has cytochrome C oxidase
  15. Oxidase media
  16. Oxidase reagent
  17. Catalase Test
    detects catalase
  18. Catalase
    breaks toxic forms of oxygen (H2O2) into water and oxygen
  19. Catalse Media
  20. Catalase reagent
  21. Urease Test
    detects urease
  22. Urease
    breaks urea into ammonium and carbon dioxide
  23. Urease Media
    Urea Broth
  24. Urea Reagent
    Phenol Red
  25. Cysteine Deulferase test
    detects cystein desulfurase
  26. cysteine desulfurase
    breaks cysteine into hydrogen sulfide and pyruvic acid
  27. H2S production media
    Kliglers Iron Agar
  28. H2S production reagant
    Ferrous Sulfide
  29. Ferrous Sulfide
    detects H2S by forming a black precipitate
  30. Effective UV wavelengths
  31. optimal wavelength
  32. 4 types of mutations that occur with UV radiation
    Hydrolysis of Cytosine, Thymine dimers, dimerisation of thymines, and distortion of the double helix
  33. Hydrolysis of Cytosine
    structural change to DNA
  34. Thymine Dimers
    connection of thymines on the same strand
  35. Dimerisation of thymines
    connection of thymines on opposite strands
  36. genotype
    genetic composition
  37. phenotype
    observable properties
  38. Silent mutations
    affects the genotype not the phenotype
  39. Phenotypic mutations
    affects both the phenotype and genotype
  40. lethal mutations
    results in cell death
  41. Photoreactivation
    cleavage of thymine timers by enzymes
  42. excision repair
    excision of damaged bases or reconstruction of a functional DNA molecule
  43. spore forming
    in adverse conditions spores are formed and germinate when conditions become favorable
  44. energy source of photoreactivation
  45. energy source of excision repair
    ATP hydrolysis
  46. energy source of recombination repair
    ATP hydrolysis
  47. New DNA template is formed
    recombination repair
  48. repair DNA template
    photoreactivation and excision repair
  49. Disinfectant
    destroys microorganisms on inanimate objects
  50. Antiseptic
    destroys microorganisms on living tissues
  51. chemotherapeutic agents
    chemicals that treat infections (antibiotics)
  52. Larger phenol coefficient means _____ effectiveness
  53. Use dilution method
    toothpicks are treated with different dilutions or varying times of agents and observed for prescence of growth
  54. agents that prevent growth at the greatest dilutions are considered the ___ effective
  55. Filter paper disc method
    detects inhibitory zone with chemical agent soaked filter paper
  56. Definition of a virus
    possess genetic material of its own, posseses specialized objects (capsid, shell)
  57. DNA bacteriophages
    T coliphages, phi chi 174, S13, gamma
  58. RNA bacteriophages M12
  59. T even phages
    similar in genetic and serological properties
  60. T5 phage
    resembles T even phages but retains ordinary cytosine
  61. T1, T3, T7 phages
    serologically and genetically unrealated to each other and others
  62. binal
    posses polyhedral head and helical tail
  63. binal head
    contains nucleic acid
  64. binal tail
    used for attachment
  65. Adsorption
    attachment to cell wall of host
  66. penetration
    nucleic acid inserts into host
  67. intracellular development
    phage replication by host
  68. maturation and lysis
    packaging and release
  69. lysongeny
    viral nucleic acid lives in host with no reprocutions to host
  70. temperate phages
    bacteriophages that produce lysogeny
  71. lysogens
    bacterial hosts to temparate phages (lysogeny)
  72. prophage
    latent non infectios form the temperate phage is carried in its host
Card Set
lab 6-8.txt
Micro 221 6-8