Male Reproductive Systems

  1. Balan/o
    Glans Penis
  2. Epididym/o
  3. Orcho/o
    Testis or testicle
  4. Perine/o
  5. prostat/o
  6. sperm/o
  7. vas/o
  8. scrotum
    A Bag  a skin covered pouch containing the testis
  9. sperm
    male gamete or sex cell produced in the testes that unites within the ovum
  10. epididymis
    coiled duct on top and at the sideo f the testis that stores sperm
  11. Penis
    ercetile tissue covered with skin that contains the urethra
  12. vas deferens
    duct that carries sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
  13. seminal vesicle 
    one of two sac like structures lying behind the bladder and connected to the vas deferens on each side
  14. Semen 
    mixture of th esecretions of the testes seminal vesicles prostate and bulbourethral glands
  15. ejaculatory duct
    duct fromed by the union of the vas deferens with the duct of the seminal vesicle
  16. prostate gland
    trilobular gland that encircles the urethra just below the bladder
  17. bulbourethral glands
    pair of glands below the prostate with ducts opening into the urethra 
  18. perineum
    external region between the scrotum and anus in a male and between the vulva in the female
  19. spermatic cord
    cord containing the vas deferens arteries veins lymph vessels and nerves
  20. aspermia 
    inability to secrete or ejaculate sperm
  21. azoospermia
    semen without living spermatozoa
  22. oligospermia 
    scanty production and expulsion of sperm
  23. mucopurulent discharge
    drainage of muscus and pus
  24. anorchism
    absence of one or both testes 
  25. balanitis
    inflammation of glans penis
  26. cryptorchism
    undescended testicle
  27. epididymitis
    inflammation of the epididymis
  28. hydrocele
    hernia of fluid in the testis or tubes
  29. hypospadias
    congenital opening of the male urethra on the undersurgace of penis
  30. Phimosis 
    narrowed condition of the prepuce resulting in its inability to be drawn over the glans penis
  31. benign prostatic hyperplasia hypertrophy
    enlargement of the prostate gland frequently seen in older men
  32. prostate cancer
    malignancy of the prostate gland
  33. prostatitis
    inflammation of the prostate
  34. spermatocele
    painless benign cystic mass containing sperm
  35. varicocele
    enlarged swollen herniated veins near the testis 
  36. Chlamydia
    most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection in north america
  37. gonorrhea
    contagious inflammation of the genital mucuous membranes caused by invasion of the gonococcus
  38. syphilis
    infectious disease caused by a spirochete transmitted by direct intimate contact that may involve any organ and tissue over time
  39. Hepatitis B Virus
    virus that causes inflammation of the liver
  40. prostate specific antigen test
    blood test used to screen for prostate cancer
  41. urethrogram
    xreay of urethra and prostate
  42. semen analysis
    study of semen including a sperm count
  43. endorectal sonogram of the prostate
    scan of the prostate made after introudcing an ultrasonic transducer into the rectum
  44. epididymectomy 
    removal of an epididymis
  45. orchiectomy
    removal of a testicle
  46. orchioplasty 
    repair of a testicle
  47. orchiopexy
    fixation of an undescended testis in the scrotum
  48. prostatectomy
    excision of the prostate gland
  49. transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
    removal of prostatic gland tissue through the urethra using a resectoscope. 
  50. Vasectomy
    Vremoval of a segment of the vas deferens
  51. vasovasostomy
    restoration of the function of the vas deferens to regain fertility after vasectomy
  52. BPH
    Benign prostatic hyperplasia hypertrophy
  53. PSA 
    Prostate specific antigen
  54. STD 
    Sexually transmitted disease
Card Set
Male Reproductive Systems
Chapter 16 Male reproductive Systems