1. What is the maximum crosswind component for formation landings and takeoffs?
  2. What is the minimum distance between aircraft at touch down on stream landings?
  3. What are the actions for loss of contact IMC?
    • Wingman is to: Alter heading 30 degrees away from the leader and call lost contact
    • Maintain the heading for 30s.
    • Lost contact in a turn towards wingman: leader is to roll wings level.
    • Turn away from the wingman: wingman roll wings level.
    • Leader is to: 
    • Arrange altitude seperation of at least 500ft
    • Give the wingman instructions to ensure seperation is maintained until join up can be affected (VMC)
  4. What is the definition of low flying?
    • Flight inside 1000ft MSD over populated areas and 500ft MSD elsewhere except when:
    • Conducting an approach or departure
    • overshoot from an approach to land, circling approach or published missed approach following an instrument approach.
    • at the hover or air taxiing
    • Conducting a recce cct
    • as otherwise stated
  5. When low flying, by how much are you to avoid towns?
    1.5nm and 1500ft MSD
  6. When low flying, by how much are you to avoid sensitive areas?
    1nm and 1000ft MSD
  7. When low flying, by how much are you to avoid Ski fields?
    Not to be overflown below 3000ft MSD or are to be avoided by5nm if below 3000ft.
  8. When low flying, by how much are you to avoid unattended airfields?
    • 3nm and not inside 3000ft MSD unless joining
    • within 10nm and below 3000ft are to broadcast position and intentions
  9. What are the sensitive areas?
    • Restricted areas
    • Hospitals
    • Civilian low flying areas
    • Volcanic ash or dust
    • Observation posts, platforms and lookouts for known scenic attractions
    • Nursing homes or sanatoriums
    • Zoos, parks, sanctuaries and reserves containing wildlife
    • Mountainous areas known to carry high risk of avalanche
    • Areas of animal husbandry
    • Locationsof Concerned Citizens
  10. What are the applicable minimums for low flying over land by day, night and IMC?
    • Day: 250ft MSD or 50ft when specifically authorised
    • Night: 1000ft MSD
    • IMC: Not below MSA/MFA
  11. What are the applicable minimums for low flying over water by day, night and IMC?
    • Day VMC: 300ft MSD
    • IMC/ Night VMC: 500ft with reliable QNH otherwise 1000ft
  12. MSDs for practice EFATOs
    Not initiated below 300ft MSD. Recovered by 150ft MSD
  13. MSDs for PFLs
    150ft CLFA, 250ft in Foxtrot, 500ft elsewhere, to touchdown at airfields
  14. What are the airtrainer Crew Rest requirements?
    • Max 12hours in any single flying duty period. Min 12 hours rest.
    • Max flying hours for students:
    • 6hrs (or 3 sorties) in 24hrs
    • 7hrs in 48hrs (or 7 sorties)
    • 18 hrs in 7 days
    • 35 hrs in 30 days
    • 100hrs in 90 days
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Applicable DFFO's